To repeat the same action and expect different results is madness.
Murozond in World of Warcraft - Cataclysm
Compared to all else that has happened, it is a small change to the time line and one of which I approve. The blues will fly the skies again, even though their numbers will not be great even after ten thousand years. But better some, than none.
Nozdormu in World of Warcraft - Cataclysm
Mortals! I cannot follow you any further - accept my blessing and use the Hourglass of Time to defeat Murozond!
Nozdormu in World of Warcraft - Cataclysm
Excellent work. The fire of my heart glows with a brilliant purity unmatched; every spark of it I will channel into the Dragon Soul.
Alexstrasza in World of Warcraft - Cataclysm
The "End Time", I once called this place. I had not seen, by then; I did not know. You hope to... what? Stop me, here? Change the fate I worked so tirelessly to weave?
Murozond in World of Warcraft - Cataclysm
They wanted to hold me, to keep watch over me – a prisoner in all but name. But I will NOT be held accountable for the sins of my father. My destiny will be my own.
Furorion / Wrathion in World of Warcraft - Cataclysm
I know what you hide from her, from us. It is my fate and curse to know such things and be unable myself to prevent them. Know that I now ask for forgivenes for the wrongs I will cause you in the future, but I must be what I am destined to be... as Malygos is.
Nozdormu in World of Warcraft - Cataclysm
The Old Gods have been vanquished, yet they were only one threat to Azeroth. Many others loom on the horizon and lurk in the shadows. Know that from this day forth, the black dragonflight will honor its ancient charge and stand in defense of our world... along with its champions.
Furorion / Wrathion in World of Warcraft - Battle for Azeroth
The Sands of Time are plentiful but precious. Waste not a single grain.
Nozdormu in World of Warcraft - Cataclysm
You do not want to make it onto my list!
Furorion / Wrathion in World of Warcraft - Cataclysm
I do not share my father's madness.
Furorion / Wrathion in World of Warcraft - Cataclysm
Since we Aspects first realized our kind was destined to share Azeroth with the young races, we have each taken a visage that allowed us to see the world as they do. Just as importantly, it informs how they perceive us. Do you wish them to see you as a trustworthy sage? A tyrant to be feared? Distant and aloof, or warm and generous? This choice is deeply personal, and it says much about who you are as a dragon. So no, I will not tell you anything that might sway your decision.
Nozdormu in World of Warcraft - Cataclysm
It was given unto me to know the very hour and method of my own death. I would never subvert it. But only one of the pathways to my destiny can be correct. And in one unfolding future, I became the leader of the infinite dragonflight. That was why I became lost in the timeways, Thrall. I was seeking understanding of how such a thing came to be. How I, who have always striven to honor the great duty the titans charged me with, could have fallen so far astray.
Nozdormu in World of Warcraft - Cataclysm
I have chosen the name "Wrathion." To my knowledge, I am the last of the black dragons. My father was Deathwing, the Worldbreaker, the Aspect of Death, the Destroyer... But I hope you will not hold that against me. I have no love for my father, whose corruption destroyed my race, or for the red dragonflight, who stole away and experimented on my egg to create me.
Furorion / Wrathion in World of Warcraft - Mists of Pandaria
Die Welt heilt, aber ihr Schicksal ist immer noch ungewiss. Gemeinsam werden wir erneut Azeroths Beschützer sein. Hier beginnt das neue Zeitalter der Drachen.
Alexstrasza in World of Warcraft - Dragonflight
Die Welt wurde zerschlagen. Sie schreit vor Schmerz. Wir müssen ihr helfen. Wir vertrauen euch... den Behütern unsere Heimat an.
Alexstrasza in World of Warcraft - Dragonflight
Varian: "My son. This blade does not belong to darkness. It was forged by valor."
Varok: "And also by honor."
Varian: "Its legacy, and ours, are with you."
Varok: "And also by honor."
Varian: "Its legacy, and ours, are with you."
Varian Wrynn in World of Warcraft - Shadowlands
No crown. No throne. Not even a soul left for judgement. I hated you, hunted you, and with each selfish act... became you. That is my burden to bear. But your legacy is at an end. Begone, then, Arthas Menethil. May the last whisper of your name fade and be forgotten.
Sylvanas Windrunner in World of Warcraft - Shadowlands
Wir können die Vergangenheit nicht ändern und wir werden in der Zukunft vielleicht nie Vergebung finden, aber Untätigkeit verdammt uns alle.
