Zitate und Sprüche von Wiccan / Billy Kaplan

Zitate und Sprüche von Wiccan / Billy Kaplan

Hier findest du die besten Zitate und Sprüche von Billy Kaplan, auch bekannt als Billy Maximoff, Wiccan oder Asgardian, dem Sohn von Wanda Maximoff und Mitglied der Young Avengers.

Hulkling: "So what do we do with the dealers?"
Patriot: "Leave 'em here, I guess."
Asgardian: "With a note saying, 'From your friendly neighborhood Young Avengers'? Because that'll stand up in court."
Patriot: "You got a better idea?"
Asgardian: "Gee, let me check my super hero manual. Oh, wait, it's in my other tights."
Hulkling: "According to the Bugle, we're the Young Avengers."
Asgardian: "Okay, before we call her, we have to come up with a better name."
Hulkling: "Well, your parents are in a good mood."
Wiccan: "Annoying, isn't it?"
Hulkling: "Which means you haven't told them yet."
Wiccan: "And ruin a perfectly annoying good mood?"

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