Zitate und Sprüche von Widowmaker

Zitate und Sprüche von Widowmaker

Bild: Blizzard Entertainment
Moira: "How are you feeling, Lacroix?"
Widowmaker: "I don't feel. That's the point, isn't it?"
Reinhardt: "How do you think your fancy jumpsuit would fare against my hammer?"
Widowmaker: "All the armor in the world can't save you from a well-placed bullet."
Ana: "Seems I was wrong about you Amélie."
Widowmaker: "I thought you'd have gotten used to that feeling by now."
Tracer: "What'cha lookin' at?"
Widowmaker: "An annoyance."

Zitate und Sprüche über Widowmaker

Widowmaker: "Our foes make such a nuisance of themselves."
Moira: "Is that an emotion I detect, Lacroix?"
Don't like shooting a lady. But for you, I'll make an exception.
McCree / Cassidy in Overwatch - to Widowmaker
Widowmaker: "Does it bother you, knowing that you could have saved Mondatta's life?"
Tracer: "We are all responsible for the choices we've made."

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When all you have is a hammer, everyone else is a nail.
Kiriko: "You look familiar. Are you the loud one?"
Reinhardt: "No, I am Reinhardt Wilhelm! The one with the hammer and shield!"
Kiriko: "But not the loud one. Sure."
Torbjörn: "I sometimes wonder if all that armor slows your brain down."
Reinhardt: "Ja. And I sometimes wonder if your height is why you're always in such a bad mood."
Things can be destroyed, but as long as the people are strong, they can always be rebuilt.
Lúcio: "Reinhardt, we need to find you some new tunes."
Reinhardt: "What's wrong with the classics? I love Hasselhoff! Have you heard Night Rocker?"
Junkrat: "How many of you overwatch people are missing an eye?"
Reinhardt: "I don't need two eyes to swing a hammer!"
Cassidy: "Always thought hiring you was a mistake."
Moira: "The best mistake one could ever make."
Kiriko: "Yikes... you look cheery."
Moira: "As cheery as you are significant."
We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.
Moira in Overwatch - originally by Oscar Wilde
A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.
Moira in Overwatch - originally by Oscar Wilde
Winston: "Overwatch had good reason to shut down your research."
Moira: "I shouldn't be surprised at such a narrow opinion coming from a jumped. Up. Ape."
Well, it's high noon somewhere in the world.
Reaper: "You look ridiculous."
Cassidy: "Looked in a mirror lately?"
Any last words? Now would be the time to say 'em.
Sombra: "Every time I need a laugh, I look at your search history."
Cassidy: "Let me guess. Last night around dinner time?"
Sombra: "Cactus spines in butt. How get rid of?"
Cassidy: "Was I supposed to leave them in there?!"
Cassidy: "You always were the ambitious one, Ashe."
Ashe: "You make that sound like a bad thing. You'd still be on a farm if it weren't for me."
Cassidy: "Some days that doesn't sound so bad."
Ana: "Youth truly is wasted on the young."
Tracer: "At least statistically, I've wasted less than most."
Orisa: "Tracer, is it wrong for us to operate outside the law?"
Tracer: "That's a difficult question, Orisa. I think there are times when you just have to do what's right."
Genji: "What is it like to have the chance to change the past?"
Tracer: "Sometimes it doesn't want to change."
Doomfist: "I thought I'd taken care of you. You're more resilient than you look."
Tracer: "I've come back from worse."
Can't change the world by following all the rules.
The path shapes you... the spirits perfect you.
Roadhog: "Don't blow it!"
Junkrat: "When have I ever... er, don't answer that."
Lifeweaver: "Are you and Roadhog together?"
Junkrat: "Do you ever see us apart?"
Lifeweaver: "No, I mean are you a couple?"
Junkrat: "Yes, a couple of dashing rogues!"
Mei: "Look at all the snow! We should make snow angels!"
Mercy: "Why are you looking at me, Mei?"
There's no prescription to treat what you have.
Darf ich vorstellen? Die Schusslinie.
Doomfist: "Retirement suits you."
Torbjörn: "And I think a hammer upside your face would suit you!"
Mercy: "Mei, you haven't aged a day. What's your secret?"
Mei: "Cryostasis. But I'm not sure if I'd recommend it."
Tracer: "Aren't you warm wearing all that?"
Mei: "Yes. But it's too late to change!"
Cassidy: "Just remember Pharah, we ain't playing with toy guns anymore."
Pharah: "Good, I'm much better with the real thing."
Mercy: "Pharah, If your mother could see you now I'd think she be proud of you!"
Pharah: "There's a first time for everything, I guess."
Seeking progress by sowing chaos is like planting a tree in a volcano.
Moira: "I must know how your technology functions."
Zenyatta: "Existence is mysterious, isn't it?"
Ashe: "I hear if it weren't for your parents, you'd be as much an outlaw as me. "
Lifeweaver: "They're always trying to help, but frankly, I'd prefer they gave up."
Ashe: "Yeah, well, be careful what you wish for."
Ashe: "Brave of you to show your face around here, Cole."
Cassidy: "Well, I know how much you missed me. Still have a picture of me at the hide-out, I hear."
Ashe: "On the dartboard."
Echo: "I think I can pull off a cowboy hat."
Cassidy: "Want me to buy you one?"
Echo: "No need. I'll just borrow yours."
Cassidy: "You know, that sake's not half bad but... I prefer a little bite to my liquor."
Hanzo: "How predictable! Such unsophisticated taste."
Lieber gehe ich zu Grunde, als mich zu beugen.
Der Sieg gebührt nicht mir, sondern uns.
You can love a thing with your whole heart and still know it's time to say goodbye. Even the best journeys end. But a new one is right around the corner. And you never know where that road is gonna take you.

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