Körper zersetzen sich innerhalb von zwölf Stunden in einem Säurebad vollständig. Das weiß ich aus keinem besonderen Grund.
Woran arbeitest du da drüben? Ich bin neugierig, aber dafür brauche ich dich nicht lebend.
Valorant - zu Viper
1Skye, you have no clue the forces you're playing with. Eh, don't worry, you'll be dead before you figure it out.
Valorant - zu Skye
You wanted a villain? I gave you a villain!
Valorant - on Ace
They're in the coffin. Time to bury them.
You have the ability to rift-walk and you stay here? What a shame, there are so many better worlds out there.
Valorant - zu Yoru
If you want something done right, do it yourself!
Cypher, you collect information. Tell me, what are their dreams? What do they fear?
Valorant - zu Cypher
It's hard not to play with my food.
If any of you die I lose a bet with Brimstone, so don't embarrass me like that, please.
Fascinating, I must record this feeling.
Valorant - on Resurrect
Denk daran: Niemand ist ein Held... wenn er nach Luft japst.
Tu mir einen Gefallen, Breach, und reiß' sie auf. Toxine injiziert man am besten direkt.
Wir nehmen ihnen, was sie mir genommen haben... alles.
Zitate und Sprüche über Viper
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Phoenix: "I should have picked this game."
Cypher: "[playing chess] Winning requires sacrifice. Not really your style."
Cypher: "[playing chess] Winning requires sacrifice. Not really your style."
Jett: "Hey Phoenix, if you die, I call dibs on your jacket."
Phoenix: "Ah don't be like that, you know you'd also want my shoes."
Phoenix: "Ah don't be like that, you know you'd also want my shoes."
Na toll, jetzt schießt der tollpatschige Hund Feuerbälle aus seinen Pfoten.
Skye in PAW Patrol - Der Mighty Kinofilm
Sova, you listen to the weirdest music. Lots of duntz-duntz-duntz-duntz-duntz. How do you dance to it?