Die schönsten Zitate und Sprüche (Seite 355)

Die schönsten Zitate und Sprüche (Seite 355)

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Ich habe eine Botschaft für alle jungen Musiker auf der Welt: Bleibt euch selbst treu, glaubt an euch und arbeitet hart!
Everybody was saying we must have more leisure. Now they are complaining they are unemployed.
Alles was nicht von Gott erfunden wurde, hat ein Ingenieur erfunden.
Eine Pistole ist in den Händen eines Verrückten genauso gefährlich wie ein Cricket Schläger.
Kino ist eine Kunstform, das Resultat der Hingabe mehrerer Menschen.
Moral hängt von der eigenen Freiheit ab, und es erfordert einiges Nachdenken, um zu wissen, wo man die Grenze zieht.
Das Leben ist eine Ansammlung von Ereignissen.
Es ist zum Trend in Bollywood geworden, ein Six-Pack zu haben. Aber hier sind es nicht die Bauchmuskeln oder die Oberarme, die uns cool machen. Hier unten tragen wir dafür Schnurrbärte.
I love songs that have a rocking and grooving feeling.
In the end, I don't think you can find soul. Soul finds you.
Europe is usually where I am usually galloping around.
Wenn man jung und unbesorgt ist, versteht man nicht, dass wenn man einen Schritt zu weit geht, es schwierig sein kann, zurück zu kommen.
Ich bin an einem Punkt in meinem Leben, an dem ich lieber gute Kerle spiele als böse.
You know, after filming the movie the book was still just as big. I think it was actually bigger. I think Stephen King went back and wrote extra pages. He's fantastic.
Sharks will scare me. I went out to Malibu a couple of weeks ago. Beautiful, clear day, out in five feet of water, going to surf, and there was this big ol' freakin' leopard shark... I'm looking at him and I'm thinking, 'OK, he won't hurt me.'
I had a Dan Fouts Nike poster with 'The Bomb Squad' on my wall as a kid. I was also a huge Larry Bird fan. One of my proudest art achievements is a papier-mache eagle decked out head-to-toe in Celtics gear.
The basic thing a man should know is how to change a tyre and how to drive a tractor. Whatever that bearded dude is doing on the Dos Equis beer commercials sets the bar. That's your guy. Every man should be aiming to be like him. The beard is just the tip of the iceberg.
I don't think a prostitute is more moral than a wife, but they are doing the same thing.
God has never, in the history of mankind, allowed his name to go long offended.
In these times, God's people must trust him for rest of body and soul.
Our nation is being led astray by ungodly judges, mayors and governors, who are given to change, defying the Constitution and substituting their own wicked agendas.
Likewise today, some Christians are content to merely exist until they die. They don't want to risk anything, to believe God, to grow or mature. They refuse to believe his Word, and have become hardened in their unbelief. Now they're living just to die.
As I look back over fifty years of ministry, I recall innumerable tests, trials and times of crushing pain. But through it all, the Lord has proven faithful, loving, and totally true to all his promises.
Das Leben muss sein wie eine Achterbahnfahrt mit Hochs und Tiefs. Sonst ist es nicht aufregend.
All life demands struggle. Those who have everything given to them become lazy, selfish, and insensitive to the real values of life. The very striving and hard work that we so constantly try to avoid is the major building block in the person we are today.
The world calls for, and expects from us, simplicity of life, the spirit of prayer, charity towards all, especially towards the lowly and the poor, obedience and humility, detachment, and self-sacrifice. Without this mark of holiness, our word will have difficulty in touching the heart of modern man.
Als ich jünger war, habe ich Musik als Farbe wahr genommen und das Leben als Grau. Musik war für mich schon immer mehr als Unterhaltung.
The bad part about growing older is I'm going bald. The good part is my nose seems to be getting shorter.
If I told you what it takes to reach the highest high you'd laugh and say nothing that simple, but you've been told many times before messiah's point you to the door though no one's got the guts to leave the temple.
I felt that the elegance of pop music was that it was reflective: we were holding up a mirror to our audience and reflecting them philosophically and spiritually, rather than just reflecting society or something called 'rock and roll.'
Ich glaube man sollte tun, worin man am besten ist.
I am a commercial hero, and I will never leave that genre. And having an image of a mass hero, I will spoil the whole script in the wake of being too experimental.
I love being called NTR's grandson. I never moved away from his shadow, maybe because I didn't try enough or maybe because I like it this way.
During the early stages of our married life, Pranathi did struggle to adjust for a few months. But she is a very strong woman mentally, stronger than me.
Sei die Heldin deines Lebens, nicht das Opfer.
Ich bin als Anführer geboren, nicht als Mitläufer. Ich habe noch nie Gruppenzwang gespürt. Wenn die Gruppe nach links geht, gehe ich nach rechts.
I just bring a black turtleneck sweater everywhere - it's the greatest purchase of my life. Period.
Nothing like mashed potatoes when you're feeling blue. Nothing like getting into bed with a bowl of hot mashed potatoes already loaded with butter, and methodically adding a thin, cold slice of butter to every forkful.
I am the kind of person who really will drive hours for a bowl of chili. I'm not a three-star restaurant kind of a person; I'm just a food person.
Jeder liebt frittiertes Hähnchen. Mach es niemals selbst. Niemals. Kauf es von einem Laden, der gutes frittiertes Hähnchen macht.
Wenn jemand gut ist in dem was er tut, inspiriert er auch die Menschen um sich herum dazu, groß zu werden.
Nothing has been given to Deontay Wilder. So with that being said, nothing is going to be taken from me. So I must stay focused. I must. I must. It is an absolute must to stay focused.
People have to realize that God has blessed me with power. He hasn't got me this far for no reason. I feel like God has a plan for me in this sport. That's how I have came up this fast.
Geduld zu haben ist eines der schwersten Dinge am Mensch sein. Wir wollen es jetzt und wir wollen nicht warten. Manchmal vergessen wir das, wenn wir Dinge überhasten und sie in unserem Tempo erledigen wollen.
A dimple on the chin, the devil within.
As a young man, every bone in my body wanted to pick up a machine gun and kill Germans. And yet I had absolutely no reason to do so. Certainly nobody invited me to do the job. But that's what I felt that I was trained to do. Now no part of my upbringing was militaristic.
Ich vermisse dich mehr als ich geglaubt habe; und ich war vorbereitet dich sehr zu vermissen.
Damit die Tage nicht leer vorüber ziehen, ist es wichtig zu schreiben.
Nichts verschafft einem so schnell Achtung, wie wenn man seine Mitmenschen wissen lässt, dass man ihnen gewachsen ist.
Junge Leute zwingen uns, vorwärts auf ein Leben voll Mühe und Anstrengung zu blicken. Alte Leute erlauben uns, rückwärts auf ein Leben zu schauen, dessen Mühen endgültig vorüber sind.
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