Zitate und Sprüche von Vegeta

Zitate und Sprüche von Vegeta

Du magst mein Herz und meine Seele besitzen, aber eines wirst du nie beherrschen können: Den Stolz eines Saiyajins!
My strength didn't come from lifting weights. My strength came from lifting myself up when I was knocked down.
Even the mightiest warriors experience fears. What makes them a true warrior is the courage that they possess to overcome their fears.
I'm mad enough to hurt somebody and pounding you just might be the therapy I need.
What's wrong, Frieza? Is your brain another one of your weak and underused muscles?
Push through the pain! Giving up hurts more.
Strength is the only thing that matters in this world. Everything else is just a delusion for the weak.
Never send a boy to do a man's job.

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One thing I learned from my father is to never give up, even when the odds are stacked against you.
My greatest opponent is myself. If I can discover what my weaknesses are, then I will be an even stronger fighter than I already am.
You see, when you take life, you live deep in fear that your life will be taken away as well. When you harm others, you're only just harming yourself.
Sometimes, we have to look beyond what we want and do what's best.
I know your kind. You think you can just wall in and take our planet. But you forgot one thing… I'm my father's son!
I'm not interested in fighting you just for the challenge, my dad's the one who cares about that stuff.
Don't worry. It won't hurt too bad. Really. Death is my specialty.
I suppose you could make me angry, but I wouldn't advise it.
You'll laugh at your fears when you find out who you are.
I doubt I need an introduction, but just in case, I am the mighty Frieza and yes, all the horror stories you’ve heard are true.
Gohan, you showed me that power is nothing without being guided by love.
I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth. Ally to good - nightmare to you!
Well, I've got to hand it to you. You're the first one who's ever hurt me besides my loving parents that is. Hm. It's been so long since I felt pain. It's such a strange sensation.
I would rather be a brainless monkey than a heartless monster.
I think I know how to get that smirk off your ugly mug. I'm going to renovate your face!
You must be Frieza, the one responsible for the horrible chain of events that have taken place on this planet. Whatever problems you have with Vegeta, you can take them up with me now!
Why do women have butts on their chests?
There is a level beyond that of a Super Saiyan. And I will rise to claim it.
I could go one step farther If I wanted to.
Der Ozean ist so salzig, weil jeder reinpinkelt.
There are three things I cannot tolerate: cowardice, bad haircuts, and military insurrection. It is very unfortunate that our friend Vegeta possesses all three of these.
It looks like they only want me, and that's exactly who they’ll get.
Ich halte immer meine Versprechen an muskelbepackte Irre, die mich umbringen wollen, wenn ich es nicht tue.
Das Herz ist ein Muskel, und was tun Muskeln, wenn sie reißen? Sie wachsen noch stärker zusammen.
Hier geht es nicht um Gut oder Böse, es geht um Macht - und wem es erlaubt ist, sie zu nutzen.

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