There is one thing I've learned here. To keep doing your best, up until the very end.
Leben bedeutet nicht, sich nur um sich selbst zu kümmern. Auch das Glück der anderen kann dich glücklich machen.
Life isn't just doing things for yourself. It's possible to live in such a way that other people's happiness, makes you happy too.
Wenn wir es in die reale Welt schaffen, werde ich dich finden und mich immer wieder in dich verlieben.
If we make it back to the real world, I'll find you. And fall in love with you all over again.
I cried alone every single night. It felt like every day that passed here stole another piece of my real life away. After I cried, I'd go and fight as hard as I could. My only thought was winning, moving forward and getting stronger.
I'd rather stay the way I am until the last moment. Even if a monster beats me and I die. I won't lose to this game or this world, no matter what.
Manchmal liegt das, was wirklich wichtig ist, direkt vor unseren Augen.
Sometimes the things that matter the most are right in front of you.
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Wahren Schmerz erfahren wir erst, wenn wir jemanden verlieren, der uns etwas bedeutet.
Real pain is the result of losing someone you care about.
Gott würde uns nie durch das ganze Leid führen, wenn er denken würde, dass wir es nicht ertragen könnten.
God would never put us through all this suffering if he didn't think we could bear it.
Kämpfen kann jeder. Die Frage ist nur, ob man es sollte.
Everybody can fight. It's just a choice of whether you should.
I always say exactly what I'm feeling, and if they don't like me, that's fine! It doesn't change the fact that I was close to their hearts.
Level sind nur Zahlen. Auch Stärke ist nur eine Illusion. Es gibt Dinge, die tausendmal wichtiger sind.
Levels are just numbers. In this world, strength is just an illusion. There are more important things.
Sieh deine Probleme doch einfach als Teil deines Trainings und leg dich noch mehr ins Zeug.
Just consider hardships as another part of training and keep working hard.
We're inside a game, bro!
There are limits to what a solo player can do.
They say your character is built by life's challenges, so keep soldiering on young man.
No matter what. My heart will be forever yours and I will fight until the day I see you again.
I thought that the closer the real and virtual world got, the better the future would be. But the more the boundary between them blurs, the more it starts to trick people.
Manchmal muss man kämpfen, um verstanden zu werden.
Sometimes you have to fight to get your point across.
Es ist völlig okay, zu leben, selbst wenn das Leben selbst vielleicht doch gar keine größere Bedeutung hat.
It's okay to live, even if there's no greater point to living.
Ich war die ganze Zeit der Ansicht, es wäre besser, zu sterben, als ein einsames Leben zu fristen.
All this time, I seriously thought that it's better to die than to live your life alone.
Stay alive you hear? I don't care how you do it. Just stay alive until the end.
In this world, a single blade can take you anywhere you want to go. And even though it's a virtual world, I feel more alive in here than I ever did in the real world.
It'd be a waste to have to go to work on a day like this.
A person's strength in this world is just an illusion.
Whether here or in the real world, you can cry when it hurts. There's no rule that you can't show feelings just because it's a game.
Wenn einem das Leben eines anderen wichtiger ist als das eigene... ist das Liebe?
Ich hatte nie groß darüber nachgedacht, wie ich sterben würde, aber an Stelle von jemandem zu sterben, den man liebt, scheint mir ein guter Weg zu sein um zu gehen.
Surely it was a good way to die, in the place of someone else, someone I loved.
Liebe bedeutet nicht, viel von jemandem zu verlangen, sondern alles für jemand zu geben.