Die besten Videospielzitate (Seite 93)

Die besten Videospielzitate (Seite 93)

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Their fear blinds them.
That monk thinks she's an angel, let's clip her wings.
Breach in Valorant - zu Sage
Let that Phoenix run his mouth, we'll shut him up soon enough.
Breach in Valorant - zu Phoenix
Spend like there is no tomorrow, because there just might not be.
I could have left my arms at home.
If you're not getting shot at, you're doing something wrong.
I don't need these arms to fight, but they're fun, might as well use 'em.
Guns in my face? Just another Tuesday.
They're not intimidating, they're stupid. Big difference.
All right, I take back what I said about those bots. And your height. And those dumb pants.
Jett in Valorant - zu Killjoy
Oh, my back hurts... everyone's so heavy.
Jett in Valorant - on MVP
Think you can keep up? Who am I kidding - you know you can't keep up.
C'mon guys, take out their healer! It's super annoying to kill people twice.
I would make fun of their dumb faces, but they're us! Heh... we look stupid.
Their healer is nothing, I'll burn them faster than they can mend.
All I need are these hands and this fire.
Wind, show me where to go!
The faster we do this, the faster I get paid.
I'm fire, you're Brimstone, let's go!
One more win, and we're going out for drinks, lads.
Either spend all your money, or give it to me. Good cause either way.
Remember, stay out of the fire! Super high level tactic.
Yes, yes it's me. Autographs if we survive yeah?
You got that on camera?
Sie halten uns für Barbaren - wir werden sie nicht enttäuschen!
Assassin's Creed - Valhalla
Siegreich im Krieg.
Wachsam in Friedenszeiten.
Opferbereitschaft im Tode.
Dragon Age - Inquisition
Kein Opfer zu groß!
Joseph Turner in Call of Duty
Welcome to Night City. The only limit to what you can do is what you're willing to become. So dream big!
Johnny Silverhand in Cyberpunk 2077
Ich liebe diese Stadt. Die Stadt der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten. Von hier kommen Legenden.
Nobody ever leaves Night City. Except in a body bag.
Bes Isis in Cyberpunk 2077
V. Just V. Only people who know me real well can use my real name.
It's a city of dreams... and I'm a big dreamer!
In 2077, what makes someone a criminal? Getting caught!
Johnny Silverhand in Cyberpunk 2077
Du bist in deinem Leben nie vor etwas weg gelaufen - nicht einmal, wenn du es hättest tun sollen. Du durchstreifst Night City und weißt, dass dich jederzeit eine Kugel erwischen könnte. Aber das hat dich nie davon abgehalten, die Dinge selbst in die Hand zu nehmen. Wenn du töten musst, töte. Wenn du alles niederbrennen musst, lass es brennen!
Wenn du Cojones hast und damit umzugehen weißt, kannst du so gut wie jeden Scheiß machen. Außer du fängst dir 'ne Kugel ein. Selbst dann gehst du mit 'nem Knall ab.
In 2077, they voted my city the worst place to live in America. Main issues: sky-high rated violence and more people living below the poverty line than anywhere else.
Imagine a world where Central America didn't become a battleground; where the U.S. solved its problems of crime, inflation and drugs; where the Cold War ended in democracy, not a succession of squabbling dictatorships.
Dr. Albert Harper in Cyberpunk 2077
Wake the f up, Samurai! We got a city to burn.
Johnny Silverhand in Cyberpunk 2077
Crime in Night City is now double the rate than in the New United States.
I saw corps ... transform Night City into a machine fueled by people's crushed spirits, broken dreams and emptied pockets. Corps've long controlled our lives, taken lots... and now they're after our souls! ... I've declared war not 'cause capitalism's a thorn in my side or outta nostalgia for an America gone by. This war's a people's war against a system that's spiralled outta our control.
Johnny Silverhand in Cyberpunk 2077
To Europeans, Russia has always been the great bear to the east.
Eurosource Plus in Cyberpunk 2077
Music always gets hammered down to the Three A's. Axe, Attitude, and Audience. Me, I had an Axe and an Attitude. All I had to do was get the third one.
Kerry Eurodyne in Cyberpunk 2077
Y'know, I used to mark time in stages. One juncture to the next. There was the megabuilding hole-in-the-wall phase, and then the group home phase, the Mox phase... Each and every time, I thought I'd found a home. And each and every time, I came away disappointed.
Judy Álvarez in Cyberpunk 2077
Looking at Chicago from outside the city in daylight is one of the most depressing sights in the world.
Neo Tribes in Cyberpunk 2077
'Member our first convo? Seems I've chosen the quiet life, after all. No blaze o' glory for me.
Dexter DeShawn in Cyberpunk 2077
Head's never, ever been more clearer in my whole f*ckin' life! My whole life I've spent in this shit around us! And I ain't going back!
Jackie Welles in Cyberpunk 2077
Because I truly care this time. Yet I fear I'll do or say something foolish - and be left alone in the desert.
Panam Palmer in Cyberpunk 2077
Tokyo - The modern Babylon.
Araki Kae in Cyberpunk 2077
When you've got this much skill, every shot's a lucky one.
Time is an adventure - if you know when to look.
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