Warcraft III - Zitate und Sprüche von Einheiten

Warcraft III - Zitate und Sprüche von Einheiten

"Seid ihr der König? Also ich hab' euch nicht gewählt." Hier findest du die besten Zitate und Sprüche aus den Einheitenantworten in Warcraft III - The Frozen Throne und Warcraft III - Reforged.

I got my tiger used from Siegfried and Roy.
Priestess of the Moon (Night Elf)
I wish my bow was socketed.
Shandris (Night Elf)
I wonder why I never run out of arrows?
Shandris (Night Elf)
Pa-Weep Graw-Naw Weep Ninni-Bung! It's a universal greeting.
Illidan (Night Elf)
Wings, horns, hoofs, what are we saying? Is this Diablo?
Illidan (Night Elf)
What we have here is a failure to communicate.
Warden (Night Elf)
Justice may be blind, but I'm not.
Warden (Night Elf)
Truth, justice, and the Night Elf way!
Warden (Night Elf)
I like my enemies dead, and my blades flaming.
Demon Hunter (Night Elf)
Demon blood is thicker than... regular blood.
Demon Hunter (Night Elf)
Crouch, tiger! I sense a hidden dragon!
Priestess of the Moon (Night Elf)
My tiger was trained for war. He's grrrrreat!
Priestess of the Moon (Night Elf)
Shot through the heart, and I'm to blame.
Only you can prevent forest fires!
Druid of the Claw (Night Elf)
Quit clicking on my bear ass.
Druid of the Claw (Night Elf)
I'd rather be hibernating.
Druid of the Claw (Night Elf)
Talon. Druid of the Talon.
Druid of the Talon (Night Elf)
I ride on the break winds! I am silent... but deadly.
Druid of the Talon (Night Elf)
Achoo! Uuh, don't tell me I'm allergic to feathers.
Druid of the Talon (Night Elf)
I am the Dark Night... Elf.
Druid of the Talon (Night Elf)
I'd tell you more, but then I'd have to kill you.
Druid of the Talon (Night Elf)
Born to ride.
Hippogryph Rider (Night Elf)
The hippogryph is an amazing creature rarely seen outside the wild. The tricky thing about hippogryphs is their incredible jaw strength. One terrible clamp of their beaks can rip a huge beast apart in seconds. Let's see what happens when I stick my head... Ah!
Hippogryph Rider (Night Elf)
I'm caught between the moon and Night Elf City.
Huntress (Night Elf)
This is my owl. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
Huntress (Night Elf)
Give a hoot. Don't pollute.
Huntress (Night Elf)
I'll attract the enemy with my human call: 'I'm so wasted! I'm so wasted!'
Dryad (Night Elf)
I don't reveal much on the mini-map. It's all my fault!
Dryad (Night Elf)
Fall! Like leaves... in fall!
Dryad (Night Elf)
You communicate by clicking on me; I communicate by doing what you say.
Dryad (Night Elf)
Fear the fearsome fury of the forest fawn!
Dryad (Night Elf)
I'm not the dryad you're looking for.
Dryad (Night Elf)
Oh. I'm all a-quiver.
I'm not just some plucky girl you can string along.
I said a bow-string, not a G... [sighs] Nevermind.
My release date's been changed!
I'm more than a ranger. I'm a night ranger.
Let's move. Five meter spread, no sound.
Fear my leet skills.

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