Zitate und Sprüche aus Watch Dogs

Zitate und Sprüche aus Watch Dogs

WATCH_DOGS ist ein Open-World-Action-Adventure von Ubisoft, in dem der Informationskrieg thematisiert wird. Es erschien am 27. Mai 2014.

Wrench: "Yo, Marcus. Soll ich dir beim Fahren was vorsingen?"
Marcus: "Ich hab ein Radio, Wrench. Trotzdem danke."
Marcus Holloway
Wisch dir den Arsch nicht mit Brennnesseln ab, M. Der Schmerz lässt nach, vergeht aber nie wirklich.
I don't look back anymore. I don't regret. I look forward.
Aiden Pearce
"Fight back". Easy to say, hard to do. Maybe I'm just what this city needs. Are you ready for me, London?
Aiden Pearce in Watch Dogs - Legion
Jordi Chin: "There was a survivor at the stadium."
Aiden Pearce: "How did that happen?"
Jordi Chin: "Well I guess he didn't die."
Jordi Chin
Haven't you heard? I'm the vigilante. I clean up mess like you.
Aiden Pearce
You're a smart man, you should know when you're beaten.
Aiden Pearce
You're the only problem I see now. And I'm coming for you!
Aiden Pearce
Clara Lille: "You should be nicer to me, I'm about to open your world."
Aiden Pearce: "Yeah, well, you're not the first woman to promise me that."
Aiden Pearce
In my neighborhood, you stood up or you got beat down...So I stood up. I ran with an ugly crowd. Learned how to fight. How to shoot. I paid for it too. I took the hits so my family wouldn't have to. Mom always said we escaped Dad when we left him back in Belfast. She only wanted peace for us and he was always fighting for something. She saw that fire in me, too. She said her sweet little boy was gone - I'd turned into Dad. That should have stung, but it didn't. I was proud to hear it.
Aiden Pearce
First time I came close to getting caught was about eight years ago, I had a trainer who started questioning me. He noticed my bruises, my stitches and how I tried to work through broken ribs. He suspected I was fighting outside the gym, but he didn't know why. Would he have called the police? I couldn't risk it, so I dropped him. I needed to focus on my mental game anyway. I'd been reading up on the big cons. Social engineering. Psychology. Intimidation tactics. I needed to be able to win a fight before it even began. I wasn't there yet, but I am now.
Aiden Pearce

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Mamacita, Mamacita
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I am ADA, also known as Artificial Directory and Assistant, tasked to support pioneers, such as you, in their mission.
Teammates? Ugh. Always good for collateral.
You'll break your neck trying to keep an eye on me.
Let's play a game of cat and mouse. You're the mouse.
Eventually, everything falls apart, and I'll be there to play with the pieces.
Trusting me? Now that's a risk you'll have to take.
Consequences? Hahaha, what are those?
Life's just a game and lucky you, you're playing it with me.
Run and hide. I'll enjoy doing the seeking.

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