Uther Lightbringer in World of Warcraft - Shadowlands
Imbued with the strength of those who defied Domination. That which sought to bind us will be made anew. Behold the Crown of Wills!
World of Warcraft - Shadowlands
Arthas. Ich starb, als ich versuchte, dieses Monster aufzuhalten. Nur um von einem mit meinem Gesicht verfolgt aufzuwachen.
Sylvanas Windrunner in World of Warcraft - Shadowlands
Ich hoffe, meine Freunde erinnern sich daran, wer ich war. Nicht, wozu Ihr mich gemacht habt.
Anduin Wrynn in World of Warcraft - Shadowlands
1When Arthas struck me down, Frostmourne shattered my soul. But it was not divided into one part that was noble and another that was cruel.
Rather, it was as if a portion of my consciousness remained frozen in time while the rest of my soul carried on.
Rather, it was as if a portion of my consciousness remained frozen in time while the rest of my soul carried on.
Uther Lightbringer in World of Warcraft - Shadowlands
Not a Banshee Queen... Not a Ranger-General... But always a Windrunner.
Sylvanas Windrunner in World of Warcraft - Shadowlands
1Sylvanas: "Beugt euch freiwillig, oder wir werden euch zwingen!"
Anduin: "Ich dachte, Ihr glaubt an freien Willen, Sylvanas."
Sylvanas: "Wir hatten nie freien Willen, kleiner Löwe. Aber das wird sich ändern."
Anduin: "Ich dachte, Ihr glaubt an freien Willen, Sylvanas."
Sylvanas: "Wir hatten nie freien Willen, kleiner Löwe. Aber das wird sich ändern."
Sylvanas Windrunner in World of Warcraft - Shadowlands
Anduin: "Ich werde kein Werkzeug des Todes sein."
Sylvanas: "Also bevorzugt ihr das Leben, ist es das? Dieses vergängliche Flackern, jede grausame Sekunde Teil eines endlosen Krieges gegen das unausweichliche, den ihr, wie jeder Wrynn vor euch, nicht überleben werdet."
Sylvanas: "Also bevorzugt ihr das Leben, ist es das? Dieses vergängliche Flackern, jede grausame Sekunde Teil eines endlosen Krieges gegen das unausweichliche, den ihr, wie jeder Wrynn vor euch, nicht überleben werdet."
Sylvanas Windrunner in World of Warcraft - Shadowlands
1Bolvar: "Strange, is it not? We both lived lives of service, and even after facing death itself, we still feel compelled to serve others."
Darion: "Sometimes the greatest act of service is to be present for those who need us."
Darion: "Sometimes the greatest act of service is to be present for those who need us."
Bolvar Fordragon in World of Warcraft - Shadowlands
Death was not the end I believed it to be. No rest or joyous reunions in the Light awaited me. What I witnessed challenged all I knew. With my final breath, I saw impossible places – worlds within worlds brimming with beings that defied description. It wasn't until the Helm of Domination was placed upon my head that I understood the truth I had seen: Death is not an end, but a beginning.
Bolvar Fordragon in World of Warcraft - Shadowlands
Bolvar: "I had to make that sacrifice, to keep you and the rest of the world safe from that place. From that power."
Taelia: "But it wasn't just you who made that sacrifice. It was the rest of us, too. Everyone who loved you."
Bolvar: "I know. And for the pain it caused you, I will always feel sorrow. I pray that one day, you can forgive me for it."
Taelia: "But it wasn't just you who made that sacrifice. It was the rest of us, too. Everyone who loved you."
Bolvar: "I know. And for the pain it caused you, I will always feel sorrow. I pray that one day, you can forgive me for it."
Bolvar Fordragon in World of Warcraft - Shadowlands
Eine Armbrust? Ich sehe meinem Gegner lieber in die Augen.
Thrall in World of Warcraft - Shadowlands
Als die Banshee den Helm zerriss, öffnete sie eine tiefe Wunde im Schleier zwischen unserer Welt und den Schattenlanden.
Bolvar Fordragon in World of Warcraft - Shadowlands
Jenseits des Schleiers liegen die Schattenlande, wo jede Seele ihren Platz hat.
World of Warcraft - Shadowlands
Devos: "Bedenkt was er getan hat und übt Rache."
Uther: "Nicht Rache... Gerechtigkeit!"
Uther: "Nicht Rache... Gerechtigkeit!"
