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Die schönsten Zitate und Sprüche (Seite 310)

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I love cake or any sweets.
If you work hard, nothing is impossible.
For me, the biggest thing is someone who's kind. I'm not into the bad-boy thing.
I like Mysuru Palace, which is always a great place to visit.
Justifying conscription to promote the cause of liberty is one of the most bizarre notions ever conceived by man! Forced servitude, with the risk of death and serious injury as a price to live free, makes no sense.
There is only one kind of freedom and that's individual liberty. Our lives come from our creator and our liberty comes from our creator. It has nothing to do with government granting it.
You can't go wrong with relatively simple comfort food. It's also about ease. Some cook to impress. I cook for people to enjoy the food.
The best way to get anybody's attention is dinner. I have good kitchen skills and good grocery shopping skills.
When monetary policy destroys the currency, it always destroys the middle class.
I have never met anyone who did not support our troops. Sometimes, however, we hear accusations that someone or some group does not support the men and women serving in our Armed Forces. But this is pure demagoguery, and it is intellectually dishonest.
Real patriotism is a willingness to challenge the government when it's wrong.
Always be yourself. At the end of the day, that's all you've really got; when you strip everything down, that's all you've got, so always be yourself.
We took such a beating on Bofors. As far as I know, no one from my government was involved.
In Kashmir, you need utmost cooperation between all centres of authority.
People who are overweight don't want unsolicited advice. Guess what. We know we're fat. We live in homes with mirrors.
Tuesday nights are sushi nights, so we go out then.
We must remember that self-reliance and eradication of poverty demands - indeed, compel - the present generation to bear hardship and make sacrifices. Those who are employed have a duty to the future of India. They have to be more productive and consume less so that resources can be made available for investment and for programmes to help poor.
The secretariat will play a pivotal role in decision-making above a certain level, where basic policies are involved, but below that, we will have to leave the implementation to whoever is in charge.
For some days, people thought that India was shaking. But there are always tremors when a great tree falls.
There are always generic terms like 'Americana', but there are no boundaries as to where it can go.
I think Led Zeppelin must have worn some of the most peculiar clothing that men had ever been seen to wear without cracking a smile.
Most of the time it's the parents who recognise me. They try to tell their kids, 'Look, it's Giselle,' and I say, 'No, no, no, don't ruin this for them,' because I'm usually standing there with my hair sideways and no make-up on. And the kid is saying, 'That is not Giselle. No way. That is some worn-out girl who really needs a bath.'
When you're picking up and moving, it does create... well, I can sleep anywhere, which is really useful, it turns out, on movie sets. But what it really does is teach you how to adapt and change and fit into a new group or school, and that really is a lot like turning up to a new movie project and finding your place.
Being pregnant finally helped me understand what my true relationship was with my body - meaning that it wasn't put on this earth to look good in a swimsuit.
My vocal style I haven't tried to copy from anyone. It just developed until it became the girlish whine it is today.
It's sort of a feeling of power onstage. It's really the ability to make people smile, or just to turn them one way or another for that duration of time, and for it to have some effect later on. I don't really think it's power... it's the goodness.
When I died my hair red the first time, I felt as if it was what nature intended. I have been accused of being a bit of a spitfire, so in that way, I absolutely live up to the stereotype. The red hair suits my personality. I was a terrible blonde!
I like Cinderella, I really do. She has a good work ethic. I appreciate a good, hard-working gal. And she likes shoes. The fairy tale is all about the shoe at the end, and I'm a big shoe girl.
Ich glaube daran, Familientraditionen zu schaffen. Jeden Dienstag gibt es bei uns ein ausgiebiges Frühstück, das wir alle zusammen essen.
Let me say this as clearly as I can: No matter how sharp a grievance or how deep a hurt, there is no justification for killing innocents.
Character is a journey, not a destination.
Work is about more than making a living, as vital as that is. It's fundamental to human dignity, to our sense of self-worth as useful, independent, free people.
If you live long enough, you'll make mistakes. But if you learn from them, you'll be a better person. It's how you handle adversity, not how it affects you. The main thing is never quit, never quit, never quit.
Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one.
Wenn du deine Ehe am Laufen halten willst, solltest du es immer zugeben, wenn du Unrecht hast; Wenn du Recht hast, dann halt die Schnauze.
It turns out that advancing equal opportunity and economic empowerment is both morally right and good economics, because discrimination, poverty and ignorance restrict growth, while investments in education, infrastructure and scientific and technological research increase it, creating more good jobs and new wealth for all of us.
Presence is more than just being there.
A door is what a dog is perpetually on the wrong side of.
I have always maintained that society has no business dictating morality.
The best vision is insight.
Failure is success if we learn from it.
Diversity: the art of thinking independently together.
I do not like to get the news, because there has never been an era when so many things were going so right for so many of the wrong persons.
Parents were invented to make children happy by giving them something to ignore.
Happiness is having a scratch for every itch.
My abilities grow with each job, whether it's writing or directing. When I stop learing, I'll stop working.
I don't trust anybody who didn't inhale.
Henry Fonda's son: That's how everybody identified me until Easy Rider came along. Good old Captain America.
I want to be on set and die hearing those words: Where's Peter?
Wer uns kennt, weiß, dass wir die Eier haben, so zu spielen.
Steffen Baumgart (als Trainer beim SC Paderborn) - August 2019, nach Aufstieg in die 1. Bundesliga
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