There is a balance between all things. Light and shadow. Good and evil. When that balance is upset the universe corrects.
Willow Ufgood - Staffel 1
1Llug: "Wanna breed?"
Madmartigan: "Tempting... but no."
Madmartigan: "Tempting... but no."
1Kase: "Eure Lordschaft."
Airk: "Kase. Schönes Stirnrunzeln."
Kase: "Herumstapfend durch die westlichen Auen, auf der Suche nach Euch. So stellte ich mir meinen Nachmittag vor."
Airk: "Ich tue was ich kann für meine Freunde."
Airk: "Kase. Schönes Stirnrunzeln."
Kase: "Herumstapfend durch die westlichen Auen, auf der Suche nach Euch. So stellte ich mir meinen Nachmittag vor."
Airk: "Ich tue was ich kann für meine Freunde."
Airk Tanthalos - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Magic is the bloodstream of the universe. Forget all you know, or think you know. All that you require is your intuition.
High Aldwin
Sorsha: "What are you looking at?"
Madmartigan: "Your leg. I'd like to break it."
Madmartigan: "Your leg. I'd like to break it."
Die eine hat Können, die andere Talent. Und ich hab zufällig beides.
Kit Tanthalos - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Dove: "Dir eilt ein gewisser Ruf voraus. Ich meine, wenn du wüsstest, was die manchmal über dich sagen. Dinge, von denen ich weiß, dass sie nicht wahr sind."
Airk: "Manche davon stimmen eventuell."
Airk: "Manche davon stimmen eventuell."
Airk Tanthalos - Staffel 1 Episode 1
In einer Zeit des Schreckens wurde einst ein Kind geboren. Elora Danan, der es bestimmt war, unsere Welt zu retten. Unerbittlich verfolgt von den Mächten der Finsternis, kamen zwei ungewöhnliche Helden zu ihrer Rettung. Der junge Nelwyn Bauer Willow, der davon träumte, ein Zauberer zu sein. Sein Herz war rein und sein Mut unerschütterlich. Der andere war ein unfassbar eingebildeter Dieb, Lügner und Schuft. Madmartigan hieß er und ich hab' ihn geheiratet. Was soll ich sagen? Ich war jung. Gemeinsam besiegten wir meine Mutter, Königin Bavmorda, und befreiten das Reich Tir Asleen von seinem Fluch. Wir dachten, der Krieg sei vorbei. Doch schon kurz nach seiner Heimkehr, ereilte Willow eine Vision. Dass eines Tages ein uraltes Übel auferstehen und die weisgesagte Kaiserin vernichten würde und dass ihr Ende ein neues, dunkles Zeitalter einläuten würde. So kam es, dass Elora versteckt wurde. Ihre wahre Identität blieb verborgen, sogar vor ihr selbst. Nur so konnte ich sie schützen.
Sorsha - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Kit: "Wer weiß? Vielleicht schlägst du mich in ein paar Jahren."
Jade: "Ich hätte dich schon vor fünf Aktionen besiegt, nur war da dieser blöde Stein."
Jade: "Ich hätte dich schon vor fünf Aktionen besiegt, nur war da dieser blöde Stein."
Jade Claymore - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Get your hair out of my face or I'll chop it off!
Willow: "What are you doing?"
Madmartigan: "I found some blackroot. She loves it."
Willow: "Blackroot? I'm the father of two children, and you never, ever give a baby blackroot."
Madmartigan: "Well my mother raised us on it. It's good for you! It put's hair on your chest, right Sticks?"
Willow: "Her name is not Sticks! She's Elora Danan, the future empress of Tir Asleen and the last thing she's gonna want is a hairy chest!"
Madmartigan: "I found some blackroot. She loves it."
Willow: "Blackroot? I'm the father of two children, and you never, ever give a baby blackroot."
Madmartigan: "Well my mother raised us on it. It's good for you! It put's hair on your chest, right Sticks?"
Willow: "Her name is not Sticks! She's Elora Danan, the future empress of Tir Asleen and the last thing she's gonna want is a hairy chest!"
There is a story of a child, destined to be an empress, and the unlikely hero who would protect her.
Sorsha - Staffel 1
Willow: "I found a boat. We're all set."
Madmartigan: "Good. Take these two lizards out and drown them."
Rool: "Lizards? Who you calling lizards? Your mother was a lizard!"
Madmartigan: "Good. Take these two lizards out and drown them."
Rool: "Lizards? Who you calling lizards? Your mother was a lizard!"
Madmartigan: "Did I really... Did I really say those things, last night, in your tent?"
Sorsha: "You said you loved me."
Madmartigan: "I don't remember that."
Sorsha: "You lied to me."
Madmartigan: "No, I... just wasn't myself last night."
Sorsha: "I suppose my power enchanted you and you were helpless against it."
Madmartigan: "Sort of."
Sorsha: "Then what?"
Madmartigan: "It... went away."
Sorsha: "Went away? 'I dwell in darkness without you' and it 'went away'?"
Sorsha: "You said you loved me."
Madmartigan: "I don't remember that."
Sorsha: "You lied to me."
Madmartigan: "No, I... just wasn't myself last night."
Sorsha: "I suppose my power enchanted you and you were helpless against it."
Madmartigan: "Sort of."
Sorsha: "Then what?"
Madmartigan: "It... went away."
Sorsha: "Went away? 'I dwell in darkness without you' and it 'went away'?"
Madmartigan: "That's magic? It smells terrible."
Willow: "It's the life spark. It forms..."
Madmartigan: "Well, it stinks! This whole thing stinks!"
Willow: "It's the life spark. It forms..."
Madmartigan: "Well, it stinks! This whole thing stinks!"
Airk: "Just sit in your coffin and rot."
Madmartigan: "I'll be around long after you're dead! When I get out of here, I'm gonna cut your head off and stick it on a pig pole!"
Madmartigan: "I'll be around long after you're dead! When I get out of here, I'm gonna cut your head off and stick it on a pig pole!"
Ooh! Look at her! I could use a love potion on her!
Willow: "Madmartigan, you never, ever drive that fast with an infant!"
Madmartigan: "I just saved that infant's life!"
Madmartigan: "I just saved that infant's life!"
Willow: "Excuse me, could you spare some milk to this poor hungry baby?"
Barmaid: "Get out of here, peck!"
Man: "Get out of here, or we'll cook ya!"
Barmaid: "Get out of here, peck!"
Man: "Get out of here, or we'll cook ya!"
Elora Danan must survive. She must fulfill her destiny and bring about the downfall of Queen Bavmorda. Her powers are growing like an evil plague. Unless she is stopped, Bavmorda will control the lives of your village, your children, everyone. All creatures of good heart need your help, Willow. The choice is yours.
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