Die schönsten Zitate und Sprüche (Seite 217)

Die schönsten Zitate und Sprüche (Seite 217)

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Vorbereitung ist der Schlüssel zum Erfolg.
Konzentriere dich mit all deinen Gedanken auf deine aktuelle Aufgabe. Sonnenstrahlen verbrennen auch nichts ohne fokussiert zu werden.
Our inventions mirror our secret wishes.
It takes a lot of energy and a lot of neurosis to write a novel. If you were really sensible, you'd do something else.
Journeys, like artists, are born and not made. A thousand differing circumstances contribute to them, few of them willed or determined by the will-whatever we may think.
Wenn man aus einer kleinen Stadt kommt, ist es schwer, groß zu träumen. Mein größter Traum, als ich in einer kleinen Stadt in Georgia aufgewachsen bin, war es, eines Tages nach Atlanta zu gehen.
Ausdauer ist eine aktive Tugend, die nur unter dem Einfluss der Sehnsucht weiter funktioniert.
Revolutionen entstehen aus Leidenschaft, nicht aus nüchterner logischer Überlegung.
The most successful men in the end are those whose success is the result of steady accretion.
The richest love is that which submits to the arbitration of time.
Believing that no one is better than the other. You know I grew up in the South. My senior year there was a very big racial tension.
Because my parents, growing up, they worked hard. Everyone in my family woke up early in the morning. I used to see my mother and my father go off to work, and come back and, no matter what, they had time for the kids.
Wer hart trainiert, wird nicht nur hart, sondern auch hart zu schlagen.
All these older kids here, and I'm the only one from a town that's so small, if everyone breathed at the same time, you'd run out of oxygen. Man, there is nothing there.
Damit die Fantasie ihre Arbeit machen kann, braucht sie Platz; wir müssen tausende von Dingen wahrnehmen, die wir nie wirklich erlebt haben.
The philosophy of the wisest man that ever existed, is mainly derived from the act of introspection.
Above all we should not forget that government is an evil, a usurpation upon the private judgement and individual conscience of mankind.
I think, to be a great conversationalist, you need to be interested in being in said conversation. Oddly enough, I think you need to be a great listener, and I do think I'm a good listener. I think that's my asset - I always listen to people when I talk to them, and that's a big thing you have to have in life and in podcasts.
I could see myself being on a TV show, but I think touring is something I'll always do.
I'll never be a TV writer.
I always like it when I eat myself out of breath. That's a good boost to my day. You know, I'm eating, and I go, 'Oooohhh.' It's better a few moments later when you get to think about it, when you're like, 'Why did I just stop to take a deep breath? Oh yeah, my body also needs air.'
When you tour as much as I do, you're always on the road, and you tend to gravitate toward cities where you're like, 'Every time I'm in that city, the shows are fun.'
Ich bin ein Spanier, der versucht, von einer englischsprachigen Zielgruppe verstanden zu werden und eine Menge Energie darin steckt, statt darin, sich frei auszudrücken und dabei wohl zu fühlen.
Ich kann nicht Auto fahren.
Sometimes I say to myself, what are you doing in this absurd job? Why don't you go to Africa and help people? But I cannot help people, because I am a hypochondriac.
This great imperialistic world called the United States has made us believe that an Oscar is the most important thing in the world for an actor. But if you think about it for five minutes you realise it can't be.
Wir hatten zu viele Kanten um eine Popgruppe zu sein.
I've always been interested in the Depression as this very dramatic pivotal period in American history.
If I had to choose between a great acting job and a good directing job, I'd choose the directing job.
I'm not a caterer. I just have to stay with my creative convictions. At some point, you have to just get past the special-interest groups and do what you're there to do, which is make a movie.
The only thing I can do is act, but it's not something I even feel comfortable doing. It costs me a lot, because I'm a shy person, even if I don't look it.
The problem is, when you're making an animated movie, the studio has an illusion in their minds - and it's really not true - that because it's a drawing, it can be changed at any time.
I've acted with all types, I've directed all types. What you want to understand, as a director, is what actors have to offer. They'll get at it however they get at it. If you can understand that, you can get your work done.
It was always my dream to be a director. A lot of it had to do with controlling my own destiny, because as a young actor you feel at everyone's disposal. But I wanted to become a leader in the business.
We lived the life with Keith Moon. It was all Spinal Tap magnified a thousand times.
Well, for the My Generation album, there was nothing to be nervous about in them days. We used to take every day as it came. Every day was just a gig and I think we did the recording between gigs literally.
My mom always encouraged me, it was never weird. She'd look at 'Heavy Metal' and go 'Woo-hoo!'
The eyes get lost in 3-D. With 3-D, your eyes are looking for the plane of focus, right? And the problem is, when you do quick cuts, your eyes can't find it.
I love the irony of movies. I really do. For whatever reason, I'm incredibly intrigued by the irony of reality in a motion picture.
The thing about owls is that they do sort of have this facial disc, which is unlike any other bird. They kind of have a face, more than like a dog or a giraffe. They have this weird, alien face that you can actually make expressive.
We weren't wealthy but we definitely weren't poor. We were incredibly rich because there was a wonderful community in Shepherd's Bush, where I grew up. All my friends were into villainy and crime.
You're better off being a brick layer if you're going to play guitar than a sheet metal worker.
Zusammen sind wir stark. Die Eindämmung des Virus fängt mit dir an. Unser größter Feind ist nicht der Coronavirus selbst, sondern Angst, Gerüchte und Vorurteile. Unsere stärksten Mittel dagegen sind Fakten, Verstand und Zusammenhalt.
Tedros Ghebreyesus (als Generaldirektor der WHO) - Februar 2020
Demokratie bedeutet, dass man den Kandidaten wählen kann, den man am wenigsten hasst.
Es gibt zwei Arten von Menschen, die, die fertig machen, was sie anfangen, und andere.
Es gibt nur ein ich.
An jeder Religion ist irgendetwas faul.
I got started in 1995, working in a group called The Cash Money Click.
These companies are in it for their dollars, and whatever is hot that is what they follow.
Der Sinn des Lebens ist ein Leben mit Sinn.
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