Luke: "It's not impossible. I used to bull's-eye womp rats in my T-16 back home, and they're not much bigger than two meters!"
Wedge: "Yeah, and were the womp rats shooting at you with turbolaser cannons?"
Wedge: "Yeah, and were the womp rats shooting at you with turbolaser cannons?"
If you continue to map the Unknown Regions, you'll have to call them something else.
Star Wars Bücher - X-Wing: Starfighters of Adumar
Lieutenant, you're out of uniform. And you know, wearing an Ewok as a swimsuit is a felony on some worlds.
Star Wars Bücher - X-Wing: Solo Command
Cracken: "You're coming dangerously close to insubordination, General."
Wedge: "No, General. I'm not your subordinate. And what I'm coming dangerously close to is violence."
Wedge: "No, General. I'm not your subordinate. And what I'm coming dangerously close to is violence."
Star Wars Bücher - X-Wing: Starfighters of Adumar
Isard: "I expected you to be taller."
Wedge: "I expected you to be dead."
Wedge: "I expected you to be dead."
Star Wars Bücher - X-Wing: Isard's Revenge
Tomer, I direct your attention to the word "let". You've misused it. You don't "let" me, or "not let" me, anything. Understand?
Star Wars Bücher - X-Wing: Starfighters of Adumar
Wedge: "What's that?"
Janson: "That's the sun, Wedge. It's after dawn."
Wedge: "Well, it offends me. Turn it off."
Janson: "That's the sun, Wedge. It's after dawn."
Wedge: "Well, it offends me. Turn it off."
Star Wars Bücher - X-Wing: Starfighters of Adumar
Han: "I could arrange for you to receive orders to conquer Coruscant, but your only resources would be twelve drunken Ewoks, four malfunctioning speeders, and forty kilos of beach sand."
Wedge: "That'll take at least two weeks, sir."
Wedge: "That'll take at least two weeks, sir."
Star Wars Bücher - Legacy of the Force: Exile
There are two types of male pilots. Good men, such as the ones I never tried to break or run out of my squadrons, whom I would shoot before I ever trusted them with my daughter. And worse men, whom I would shoot if I caught them looking at my daughter.
Star Wars Bücher - Legacy of the Force: Exile
Your commander and I have something in common- I once flew for the Empire too. At Skystrike Academy. Turning to the Rebellion was the smartest move I ever made. I wish more of my friends had done the same.
Star Wars Spiele - Squadrons
It's like you said: the Death Star had to be stopped. Just as the Empire must be destroyed. If that's going to happen, some of us have to get blood on our hands. We have to be willing to kill, and willing to die. It's not easy and it never will be. But I can tell you this much, Kyrell. It's easier than standing by and doing nothing.
Star Wars Bücher - Lost Stars
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There's enough darkness in the galaxy right now. Let me know if you want to spread a little light
Hera Syndulla in Star Wars Bücher - Outer Rim
1We are Alderaan. We answer rage with wisdom. We answer fear with imagination. We answer war with hope. If one life with a single drop of Alderaanian blood survives, Alderaan survives.
Leia Organa in Star Wars Bücher - Princess Leia
1Rule through the fear of force rather than force itself.
Wilhuff Tarkin in Star Wars Bücher - Imperial Sourcebook
1Dooku chose his next words carefully. "Qui-Gon returned from Tatooine with a former slave boy. According to the boy's mother, the boy had no father."
Kanan: "Zeb, are you embarrassing the Imperials again?"
Zeb: "Honestly, Kanan, it's hard not to."
Zeb: "Honestly, Kanan, it's hard not to."
Zeb Orrelios in Star Wars Bücher - Rise of the Rebels
Thrawn or Tarkin would be perfect for this assignment. But both are gone. And few in my Empire rise to their level of skill
Imperator Palpatine in Star Wars Bücher - Star Wars (2020) 8
For if one is remembered by a friend, one is never truly gone.
Großadmiral Thrawn in Star Wars Bücher - Thrawn
There are things in the universe that are simply and purely evil. A warrior does not seek to understand them, or to compromise with them. He seeks only to obliterate them.
Großadmiral Thrawn in Star Wars Bücher - Thrawn
A warrior may forget that even the task of identifying the enemy can be difficult. And the cost of that failure can lead to catastrophe.
Großadmiral Thrawn in Star Wars Bücher - Thrawn
Time for Thrawn to face his future.
Time for Vader to face his past.
Time for Vader to face his past.
Star Wars Bücher - Thrawn: Alliances
I am a warrior, Your Majesty. A warrior may retreat. He does not flee. He may lie in ambush. He does not hide. He may experience victory or defeat. He does not cease to serve.
Großadmiral Thrawn in Star Wars Bücher - Thrawn
All lives are important, and I resist the thought of standing by and watching two hundred possibly needless deaths.
Großadmiral Thrawn in Star Wars Bücher - Thrawn Ascendancy: Greater Good
Palpatine: "Congratulations, Grand Admiral. An excellent day for you. An excellent day for my Empire. Though I fear many will not see it that way."
