In Mathe kommt man irgendwann immer zur Lösung. Auf der Welt gibt es so viele Dinge, für die man keine Lösungen findet.
With math, if you work on it, you'll get the answer eventually. So many problems in this world have no answer, no matter how hard you try.
The Sound of Magic - Staffel 1 Episode 1
I always told myself not to cry
Even when I'm sad
Scared that someone might know what I'm thinking
When it's all a lie
Even when I'm sad
Scared that someone might know what I'm thinking
When it's all a lie
The Sound of Magic - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Wenn ich diese schwere und unerträgliche Zeit hinter mir habe, kann ich dann auch so ein wunderbarer Erwachsener werden?
If I make it through this difficult time in my life, do you think I can become a wonderful adult like him?
The Sound of Magic - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Diese Zitate könnten dir auch gefallen
Ob man an eine Sache glaubt oder nicht, ist wichtiger, als die Frage, ob etwas wahr ist.
Sometimes whether you believe or not is more important than whether it's real or not.
Lee Eul / Ryu Min-hyuk in The Sound of Magic - Staffel 1 Episode 2
You're not in a dream
This is your imagination
This is your imagination
The Sound of Magic - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Wieso bist du so ernst? Auch wenn wir älter werden, können wir doch noch an den Weihnachtsmann glauben und genauso gut an Magie.
Why are you so serious? What's wrong with believing and liking stuff like Santa Claus and magic, even when you're a bit older?
Lee Eul / Ryu Min-hyuk in The Sound of Magic - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Der Titel der heutigen Aufführung ist: "Magie, die dich wieder an Magie glauben lässt."
The name of this performance is: "Magic that makes you believe in magic again."
Lee Eul / Ryu Min-hyuk in The Sound of Magic - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Fear is essentially a shadow you grow within yourself.
Lee Eul / Ryu Min-hyuk in The Sound of Magic - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Isn't it nice to see yourself at the beginning?
Lee Eul / Ryu Min-hyuk in The Sound of Magic - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Everything was always here
You couldn't see because you've forgotten
Your eyes sometimes deceive the world
Just because something is hidden in the dark
Doesn't mean that it's gone
Turn on the lights!
You couldn't see because you've forgotten
Your eyes sometimes deceive the world
Just because something is hidden in the dark
Doesn't mean that it's gone
Turn on the lights!
Lee Eul / Ryu Min-hyuk in The Sound of Magic - Staffel 1 Episode 1
I want to dance a dance
That's frightening but also enchanting
I want to go wherever the tangled road leads me
A road with no start or end
That's frightening but also enchanting
I want to go wherever the tangled road leads me
A road with no start or end
The Sound of Magic - Staffel 1 Episode 1
A story, hard to believe
A face you think you've only seen in your dreams
A strange and amazing story that you wait to hear
At least once in your life
A face you think you've only seen in your dreams
A strange and amazing story that you wait to hear
At least once in your life
The Sound of Magic - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Habt ihr auch gehört, dass er angeblich echte Magie beherrscht? Bei dem Trick "Zersägte Jungfrau" wird bei ihm wirklich jemand zersägt. Und wenn er jemanden verschwinden lassen will, verschwindet die Person tatsächlich. Doch bevor er seine Magie ausübt, wird er seinem Gegenüber immer erst in die Augen blicken und dann fragt er dich schließlich, "Glaubst du an Magie?"
Did you hear that the magician does real magic? During the "Sawing in Half" trick, he actually sawed. In the trick where he makes someone disappear, the person really went missing. And before starting a trick, he always stares into the person's eyes and asks, "Do you believe in magic?"
The Sound of Magic - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Eine Familie ist erst wertvoll, wenn nicht nur ein Mitglied hervorragende Arbeit leistet.
You can't make a family into a first-class brand if only one person is outstanding.
The Sound of Magic - Staffel 1 Episode 2
Damian: "Warum magst Du Mathe?"
Cady: "Weil es in jedem Land gleich ist!"
Cady: "Weil es in jedem Land gleich ist!"
Cady: "Yeah, I like math."
Damian: "Eww. Why?"
Cady: "Because it's the same in every country."
Damian: "Eww. Why?"
Cady: "Because it's the same in every country."
Cady Heron in Girls Club – Vorsicht bissig!
Das Rad ermöglichte Menschen, zu reisen und Handel zu treiben. Aber erst mussten sie zählen, was sie besaßen. Und das führte zur tragischen Erfindung von Mathematik.
The wheel allowed people to travel around, trading things. But first, they needed to count how many things they owned. And that led to the tragic invention of maths.
Philomena Cunk in Cunk On Earth - Episode 1
Wie gern würde ich jetzt meinem Lehrer aus den 90ern, der gesagt hat, dass ich nicht immer einen Taschenrechner in der Hosentasche haben würde, mein Smartphone in's Gesicht schmeißen!
Remember those teachers from the 90s who told you that you wouldn't always have a calculator in your pocket in the future? I'd love to smack my smartphone into his face today!
Mein kleiner Bruder hat heute stolz erzählt, dass sie bald einen Taschenrechner in Mathe benutzen dürfen: "Jetzt wird alles einfacher!"
Ich lache.
Der Taschenrechner lacht.
X und Y lachen.
Ich lache.
Der Taschenrechner lacht.
X und Y lachen.
My little brother proudly told me today that, from now on, they will be allowed to use a calculator in maths-class: "Everything's gonna be much easier!"
I'm laughing.
The calculator's laughing.
X and Y are laughing.
I'm laughing.
The calculator's laughing.
X and Y are laughing.
"Wie steht's um deine Mathe-Kenntnisse?"
"Addition, Subtraktion, dann folgt Frustration und am Ende Kapitulation."
"Addition, Subtraktion, dann folgt Frustration und am Ende Kapitulation."
"How're you doing with mathematics?"
"Addition, subtraction, followed by frustration and, in the end, capitulation."
"Addition, subtraction, followed by frustration and, in the end, capitulation."
Wenn mir die Matheaufgaben meines Sohnes zu schwer sind, poste ich sie auf Facebook und schreibe drüber, "Nur jeder 10. kann diese Aufgabe lösen."
When the maths homework of my son is too hard for me, I post it on Facebook with the caption, "Only 1 out of 10 can solve this."
One downside of our big brains is we're the only creatures who are aware that death is inevitable. Although, if you lined ten dogs in a row and shot them one by one, the dog on the end would probably get the gist by about dog four.
Philomena Cunk in Cunk On Life - Episode 1
Cells couldn't multiply without this, the IKEA instruction manual for life, DNA. DNA is tiny yet comlex, like Tom Cruise.
Philomena Cunk in Cunk On Life - Episode 1