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Him who knows that I know what he seeks to know, knows it well while he who knows not, knows not what I know or know not.
The Fool in Dragon's Dogma
With guns and violence, the whole damn world could be yours.
Higgs in Death Stranding - 2: On the Beach
With guns and violence, the whole damn world could be yours.
Death Stranding - 2: On the Beach
I'm afraid the Death Stranding is far from over. Humanity is still in danger. Still on the brink of extinction - don't act like you don't see it.
Fragile in Death Stranding - 2: On the Beach
It's the same deal as America. The people here are all spread out. Cut off from one another. We want you to help us bring the world together.
Fragile in Death Stranding - 2: On the Beach
A Strand is a part of a rope or bond, while stranded means being washed up on the shore, and being stranded is when you can't go home.
Amelie in Death Stranding
When I found out I was going to be a father, I was so scared. I had to be there for you and your mother, no matter what. I couldn't just go off and get myself killed anymore. But I had it wrong. Being a father didn't make me scared, it made me brave.
Clifford Unger in Death Stranding
Living is no different than being dead if you're alone.
The only limits are the ones we impose upon ourselves.
It's funny, though. Even when the heart stops, the pain lingers.
Heartman in Death Stranding
If this is to be the end, then I will tell them of the beginning. Of how your spark was ignited. Of your will to survive. Of the power that flowed from within you into this enchanting realm of beauty and decay. Your flame has grown strong, but in the end it was not enough. You answered the call, but who answered yours? None but the darkness, the malice, the relentless legions of the mist. Alone, no one stands against the Shroud. But you are not alone, for now we come with iron and steel and the flame of the ancients in our veins. Together, we take back what was stolen. We reshape this Earth to our will. Together we declare if this is to be the end - it will not be ours!
From the darkness... Awaken! Let the fire in your veins guide you, for you shall have nothing else to survive. No food or comfort, until it is earned. The ones before you were fools. They pillaged the earth for a magical elixir, and unleashed a ruinous blight! My newborn flame, master the staff, the bow, the shield, and the blade. For in the fog, weakness is a feast for the mighty. Cast yourself into the rude beauty of our world, unlock her secrets, shape the earth, dive into the Shroud. Seek treasures and ancient wisdom. Build, not for yourself, for you are not alone. There are others waiting for you to raise a village, or a kingdom! Craft arms, worthy of legend, and ignite your skills. Flameborn, call upon your allies, and together take back your realm!
Victory! With me on your team, did you expect anything else?
Follow the flow of the breeze, the cloud, and thy heart!
You manage to delight this soul of mine time and time again.
There's nothing I despise more than boredom.
You're lucky to have a Nikke like me who knows what she's doing.
This place ain't so bad. Plenty of things to break.
You don't have to tell me. I already know I'm awesome.
I had a great day. I ate a lot, and got to fire a whole lotta artillery.
Everything here reeks of your scent, Human. I'm itching to tear it all to shreds.
Surely iron cannot be forged without fire? Most peculiar indeed.
Commander! Let's go for a wao... wall... What's the word? Ah, that's it! Let's for for a waook!
Whenever I'm around you, I feel warm inside.
Come here. Let's listen to music. We can split the earbuds.
Long ago, this Pal used long objects like tree branches as weapons. After coming into contact with humans, however, it found something much more effective: guns.
#8 Tanzee in Palworld
Intelligent as a five to seven-year-old human child. It makes a wonderful partner, but there have been more than a few cases where they've killed their master after learning to use weapons.
#4 Lifmunk in Palworld
It is unskilled at controlling fire from the moment it is born and tends to choke on the flames it breathes unintentionally. Foxparks sneezes are one of the leading causes of forest fires.
#5 Foxparks in Palworld
If you find Nox hair in your bedding, you should leave it where it lays and leave immediately. Picking it up is a one-way-ticket to a never ending night.
#21 Nox in Palworld
Being an extremely aggressive Pal, it often picks fights before gauging its opponent's strength. Though small, its powerful charge can even send boulders flying.
#20 Rushoar in Palworld
It puts those it is interested in to sleep and shows them an endless stream of happy dreams. Those who fall under its spell are never to wake until death takes them.
#19 Daedream in Palworld
Compared to Lambball, it has finer wool and a temperament more suited for domestication. However, it has historically been kept as a pet. Cuteness is considered a virtue.
#18 Cremis in Palworld
It has few friends because of the perpetually grouchy look on its face, but it is in fact kindhearted. Some have seen it feeding Vixy who have strayed from their pack.
#17 Depresso in Palworld
Large amounts of water pour from what is thought to be its nose, though some say that it is, in fact, just snot. This has sparked a fierce debate among Pal scholars.
#16 Teafant in Palworld
Often lost in thought, it sometimes finds it difficult to sleep. "I think, therefore I am."
#15 Hoocrates in Palworld
The idol of Palpagos Island. If you bully a Vixy, you best be prepared to become enemies with the whole world.
#14 Vixy in Palworld
A strange Pal with a body resembling tree sap. It gradually loses strength if it has nothing to cover its body with, eventually rotting away.
#13 Gumoss in Palworld
Releases the electricity stored in it's body when under attack, producing a shock that can be over 10 million volts. If thrown, it can even be more lethal than any conventional heavy weaponry.
#12 Jolthog in Palworld
Surprisingly, it is unrelated to Pengullet. Ever wanting to be the center of attention, this Pal will strut its stuff for any onlookers.
#11 Penking in Palworld
The feathers of this Pal have all but disappeared, but sadly, its desire to fly has remained as strong as ever. Even now, it tries to fly again in any way it can.
#10 Pengullet in Palworld
During the dry season, this Pal is always on the verge of blowing a fuse, Sparks can fly with even the slightest provocation even amongst allies.
#7 Sparkit in Palworld
Using its own body water, this Pal can create waves anywhere. It body surfs when in a hurry, but the resulting speed often ends in a fatal collision.
#6 Fuack in Palworld
Extremely weak and far too delicious. It is one of the weakest Pal alongside Lamball. No matter how many are hunted, they just keep appearing.
#3 Chikipi in Palworld
At a glance it appears full of confidence, but it is in fact weak and cowardly.
Being toyed with by a Cattiva is in many ways the greatest of disgraces.
#2 Cattiva in Palworld
A walk up a hill tends to end with this Pal tumbling back down. This causes it to become dizzy and unable to move, making it easy to capture and kill. As a result, this pal has tumbled down to the very bottom of the food chain itself.
#1 Lamball in Palworld
Looks like someone didn't understand the "gravity" of the situation.
Horizon: "I see the creepy smile on yer face ain't just fer show."
Revenant: "Gotta chase the things that make you happy. Or don't. You know all about giving up, don't you?"
Revenant in Apex Legends - Season 19
Valkyrie: "Bounce to your place after this? I gotta drown some sorrows."
Rampart: "The bar's open, mate. But you gotta spill."
Rampart in Apex Legends - Season 19
Newcastle: "Just between us dads - your knees hurt too, right?"
Ballistic: "Please don't mistake me for one who makes dad jokes. That would be a 'faux PA'."
Ballistic in Apex Legends - Season 19
Valkyrie: "You. Me. Drinks. And no relationship talk."
Rampart: "Cool, mate. We can name my new mod. Something with an L..."
Rampart in Apex Legends - Season 19