Thrawn: "I will endeavor to set their hearts and minds at ease. But I must first calm my own heart and mind."
Thrawn: "I will endeavor to set their hearts and minds at ease. But I must first calm my own heart and mind."
Großadmiral Thrawn in Star Wars Bücher - Thrawn
It is said that one should keep one's allies within view, and one's enemies within reach. A valid statement. One must be able to read an ally's strengths, so as to determine how to best use them. One must similarly be able to read his enemy's weaknesses, so as to determine how to best defeat him. But what of friends? There is no accepted answer, perhaps true friendship is so exceedingly rare. But I had formulated my own. A friend need not be kept within sight or within reach. A friend must be allowed the freedom to find and follow his own path. If one is fortunate, those paths will for a time join. But if paths separate, it is comforting to know that a friend still graces the universe with his skills, and his viewpoint, and his present. For if one is remembered by a friend, one is never truly gone.
Großadmiral Thrawn in Star Wars Bücher - Thrawn
Aristocra Zistalmu: "You've made quite a name for yourself over the past few years."
Thrawn: "Sometimes that name is appended to a curse."
Thrawn: "Sometimes that name is appended to a curse."
Großadmiral Thrawn in Star Wars Bücher - Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising
I can see it all. Their tactics, their patterns, their weaknesses. I could tell you right here, right now, how to beat them.
Großadmiral Thrawn in Star Wars Bücher - Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising
If any break off and run, let them go. Their tales of what happened here today will hasten the demoralization of any other such groups.
Großadmiral Thrawn in Star Wars Bücher - Thrawn
Thrawn: "You are a Jedi, then?"
Anakin: "I'd have thought that was obvious."
Thrawn: "Not at all. Our myths of the Republic speak of two groups of beings with such powers: the Jedi, and the Sith. But the Sith are reputed to be clever and capable warriors."
Anakin: "I'd have thought that was obvious."
Thrawn: "Not at all. Our myths of the Republic speak of two groups of beings with such powers: the Jedi, and the Sith. But the Sith are reputed to be clever and capable warriors."
Großadmiral Thrawn in Star Wars Bücher - Thrawn: Alliances
Qilori: "If they suspect you're hunting pirates-"
Thrawn: "You think they only suspect? Yes; point taken. Let's remove any lingering doubts."
Thrawn: "You think they only suspect? Yes; point taken. Let's remove any lingering doubts."
Großadmiral Thrawn in Star Wars Bücher - Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising
Wer ist der größere Tor? Der Tor oder der Tor, der ihm folgt?
Who's the more foolish? The fool or the fool who follows him?
Die Macht wird mit dir sein, immer.
The Force will be with you. Always.
Jeder hat mal Angst, Junge. Ohne Furcht gibt es keinen Mut.
Everyone gets scared, kid. Without fear, you can't have courage.
Poe Dameron in Star Wars Spiele - Lego Star Wars
2Liebe ist, einem 120 km entfernten Ziel mit einem Aratech-Präzisionsgewehr und einem Tri-Light-Zielfernrohr nur die Kniescheiben zu zertrümmern.
Love is making a shot to the knees of a target 120 kilometers away using an Aratech sniper rifle with a tri-light scope.
HK-47 in Star Wars Spiele - Knights of the Old Republic
6Furcht ist der Pfad zur dunklen Seite. Furcht führt zu Wut, Wut führt zu Hass, Hass führt zu unsäglichem Leid.
Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate; hate leads to suffering.
Die Galaktische Republik wird von Unruhen erschüttert. Die Besteuerung der Handelsrouten zu weit entfernten Sternensystemen ist der Auslöser.
In der Hoffnung, die Angelegenheit durch eine Blockade mit mächtigen Kampfschiffen zu beseitigen, hat die unersättliche Handelsföderation jeglichen Transport zu dem kleinen Planeten Naboo eingestellt.
Während der Kongreß der Republik endlose Debatten über diese beunruhigende Kette von Ereignissen führt, entsandte der Oberste Kanzler insgeheim zwei Jedi-Ritter, Wächter des Friedens und der Gerechtigkeit, um den Konflikt beizulegen....
In der Hoffnung, die Angelegenheit durch eine Blockade mit mächtigen Kampfschiffen zu beseitigen, hat die unersättliche Handelsföderation jeglichen Transport zu dem kleinen Planeten Naboo eingestellt.
Während der Kongreß der Republik endlose Debatten über diese beunruhigende Kette von Ereignissen führt, entsandte der Oberste Kanzler insgeheim zwei Jedi-Ritter, Wächter des Friedens und der Gerechtigkeit, um den Konflikt beizulegen....
Turmoil has engulfed the Galactic Republic. The taxation of trade routes to outlying star systems is in dispute.
Hoping to resolve the matter with a blockade of deadly battleships, the greedy Trade Federation has stopped all shipping to the small planet of Naboo.
While the congress of the Republic endlessly debates this alarming chain of events, the Supreme Chancellor has secretly dispatched two Jedi Knights, the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy, to settle the conflict....
