Die schönsten Zitate und Sprüche (Seite 323)

Die schönsten Zitate und Sprüche (Seite 323)

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Eine Gesellschaft ist nur dann demokratisch, wenn die schwächste und zurückhaltendste Person die gleichen zivilen, wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Rechte und Möglichkeiten genießen darf, die die größten und mächtigsten in ihr besitzen.
Lincoln was the spokesman of the rising capitalist class of the North, who viewed the emancipation of Negro slaves as indispensable to the development and triumph of the manufacturers and bankers of the industrial North, East and West over the slave-holder of the South.
The Negro was a political football between his former slave master and Northern political adventurers. The economic basis of this contest was the power to tax, to float bonds, to award franchise: in short, to gain control over the financial resources of the newly organized States.
Die U.S.-Bundesbehörde hat berichtet, dass Menschen mit einem Bachelor-Abschluss in ihrer Lebenszeit im Durchschnitt eine Millionen Dollar mehr verdienen, als alle mit einem Highschool-Abschluss.
I personally pledge myself to openly counsel, aid, and abet youth, both black and white, to quarantine any Jim Crow conscription system.
67 Prozent aller neu diagnostizierten AIDS-Fälle sind Afro-Amerikanische Frauen.
More than 26,000 lives may be lost to the effects of drug abuse this year. This tragic impact is felt in communities across this great nation. Sadly many of these deaths occur among our young people.
My mom and dad, although they may not have had a lot of formal education, they were two of the most brilliant people that I know.
You must have confidence in your competence.
Für mich ist Freundschaft eine Verbindung, die alle Hindernisse überschreitet.
Cricket ist meine Leidenschaft; meine erste Liebe.
It's very hard to find true friends when your life is a bumpy ride full of twists and turns. But, I'm glad that amidst all the ramblings in my life I have managed to win some great friends.
I think cricket is there in Usain Bolt's blood. Since I got to watch from close quarters, it was amazing to see him run up to bowl. The perfect delivery stride is understandable because he is a world champion athlete. But the manner - he loaded at the crease and then bowled the ball - left me zapped. He looked like a natural cricketer.
I am very emotional. It took me many years to recover from the death of my father. Even when I was playing cricket, I wasn't happy. I would just sit and cry. I was very young. He was too young; he shouldn't have gone. Cricket is all right. We all play sport. Good and bad days come.
'Guten Morgen' ist ein Widerspruch in sich.
Katzen regieren die Welt.
I'm still a farm boy at heart. If I hadn't suffered from asthma as a child, I would be a farmer today.
Gemüse gehört in jeden Ernährungsplan. Ich empfehle Karottenkuchen, Zucchinibrot und Kürbiskuchen.
There are so many opportunities in life, that the loss of two or three capabilities is not necessarily debilitating. A handicap can give you the opportunity to focus more on art, writing, or music.
Wut ist die Erscheinung tieferer Probleme... wie Unsicherheit, Selbstbewusstsein und Einsamkeit.
Ich mache keine Diät. Ich rauche. Ich trinke hin und wieder. Ich trainiere nie.
Jeder macht Fehler. Nur so lernt man und nur so funktioniert die Welt.
Beim Style geht es um Selbstbewusstsein. Was man trägt, ob Kleidung oder Schmuck, sollte zum eigenen Selbstbewusstsein beitragen.
Es war immer mein Ziel, ein Teil von guten Filmen zu sein.
Man muss seine Komfortzone verlassen, um sich herauszufordern.
I chose my own path because that was the only way.
Ich unterstütze die Frauenbewegung für Gleichberechtigung.
Im Leben gibt es Gutes, Böses, Liebe und Hass. Was wir wählen und anstreben liegt in unseren Händen.
Apart from 'VIP' being a blockbuster movie, the various characters such as mine, the Luna bike I use in the movie, the lovable amma and appa, a pet dog named Harry Potter, the innocent brother, etc., had a huge reach among the audiences.
I think it is not easy to impress a girl, especially with the looks that I have. It is quite tough.
A villain can be stylish, and his actions don't have to be explained. Heroes are boring in comparison, even anti-heroes, as there's always a justification for their bad actions.
I don't know why, but rain comes into my head the minute I think of my childhood.
Das Leben besteht aus kleinen Freuden. Glück besteht aus winzigen Erfolgen. Die Großen passieren zu selten. Und wenn man nicht auch die kleinen Erfolge sammelt, bedeuten die großen überhaupt nichts.
Even when they don't know who Nixon was, these shows will continue to play.
I think the greater responsibility, in terms of morality, is where leadership begins.
We got ratings. It isn't that they won't quarrel with you, or say you're always right. But as long as you stay strong and the ratings are good and you're reasonable - I don't think we fought unreasonably. We basically won that right.
Life is about having a good time, and it was a good time. We did some things well and some things poorly, but that was always the case.
Verlust und Besitz, sterben und leben sind eins. Wo die Sonne nicht scheint, da fällt auch kein Schatten.
From quiet homes and first beginning, out to the undiscovered ends, there's nothing worth the wear of winning, but laughter and the love of friends.
Statistics are the triumph of the quantitative method, and the quantitative method is the victory of sterility and death.
The grace of God is courtesy.
I have wandered all my life, and I have also traveled; the difference between the two being this, that we wander for distraction, but we travel for fulfillment.
Der frühe Vogel fängt den Wurm. Der frühe Wurm... wird gegessen.
Bulls do not win bull fights. People do.
Einer der angsteinflößendsten Sätze der heutigen Zeit ist, "Der Computer ist abgestürzt."
Motivation wird Talent fast immer besiegen.
It's easy to get a loan unless you need it.
Verliere deine Träume und du verlierst auch deinen Verstand.
Die Vergangenheit ist ein toller Ort und ich will sie weder vergessen noch bereuen, aber ich will auch nicht ihr Gefangener sein.
You wake up in the morning and you look at your old spoon, and you say to yourself, 'Mick, it's time to get yourself a new spoon.' And you do.
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