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Die schönsten Zitate und Sprüche (Seite 283)

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Political promises are much like marriage vows. They are made at the beginning of the relationship between candidate and voter, but are quickly forgotten.
Love is very dangerous if you just have love and don't have the ability to be lovable.
If they took all the drugs, nicotine, alcohol and caffeine off the market for six days, they'd have to bring out the tanks to control you.
Kunst ist immer für jeden und für niemanden gedacht.
Opera is a beautiful and important diversion for me.
Man cannot produce a single work without the assistance of the slow, assiduous, corrosive worm of thought.
Ich suche nicht nach Poesie. Ich warte darauf, dass die Poesie mich besucht.
I want to reach as many people as possible with the message of music, of wonderful opera.
Wenn man mit umwerfenden Menschen arbeitet, entwickelt man sich weiter, als Schauspieler und als Mensch.
Ich liebe Hunde.
I'm so excited. I love Peeta so much. I think that over the course of the next couple of books, he has so many interesting places to go to, character-wise. I'm ready to dive full-force into it. When I saw the movie actually, it got me energized. 'Let's go get some cameras! Let's go shoot the second one right now!'
I don't think I've had love at first sight. But, I've definitely had moments where I've seen a person, and I'm like, 'Wow, there is something different about you, and I really want to get to know you.'
T-shirt and jeans style now is where I'm at. Maybe a little rock 'n' roll T-shirt and jeans.
Ich habe nie an den Weihnachtsmann geglaubt, weil mir klar war, dass sich kein weißer Typ Nachts in meine Nachbarschaft trauen würde.
Kein Mensch auf dieser Erde ist perfekt. Jeder hat seine Fehler; jeder hat seine Laster und Geheimnisse.
Wenn Arbeit etwas Gutes wäre, würden die Reichen sie für sich behalten und dir nichts davon abgeben.
Ich versuche die Stellen wegzulassen, die meine Leser überspringen.
Having a solo career is a funny thing.
The younger generation gives me more respect than I could ever hope for.
When I was a kid, I always looked up to people like B.B. King and Ray Charles.
I would say just start writing. You've got to write every day. Copy someone that you like if you think that perhaps could become your sound, too. I did that with Hemingway, and I thought I was writing just like Hemingway. Then all of a sudden it occurred to me - he didn't have a sense of humor. I don't know anything he's written that's funny.
I don't have any of the modern electronics at all. I know the Internet would be a distraction. I would see things that interested me and never get back to writing.
The first thing I ever did was play talent shows at the Uptown Theater and the Adelphi Ballroom.
Reject what you don't want. Get rid of dead wood.
There are cities that get by on their good looks, offer climate and scenery, views of mountains or oceans, rockbound or with palm trees. And there are cities like Detroit that have to work for a living.
As a parent, you have to figure out how to shape your kid's character. You want to have human beings who learn about good character. You have to be able to see your child with clarity, see the good side and the bad side of them, and work on the bad side and make them better so they fulfill their potential.
I take parenting incredibly seriously. I want to be there for my kids and help them navigate the world, and develop skills, emotional intelligence, to enjoy life, and I'm lucky to be able to do that and have two healthy, normal boys.
I play- it's kind of like a slice-of-life, LA women in their forties, playing forty kind of what's their friendship like, and what's their life like and so I just play one of the four friends.
I think there's nothing better than laughing in life, so that's nice, to be thought of as someone who can make someone laugh. It's 'cause I think life is hard. You know, my dad was a really silly man. A great Irish silly man. And that's fine.
I think just because life is hard, it does seem fun to have a break and laugh about things, so I think in the end, my instincts go there.
Of all human activities, man's listening to God is the supreme act of his reasoning and will.
When freedom does not have a purpose, when it does not wish to know anything about the rule of law engraved in the hearts of men and women, when it does not listen to the voice of conscience, it turns against humanity and society.
Ich habe mehrfach betont, dass Manuel Neuer auch mit Blick auf die Europameisterschaft unser Kapitän und somit für uns aktuell auch unsere Nummer eins ist – wenn nichts Außergewöhnliches passiert.
Jogi Löw - Oktober 2019
Ich mache keine Fehler. Ich mache Vorhersagen, die sich dann sofort als falsch erweisen.
Eine Sache, die mich das Modeln gelehrt hat ist, dass das Spotlight alles verändert.
That's history. I say history because it happened in the past.
Das Leben lehrt einen viele Lektionen, manche lernen daraus, manche nicht.
You can cut the tension with a cricket stump.
Wie soll die Erde in hundert Jahren aussehen? Jeder sollte zusammen kommen, um die Erde zu einem besseren Ort zu machen.
It is important for me that I represent a brand that reflects my personality.
I'm a car fanatic and each morning I wake up with a smile on my face, whether I'm commentating on the Formula One or at Silver Hatch racetrack in Roary the Racing Car.
IF is a very long word in Formula One; in fact, IF is F1 spelled backwards.
When a woman has her first child in places like Africa, they're really young. They can be 12, 13,14, so their frames are really small, and they're usually malnourished.
The most inspiring piece of advice I've gotten is simply to persevere. My mom taught me to always keep going no matter what from an early age. When it feels too difficult to push forward, I always remind myself, 'This too shall pass,' and then I redouble my efforts.
Natürlich bringt Talent dich bis zu einem gewissen Punkt, aber dann kommt es darauf an, wie du damit umgehst.
I consider myself more of a loner now and I think when you get older, especially in this game, and just talking with other players who have come and gone, I see what they were saying when I was a young guy in the locker room.
I know it's not a one man team win or lose.
Jeder Tag kann nicht perfekt sein.
Was ich habe, will ich nicht verlieren, aber
wo ich bin, will ich nicht bleiben, aber
die ich liebe, will ich nicht verlassen, aber
die ich kenne, will ich nicht mehr sehen, aber
wo ich lebe, will ich nicht sterben, aber
wo ich sterbe, da will ich nicht hin
bleiben will ich, wo ich nie gewesen bin.
Es ist unmöglich, Anstrengungen, Widrigkeiten und Schmerzen immer zu verhindern.
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