Hoping to resolve the matter with a blockade of deadly battleships, the greedy Trade Federation has stopped all shipping to the small planet of Naboo.
While the congress of the Republic endlessly debates this alarming chain of events, the Supreme Chancellor has secretly dispatched two Jedi Knights, the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy, to settle the conflict....
Bo-Katan: "Ich habe seit den Klonkriegen keine Kampfdroiden mehr gesehen."
Din: "Ich schon."
Bo-Katan: "Sieht einer von denen verdächtig aus?"
Din: "Die sehen alle verdächtig aus."
Din: "Ich schon."
Bo-Katan: "Sieht einer von denen verdächtig aus?"
Din: "Die sehen alle verdächtig aus."
Bo-Katan: "I haven't seen battle droids since the Clone Wars."
Din: "I have."
Bo-Katan: "Any of 'em look suspicious?"
Din: "They all look suspicious."
Din: "I have."
Bo-Katan: "Any of 'em look suspicious?"
Din: "They all look suspicious."
Din Djarin in The Mandalorian - Staffel 3 Episode 6
Dieser Tag wird lange in Erinnerung bleiben. Er hat das Ende Kenobis gesehen und sieht gleich das Ende der Rebellion.
This will be a day long remembered. It has seen the end of Kenobi, and will soon see the end of the rebellion.
Auch du wirst entdecken, dass viele Wahrheiten, an die wir uns klammern, von unserem persönlichen Standpunkt abhängig sind.
You will find that many of the truths we cling to, depend greatly on our own point of view.
Nicht alle Mandalorianer sind Kopfgeldjäger. Einige von uns dienen einem höheren Zweck.
Not all Mandalorians are bounty hunters. Some of us serve a higher purpose.
Bo-Katan in The Mandalorian - Staffel 2 Episode 8
1Als Jedi wurden wir zu Hütern des Friedens ausgebildet, nicht zu Soldaten. Aber Zeit meines Daseins als Padawan, war ich nur Soldat.
As a Jedi, we were trained to be keepers of the peace, not soldiers. But all I've been since I was a Padawan is a soldier.
Ahsoka Tano in Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Staffel 7 Episode 11
1Wenn Ihr nicht auf meiner Seite steht, dann seid Ihr mein Feind.
If you're not with me, then you're my enemy.
Is' ja glasig klarig, diese Seperatisten einen Pakt haben mitse dieser Förderationhandels. Senatorens, sehr abgeordnete Geehrte: Und als Antwort auf diese direkte Bedrohung der Republik, michse vorschlagen, dass der Senat sofort mit Notstandsmaßnahmen bevollmächtigt den Obersten Kanzeler.
It's-a clear desa Separatists made a pact wesa desa Federation du Trade. Senators, dellow felagates: In response to this direct threat to the Republic, mesa propose that the Senate give immediately emergency powers to the Supreme Chancellor.
Es ist die Pflicht eines jeden Bürgers, seine Anführer zu hinterfragen, damit sie ehrlich bleiben und sie andernfalls zur Verantwortung zu ziehen.
It's every citizen's duty to challenge their leaders, to keep them honest, and hold them accountable if they're not.
Ahsoka Tano in Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Staffel 3 Episode 6
1Ahsoka: "Ich wünschte nur, sie hätte sich etwas geändert. Aber sie ist noch genauso entschlossen und stur wie zuvor."
Hera: "Sie ist Mandalorianerin. Du wusstest, worauf du dich einlässt."
Hera: "Sie ist Mandalorianerin. Du wusstest, worauf du dich einlässt."
Ahsoka: "I jsut wish she had changed a little. But she's still just as stubborn and bullish as ever."
Hera: "She's Mandalorian. You knew what you were getting into."
Hera: "She's Mandalorian. You knew what you were getting into."
Hera Syndulla in Star Wars: Ahsoka - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Das Gute hängt vom Blickwinkel des Betrachters ab. Die Sith und die Jedi, Anakin, gleichen sich in fast sämtlichen Belangen.
Good is a point of view, Anakin. The Sith and the Jedi are similar in almost every way.
Ich dachte immer, es wäre ausgemachter Mumpitz. Ein mystisches Energiefeld, das Gut und Böse zusammen hält, die dunkle Seite und die helle. Das verrückte daran ist, es ist wahr. Die Macht, die Jedi - einfach alles. Es ist alles wahr.
Thought it was a bunch of mumbo-jumbo. A magical power holding together good and evil, the dark side and the light? Crazy thing is, it's true. The Force, the Jedi - all of it. It's all true.
Hoffnung ist wie die Sonne. Wenn du nur an sie glaubst, wenn du sie sehen kannst, wirst du niemals die Nacht überstehen.
Hope is like the sun. If you only believe in it when you can see it, you'll never make it through the night.
Und so geht die Freiheit zugrunde - mit donnerndem Applaus.
This is how liberty dies - with thunderous applause!
Typisch. Hat immer einen Plan, aber nie einen guten.
Typical. Always a plan, never a good one.
Sabine Wren in Star Wars: Ahsoka - Staffel 1 Episode 6