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Die besten Videospielzitate (Seite 22)

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Visions are a light in the sea of darkness that surrounds those who have lost their way. But for those who have faith, they are little more than badges of conviction.
I don't like alcohol. It's just... I don't like how it feels in my mouth...
What lies in wait for us? I rarely stop to think about it. No matter what dares to stand in my way, I must press forward.
Dear Anemo God, please make Klee's bombs blow in the right direction and only blow up bad guys. The end.
I'm really good at fixing things though. I can help! Huh? What do you mean that's child labor? What even is child labor? Does that mean I can't help?
Spark Knight Klee of the Knights of Favonius, reporting for duty! There's some more, but uh, I forgot. I'm not so good at remembering.
You're older than me right? That means you've had way more birthdays than me... I'm sooo jealous!
Hello, are you here for playtime with Klee?
My mom and dad are the famousest travelers in Teyvat! Mom writes the Teyvat Travel Guide, so all the restaurants and hotels in the whole world care what she thinks about them.
New bomb research complete! Now, let's get outta here before Jean finds out...
Once I'm out of solitary confinement and am done reflecting on my actions, we can go play together again, okay?
What'd I blow up!? Oh wait, it's just thunder and lightning. Phew.
Klee was a brave girl today! I found a really weird-looking lizard! Want me to show it to you?
Do you wanna come fish blasting with me? I'll get grounded for a whole day, but it's way worth it coz the fish taste sooo goood!
Keep your weapon at the ready! You never know what's around the corner...
Protecting my soldiers doesn't just mean having a robust defense in place. Sometimes, it means going on the attack!
There are times when being lightly armored has its shortcomings... For example, I have to be particularly careful of my tail when the enemy attacks with fire.
The fighting has ceased for now... commence physical training!
A strong body shows strength and instills confidence in others around you. I must always stay at the top of my game!
General Gorou of the Watatsumi Island resistance, ready and waiting! I've long heard of your sterling reputation and I look forward to fighting our way to victory side-by-side!
I'm far from human. I can't make much of human emotions.
I deal in death. If you cannot bring yourself to kill - speak my name.
Many mortals fear lightning... incomprehensible. Fear of something so common.
The damned will sooner die again than lay a hand on me.
Reduced to just standing around. How absurd.
Night... when the darkness comes to envelope you. Don't stay outside.
Don't think about getting close, and stay out of my way, or all that awaits you is regret.
Once the snow is thick enough, we can eat it.
Fate is called as such, for it cannot be changed, nor can it be reversed. It can only but be accepted.
Astrologers must rid themselves of material desires. Only by ridding oneself of clutter can one see the true world around them.
Divination is about precisely foretelling one's written destiny. Over-embellishing that fate only leads to misconception.
You want a non-alcoholic drink? No, that's not difficult, but it's meaningless!
Fine. You can touch my ears for a second, but the tail is off limits!
Noon is upon us, we should eat. Hm? I will have a salad, for simplicity is the way of the astrologer.
Salad. Salad is by far the best food in the world. Cheap to buy, easy to whip up, and filling.
One need not scry to know today's weather will be good.
The golden rule all fortune tellers abide is: never offer advice. Only state the results of the divination. Otherwise, you risk your fate becoming tangled up with that of your subject. But for you, I will make an exception to this rule - because our fates have been intertwined from the beginning.
The work of the astrologer is to show people what fate has in store for them, and that's exactly what I do. There will always be those however, who are unable to accept what they are told.
A cat's ears can hear even the softest footsteps on the ground.
A cat's eyes can see even the most elusive prey in the dark.
Don't, don't make me angry. I'm pretty tolerant, but don't even try to mess with me. I'm warning you, I bite when I get angry! Meow!!! But maybe I'd let you off easy, no bites...
I am Astrologist Mona Megistus, meaning "The Great Astrologist Mona." If it is divination you seek from me, then I ask you respect my name by learning it wholly, here and now.
Rain! I hate rain! Let's go inside. I'm not scared of water, I just... hate it when my clothes get wet.
A cat's legs can climb even the tallest tree in all of Teyvat.
Good. Keep failing. Keep getting back up. That is the only way to succeed.
Jaro Tapal in Star Wars Spiele - Jedi: Fallen Order
We will always struggle, but that is the test. It's the choice to keep fighting that makes us who we are.
Cere Junda in Star Wars Spiele - Jedi: Fallen Order
Cal Kestis: "I will never forget. The loss has become a part of me. I will honor your teaching. And your sacrifice."
Jaro Tapal: "Remember. Persistence reveals the path."
Jaro Tapal in Star Wars Spiele - Jedi: Fallen Order
Failure is not the end. It is a necessary part of the path. Hope will always survive in those who continue to fight.
Eno Cordova in Star Wars Spiele - Jedi: Fallen Order
By the right of the council, by the will of the Force. Cal Kestis. Rise. Jedi Knight.
Cere Junda in Star Wars Spiele - Jedi: Fallen Order
Xingqiu at your service, my liege! I humbly trust that even one such as I, a mere bookworm, may yet prove to be of some utility under your wise leadership. Nice, I don't often get a chance to speak with such formality. It felt pretty good!