Von den Bäumen vor dem Tor zog einer sofort die Aufmerksamkeit auf sich. Es war eine verkrümmte schwarze Eiche, anscheinend so alt wie die Ewigkeit.
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Everything that made that giant tree is already contained inside this tiny little seed. All it needs is some time, a little bit of sunshine and rain, and voilá!
Flik in Das große Krabbeln
1Denn wir sind wie Baumstämme im Schnee. Scheinbar liegen sie glatt auf, und mit kleinem Anstoß sollte man sie wegschieben können. Nein, das kann man nicht, denn sie sind fest mit dem Boden verbunden. Aber sieh, sogar das ist nur scheinbar.
Ich bin wie ein Baum:
Verirren sich auch meine Äste und Zweige nach allen Seiten -
ich wachse dennoch immer nur in eine Richtung:
Weg vom Boden, der Sonne zu.
Verirren sich auch meine Äste und Zweige nach allen Seiten -
ich wachse dennoch immer nur in eine Richtung:
Weg vom Boden, der Sonne zu.
Man kann die Früchte nicht ernten, bevor man die Bäume gepflanzt hat.
Die Axt vergisst ihr Werk, doch der Baum nicht.
Arvel Skeen in Star Wars: Andor - Staffel 1 Episode 5
Rivers do not drink their own water. Trees do not eat their own fruit. And clouds do not swallow their own rain. What great ones have is always for the benefit of others.
Rikki in Days Gone
Am letzten Tag der Welt würde ich einen Baum pflanzen.
A society grows great when old men plant trees the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people, that's it, the end.
Anne in After Life
Bäume sollten da bleiben, wo es ihnen am besten geht. Im Wald, in der Erde. Sie sollten leben.
Elfen - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Unser Geist braucht die einfachsten Dinge, den Geruch von Erde und die alte Musik des Winds zwischen den Bäumen.
Wir Menschen haben das ganze Jahr über Paarungszeit. Das ist verrückt. Was Fortpflanzung angeht, wär' ich am liebsten ein Baum: Pollen in die Luft ejakulieren... fertig.
Wer die Frucht haben will, muss den Baum ersteigen.
Walk until the darkness is a memory, and you become the sun on the next traveler's horizon.
Kobe Bryant in Training Camp
1Humans had always been better at killing than any other living thing.
Dmitry Glukhovsky in Metro - 2033
"And what if there's nothing in there?"
"You die and there's nothing beyond that. Nothing. Nothing remains. Someone might remember you for a little while after but not for long."
"You die and there's nothing beyond that. Nothing. Nothing remains. Someone might remember you for a little while after but not for long."
Dmitry Glukhovsky in Metro - 2033
There's only one thing that can save a man from madness and that's uncertainty.
Dmitry Glukhovsky in Metro - 2033
The number of places in paradise is limited; only in hell is entry open to all.
Dmitry Glukhovsky in Metro - 2033
Do you know the parable about the frog in the cream? Two frogs landed in a pail of cream. One, thinking rationally, understood straight away that there was no point in resistance and that you can't deceive destiny. But then what if there's an afterlife – why bother jumping around, entertaining false hopes in vain? He crossed his legs and sank to the bottom. The second, the fool, was probably an atheist. And she started to flop around. It would seem that she had no reason to flail about if everything was predestined. But she flopped around and flopped around anyway . . . Meanwhile, the cream turned to butter. And she crawled out. We honour the memory of this second frog's friend, eternally damned for the sake of progress and rational thought.
Dmitry Glukhovsky in Metro - 2033
There are some things that you don't want to do and you pledge to yourself that you won't do, you forbid yourself, and then suddenly they happen all by themselves. You don't even have time to think about them, and they don't make it to the cognitive centres of the brain: they just happen and that's it, and you're left just watching yourself with surprise, and convincing yourself that it wasn't your fault, it just happened all by itself.
Dmitry Glukhovsky in Metro - 2033