She was sayin', "Come get me"
So I got up and followed her to the floor
She said, "Baby, let's go"
When I told her, I said
Yeah, yeah
So I got up and followed her to the floor
She said, "Baby, let's go"
When I told her, I said
Yeah, yeah
Yeah!, Album: Confessions
Deep down, you know it's best for yourself, but you
Hate the thought of her bein' with someone else
But you know that it's over, we knew it was through
Let it burn, let it burn, gotta let it burn
Hate the thought of her bein' with someone else
But you know that it's over, we knew it was through
Let it burn, let it burn, gotta let it burn
Burn, Album: Confessions
Es gibt immer diesen einen Menschen, dem für immer dein Herz gehört. Für mich bist du diese Person.
Um erfolgreich zu sein, muss man das Selbstbewusstsein haben, nach etwas zu streben, auch wenn es unmöglich erscheint.
Success is about dedication. You may not be where you want to be or do what you want to do when you're on the journey. But you've got to be willing to have vision and foresight that leads you to an incredible end.
For a woman to be able to dominate and also be feminine and soft, that's a talent. And its not all about appearance. A woman who has a brain, who is street-smart and book-smart, that woman is very, very sexy to me.
Kindern eine gute Bildung zu geben ist die beste Investition, die es gibt.
Das beste Geschenk, das ein Mann einer Frau machen kann, ist seine ungeteilte Aufmerksamkeit.
You are who you are, and in the end, If you don't believe it then no one will.
I like a woman who takes care of herself - it says something about the way she'll care for me.
Success is measured by personal happiness.
Breaking up is a natural evolution when you try to figure out what you want in life. If you're with an individual who isn't moving in the same direction and at the same rate that you are, it ain't going to work.
You either evolve or dissolve.
I tried football and got my ass beat. I tried baseball, and the ball knocked out one of my teeth.
I'm a flamboyant type of guy, a cooler version of Liberace.
We all possess exactly what we need to be our greatest selves.
The more youth begin to recognize that they have a voice, the more change is possible.
Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't make them all yourself.
The first time I got a chance to meet Michael was onstage at Madison Square Garden. There were tons of people on the stage, and I just remember losing my mind. Like, Oh my God, that's Michael Jackson right there. I was just over his right shoulder. And then when I finally got a chance to get on the stage with him, I was just shut down. He had the type of magic that you just bowed to. I just said, "I love you, and I know you've heard it a million and one times from fans all over the world, but you've meant so much to me as an entertainer, and I love you, and I've admired you all these years.
In time we grow older, we grow wiser, we grow smarter, and we're better. And I feel like I'm becoming more seasoned, although I don't have my salt-and-pepper hair.
I think it's important for us to believe in one another's capabilities. If I didn't have someone to believe in me, I wouldn't be the individual I am today. Neither would I strive for new territory or new direction or to believe in myself.
If somebody steps on your shoes and ruins them, don't freak out.. get a new pair of shoes. If you miss something, don't freak out.. there's nothing you can do to change it.. just move on
Sleeping is forbidden at the age of 22. It's all work and no play.
Zitate und Sprüche über Usher
Nicht viele wissen, dass es in Deutschland einen Feiertag gibt, der Usher gewidmet ist - der sogenannte "Ushermittwoch".
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Mein Kopf ist ständig aktiv und immer am Arbeiten. Es ist ein Fluch und eine Gabe.
Wenn du träumst und daran glaubst, kannst du es schaffen.
Bad Boy Entertainment hat niemanden erschossen. Ich habe niemanden erschossen.
I feel safe in white because deep down inside, I'm an angel.
It feels like I could go outside with a bikini thong on right now.
Tell the World I'm coming home
Let the rain wash away
All the pain of yesterday
I know my kingdom awaits
And they've forgiven my mistakes
Let the rain wash away
All the pain of yesterday
I know my kingdom awaits
And they've forgiven my mistakes
Sean Combs - Coming Home
5Musik ist der Soundtrack unseres Lebens, sie spielt die Melodie unseres Seins.
I just wish I could understand my father.
The meaning of life is contained in every single expression of life. It is present in the infinity of forms and phenomena that exist in all of creation.
Let us dream of tomorrow where we can truly love from the soul, and know love as the ultimate truth at the heart of all creation.
Ich bin glücklich am Leben zu sein, ich bin glücklich damit, wer ich bin.
The secret behind success isn't as much of a secret as people think. It's pretty simple. It's working as hard as you can to accomplish what you want.
Ich habe erst mit etwa vierzig Jahren verstanden, dass es grundsätzlich völlig falsch ist, eine Sache aus finanziellen Gründen zu tun. Die wichtigen Dinge funktionieren umgekehrt: Man tut etwas, was man gerne tut, und dann kommt irgendwann das Geld oder der Erfolg oder was man sonst für wichtig hält.
Ferdinand von Schirach - März 2019
Es ist ein Irrglaube, ein Bildungssystem komme ohne die Vermittlung von Werten aus!
Ein Hund ist das beste Geschenk, das Eltern ihrem Kind machen können. Okay, zuerst eine gute Bildung, dann ein Hund.
Nichts ist leichter zu kontrollieren als eine Frau, die von ihren Gefühlen für den Mann bestimmt wird.
Am Aschermittwoch ist alles vorbei - besonders die Einnahmefrist für die Pille danach.