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What makes me furious, not just because we're in an interview, but I don't like when writers take your words and put them somewhere else, in the wrong context in their own article about you.
I've been playing against older and stronger competition my whole life. It has made me a better tennis player and able to play against this kind of level despite their strength and experience.
I have had lots of luck in my career but there has also been a lot of hard work.
What I work hard at doing is staying on a path of being kind and showing and proving that I'm a good person to society. That's hard. The talent, that's a gift. I just came here like that.
If you are a writer, Saturday and Sunday don't mean anything.
My friends joke that I raised the Titanic and never left the Rockies.
When I first started writing, I was in advertising at the time, I was doing most of my writing on weekends. I had studied most of the other series heroes and I figured it would be fun for mine to be different and put him in and around water. So I dreamed up Dirk Pitt.
I'm just like every other girl who likes to shop, likes to look good, likes to spend time with friends.
I learned there's a big difference between juniors and the pros.
When I was in the military, I socked away $100 every month. When I was discharged in 1954, I got home at 5 A.M. By 10 A.M., I was pulling out of a foreign car dealership in Pasadena in a new Jaguar XK120.
She had the kids during the day and I would have them at night. That way they were never alone. I would put the kids to bed, and then I had nothing to do and nobody to talk to, so I would write.
I began to think my time had come, as the saying is.
After crossing the Smoky Hill River, I felt comparatively safe as this was the last stream I had to cross.
I felt only as a man can feel who is roaming over the prairies of the far West, well armed, and mounted on a fleet and gallant steed.
As a good horse is not very apt to jump over a bank, if left to guide himself, I let mine pick his own way.
General Custer was a close observer and student of personal character.
Ich habe ihn nie als Berühmtheit gesehen und nie nur als einen umwerfenden Basketballspieler. Er war mein Ehemann und der Vater unserer Kinder. Er war mein. Er war mein ein und alles.
Vanessa Bryant - Februar 2020
Die Liebe und Unterstützung die meine Familie aus der ganzen Welt erfahren hat, war so rührend. Vielen Dank für alle eure Gebete.
Vanessa Bryant - Februar 2020
Als ich meinen Freunden erzählt habe, dass ich Comedian werde, haben sie über mich gelacht.
Carrot Top ist ein Spitzname, den die Leute mir gegeben haben und ich dachte, er lässt sich gut vermarkten.
The toughest part for me is the city - the people. They've got burgers named after me in Orlando, they've got a Web site saying, "Please stay." I love the people in the city. I've literally sat on the bench with a towel on my head crying, because I feel the passion in the stands.
Ich bin der Traum jeder Frau und der Alptraum jedes Mannes.
None of this was written to hurt anybody's feelings.
I was tortured, and probably half of it was deserved, but I was bullied - so much so that there were days when I was like, 'I can't go to school today.' I was too scared.
It's a pleasure to play my sister because everything I've accused her of my whole life, I can now re-enact before her eyes.
It's a dream come true to have someone else portray me. Because I've been living this life for a long time, and I'm over myself.
Don't think about anything for too long. Even if it's off-the-wall, go for it. You'll have a lot more fun in life.
Everything isn't permanent, so don't pretend that it is. Everything's supposed to move and shift.
Alle Frauen wollen mit mir sein, alle Männer wollen sein wie ich.
To be the man, you gotta beat the man!
I can take more punishment than anyone in the business.
I always thought marketing in general was an interesting kind of thing. I always liked commercials and billboards.
I always make fun of KISS because I don't particularly think their music is anything.
I firmly believe in copyrights and am put off by plagiarism.
Comics gönnen sich gegenseitig keinen Erfolg.
I write linearly without knowing the full story. I discover it as I write it.
Ich gebe alles. Und wenn ich nicht mehr spiele, will ich Sheriff oder Polizeichef werden, entweder in Miami oder in Orlando, mal sehen.
Generally, I feel I'm cast aside because of the kind of movies that I make.
All the women close to me - my mother, sister, wife and friends - are strong and independent.
There's nothing quite like a quiet corner in a coffee shop to gather your thoughts and begin writing.
Orlando ist meine Heimat. Sie ist meine Zufluchts-Stadt.
The attacks in Orlando - the worst mass shooting and the worst attack on the LGBTQ community in our history - shocked the conscience of our nation.
Das Jahr 2020 muss in die Geschichte eingehen als das Jahr, in dem Deutschland endlich ernst macht gegen Rechtsradikale & Rassismus. Dafür müssen wir alles tun. Wir lassen uns nicht spalten!
Cem Özdemir - Februar 2020, zum Terroranschlag in Hanau
Auch wenn du dir eine Niederlage von Liverpool wünschst, ist es mein Job, alles dafür zu tun, Liverpool dabei zu helfen, zu gewinnen. Es gibt Millionen von Menschen überall auf der Welt, die sich das wünschen und die will ich nicht enttäuschen.
Jürgen Klopp (als Cheftrainer von FC Liverpool) - Februar 2020
The slavery at Bufford's was too fresh in my recollection to let me care to bind myself again. From the time that I took my nose off that lithographic stone, I have had no master, and never shall have any.
The sun will not rise or set without my notice, and thanks.
I'm looking to expand my portfolio while I'm on top and while I'm young.
If a man wants to be an artist, he must never look at pictures.
A man is known by his works. That I have heard at many a funeral.
You will see - in the future, I will live by my watercolors.
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