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Die besten Videospielzitate (Seite 35)

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There is no strength in servitude.
I will rule the Freljord.
Trust nothing but your strength.
Ich denke, ich könnte einen Eurer Verwandten kennen. Keine Haare, herabfallendes Fleisch, immer auf der Suche nach Gehirnen... klingelt da was?
Das Leben ist nichts weiter als ein kurzer Ausflug an die Oberfläche.
Unser Schicksal ist viel schlimmer als der Tod.
Alle die ich kannte, sind tot und wie ist dein wertes befinden?
Müde, uralt und halbtot und trotzdem hole ich dich.
Müde, uralt und halbtot und trotzdem hole ich dich.
Yorick, der Hirte der verlorenen Seelen in League of Legends
Failure can be forgiven.... Betrayal will always be met with death.
Valeria Jenner in Counter-Strike - Global Offensive
That was like shooting fish in a barrel!
SEAL Team 6 in Counter-Strike
Let's do this and get back in time for chow.
SEAL Team 6 in Counter-Strike
Remember, this is bandit country, shoot everything that moves.
Remove any doubts in your head; it's us, or them.
Even if you escape today, you can not hide from us. The firey wings of the Phoenix embrace this world, and not even your father can shield you from the flames.
Valeria Jenner in Counter-Strike - Global Offensive
Hard to cast a spell with a blade in your throat isn't it, witch?
Shadow in Path of Exile
I fought for God. Who do you fight for, exile?
Gravicius in Path of Exile
Give a man a fish, and you can feed him for a day.
But give a fish a man, and you can feed it for a month.
Song of the Sirens in Path of Exile
Wisdom is the offspring of suffering and time.
Izaro in Path of Exile
There is a fine line between consideration and hesitation. The former is wisdom, the latter is fear.
Izaro in Path of Exile
Why cling to your sanity? It offers you nothing.
Lochtonial Caress in Path of Exile
Life is nothing without death. That simple truth's been forgotten from time to time.
Ranger in Path of Exile
And that's where you missed the point, Malachai. Death is the only thing that gives life any meaning.
Shadow in Path of Exile
It is woman's purpose to tempt and try the will of man.
Dominus in Path of Exile
It is too easy for the soul to escape from an open heart.
Stand and lead the righteous pride,
Fight 'til death, never hide
Lioneye's Paws in Path of Exile
When the throat roars
As eyes weep
When the hand grips hard
With trembling fingers
When belly twists
Yet legs stand strong
That is the work
Of the Defiant Heart
Cloak of Defiance in Path of Exile
The throne is the most devious trap of them all.
Izaro in Path of Exile
To entertain doubt is to dance with death.
Izaro in Path of Exile
No life can be owned. Not a deer's. Not a rabbit's. And not mine. Every creature has a birth-given right to live however it will. However it can.
My right is to hunt. To feed off the wilderness in the understanding that, one day, will feed off me.
Ranger in Path of Exile
When the time comes to strike, an emperor strikes without hesitation.
Izaro in Path of Exile
Tora thinks almost as poorly as she smells. You cannot start a new world by simply slaughtering the old. Pay no heed to that primitive.
Vorici in Path of Exile
Pity the emperor who sits alone on his throne.
Izaro in Path of Exile
Strong leadership is able to bridge the chasm between existence and extinction. Poor leadership might see an entire tribe vanish into that same chasm.
Izaro in Path of Exile
I offered you the gift of exile and you used it to reinvent yourself. I couldn't wish for a more potent instrument.
Dominus in Path of Exile
One rung closer to the top of the food chain.
Ranger in Path of Exile
I've dealt with far darker shadows than you, exile.
Dominus in Path of Exile
You'd bite the master that called you here, Witch?
Dominus in Path of Exile
You there, let me bend your air for a moment.
Izaro in Path of Exile
Not any more. I, Izaro Phrecius, shall return us to Justice. I shall build the greatest Lord's Labyrinth in Azmerian history, and my successor shall be chosen by the Goddess herself.
Izaro in Path of Exile
I exiled an animal. Now you almost resemble a man, Karui.
Dominus in Path of Exile
Before your emperor, you are worthy. Before the Goddess of Justice, you are worthy. Receive our blessings. Embrace our gifts. And rise, ascendant, for this is the ending that we all deserve.
Izaro in Path of Exile
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, uh... hammer!
Seems you left your brave pants at home. Want me to wait while you go get them?
Could you maybe get out of the way? Y'know, so I don't have to flatten you.
This hammer has two sides. Did you want to feel the other one too?
They try to knock me down, but I have a low center of gravity.
Oh, wow, Garen, do you think you could sign my shield?
That's not a hammer! This is a hammer.
If you're waiting for me to give up, you might be here a while.
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