Uther Lightbringer in World of Warcraft - Shadowlands
1Kein Leben ist lebenswert, wenn wir unserem Herzen nicht treu sind.
Baine Bloodhoof in World of Warcraft - Battle for Azeroth
1Eiskrone... Mahnmal unseres Leidens. Der Vorhang zwischen Leben und Tod. Und auf dem Frostthron sitzt ein elender Dieb. Doch kein König herrscht für immer.
Sylvanas Windrunner in World of Warcraft - Shadowlands
1Anduin: "Es war nicht ich, der diesen Krieg wollte."
Sylvanas: "Wenn es euch passt, brüllt Ihr 'Frieden', kleiner Löwe. Aber ihr habt schnell Blut geleckt."
Sylvanas: "Wenn es euch passt, brüllt Ihr 'Frieden', kleiner Löwe. Aber ihr habt schnell Blut geleckt."
Sylvanas Windrunner in World of Warcraft - Battle for Azeroth
2Zehntausend Jahre in Gefangenschaft. Verbannt aus meiner eigenen Heimat. Und nun wagt ihr es, mein Reich zu betreten. Ihr wisst nicht, was euch erwartet!
Illidan Stormrage in World of Warcraft - The Burning Crusade
1Sylvanas Windrunner: "All ihre Hoffnung stirbt mit euch."
Varok Saurfang: "Hoffnung könnt ihr nicht töten. Hoffnung bleibt."
Varok Saurfang: "Hoffnung könnt ihr nicht töten. Hoffnung bleibt."
Varok Saurfang in World of Warcraft - Battle for Azeroth
1Als dieser Krieg begann, dachte ich, wir kämpfen für Frieden. Dabei geht es nur um's Kämpfen.
Anduin Wrynn in World of Warcraft - Battle for Azeroth
Wir leben in einem Kreislauf des Hasses. Allianzen werden geschmiedet und gebrochen. Diese Welt zu teilen, hat uns viel gekostet und wir haben vergessen, was uns stark macht.
Sylvanas Windrunner in World of Warcraft - Battle for Azeroth
1Die Ungerechtigkeit des Schicksals kenne ich besser als jede andere.
Sylvanas Windrunner in World of Warcraft - Battle for Azeroth
1Du hast ein Leben lang dafür gekämpft, was Azeroth sein könnte. Für den Traum. Nun musst du für das Hier und Jetzt kämpfen.
Illidan Stormrage in World of Warcraft - Legion
Der Jäger ist nichts ohne die Beute.
Illidan Stormrage in World of Warcraft - Legion
Zu fragen, warum wir kämpfen ist zu fragen, warum die Blätter fallen - es liegt in ihrer Natur. Vielleicht gibt es eine bessere Frage: Wofür kämpfen wir? Um Heimat und Familie zu beschützen, um Gleichgewicht zu wahren und Harmonie zu schaffen. Für uns ist die wahre Frage die folgende: Wofür lohnt es sich zu kämpfen?
Chen Stormstout in World of Warcraft - Mists of Pandaria
2Ich strebte nach Macht... nicht um zu herrschen. Sie war ein Mittel zum Zweck, um Azeroth vor einem unaufhaltbaren Feind zu retten.
Illidan Stormrage in World of Warcraft - Legion
Schmerz. Qual. Mein Hass brennt sich durch die Untiefen der Erde. Die Welt erzittert vor meiner Marter. Ihre elenden Reiche beben vor meinem Zorn. Doch schließlich wird ganz Azeroth bersten und alles wird unter dem Schatten meiner Schwingen brennen!
Deathwing in World of Warcraft - Cataclysm
To ask why I drink is to ask why I am fat. It is because I drink. Perhaps there is a better question.
Chen Stormstout in World of Warcraft - Mists of Pandaria
Why do I drink? To quench my thirst. To lower my inhibitions. To make women appear more attractive.
Chen Stormstout in World of Warcraft - Mists of Pandaria
To get the measure of a people, you need to get your feet dirty. Come, walk the land with me! Let us see what these mainland pandaren truly value.
Chen Stormstout in World of Warcraft - Mists of Pandaria
Sagt ihnen nur, dass der Lichkönig tot ist und dass Bolvar Fordragon mit ihm starb. Geht jetzt - verlasst diesen Ort und kehrt nie wieder!
Bolvar Fordragon in World of Warcraft - Wrath of the Lich King