I didn't fall for you, you tripped me!
Jenny Han - I've Loved Before
Life doesn't have to be so planned. Just roll with it and let it happen.
Jenny Han - I've Loved Before
I guess that's part of growing up, too - saying goodbye to the things you used to love.
Jenny Han - Always and Forever, Lara Jean
1So much of love is chance. There's something scary and wonderful about that.
Jenny Han - P.S. I Still Love You
1I delete the picture of him from my phone; I delete his number. I think that if I just delete him enough, it will be like none of it ever happened and my heart won't hurt so badly.
Jenny Han - I've Loved Before
1I know now that I don't want to love or be loved in half measures. I want it all, and to have it all, you have to risk it all.
Jenny Han - P.S. I Still Love You
1Do you think there's a difference? Between belonging with and belonging to?
Jenny Han - I've Loved Before
1So I take Peter's hand; I put it on my heart. I tell him, "You have to take good care of this, because it's yours."
Jenny Han - P.S. I Still Love You
Life is beautiful, and messy, and never goes according to plan. I do know that love, real love, is choosing each other through all of it, every single day. Beginning and middle and end.
Lara Jean in To All the Boys - Always and Forever
1In movies love is always about the big moments. Grand speeches made in front of everyone. But maybe love is actually about the moments when you think no one is watching.
Lara Jean in To All the Boys - Always and Forever
1I love you, Peter. Always and forever.
Lara Jean in To All the Boys - Always and Forever
You can break my heart. Do whatever you want with it.
Lara Jean in To All the Boys - P.S. I Still Love You
I never want to be the guy holding you back. I want to be the one by your side. It won't always be easy, but I want to do whatever it takes to make this work, because that's what you do when you love someone.
Peter Kavinsky in To All the Boys - Always and Forever
If two people are meant to be, they'll find their way to each other.
Lara Jean in To All the Boys - P.S. I Still Love You
1When you lose someone and it still hurts, that's when you know the love was real.
Lara Jean in To All the Boys - P.S. I Still Love You
1I know now that I don't want to love or be loved in half measures. I want it all, and to have it all, you have to risk it all.
Lara Jean in To All the Boys - P.S. I Still Love You
You're not my best friend. You're my sister, and that's more.
To All the Boys - P.S. I Still Love You
I guess that's what happens when you grow up. Everything gets all mixed up together.
Lara Jean in To All the Boys - Always and Forever
1I've heard people say that the more you like someone, the more you think they are beautiful even if you didn't think so in the beginning.
To All the Boys - P.S. I Still Love You
It's like the world keeps shifting under my feet when all I want is for it to stand still.
Lara Jean in To All the Boys - Always and Forever
I was lying to every person, and I knew I couldn't lie to you.
Lara Jean in To All the Boys - I've Loved Before
A girl's relationship with her father is the most important male relationship of her life.
To All the Boys - P.S. I Still Love You
You were never second best.
Peter Kavinsky in To All the Boys - I've Loved Before
I need you to know that I like you.
Lara Jean in To All the Boys - I've Loved Before
It was real in a different way.
Lara Jean in To All the Boys - I've Loved Before
But really, I guess it was mainly about how sometimes, I imagined what it would have been like if I'd realized how I felt about him sooner.
Lara Jean in To All the Boys - I've Loved Before
He was my first boy friend. Well, space between the words, boy who was a friend.
Lara Jean in To All the Boys - I've Loved Before
You have to let yourself be fully present in every moment. Just be awake for it, do you know what I mean? Go all in and wring every last drop out of the experience.
Lara Jean in To All the Boys - P.S. I Still Love You
I'm pretty sure you can't call in sick to a relationship.
Trina Rothschild in To All the Boys - Always and Forever
And so, I wrote him a letter. I wasn't going to send the letter, it was just for me to understand how I was feeling.
Lara Jean in To All the Boys - I've Loved Before
A meet cute is when a couple meets for the first time. It's always cute, and that is how you know they're gonna end up together.
Lara Jean in To All the Boys - Always and Forever
We burn low and slow okay? We're like brisket.
Lara Jean in To All the Boys - Always and Forever
You can put your hand in my back pocket.
Lara Jean in To All the Boys - I've Loved Before
It's so cool how we can talk to each other about real stuff.
Peter Kavinsky in To All the Boys - I've Loved Before
Smirking, he says, "Whatever spell you just tried to cast on me, it didn't work, so I think you need to go back to Hogwarts."
Jenny Han - I've Loved Before
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Maybe that was how it was with all first loves. They own a little piece of your heart, always.
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Moments, when lost, can't be found again. They're just gone.
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1It's the imperfections that make things beautiful.
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And no matter what you do or how hard you try, you can't stop yourself from dreaming.
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1But just because you bury something, that doesn't mean it stops existing.
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You never know the last time you'll see a place. A person.
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1There hadn't been one specific moment. It was like gradualy waking up. You go from being asleep to the space between dreaming and awake and then into consciousness. It's a slow process, but when you're awake, there's no mistaking it. There was no mistaking that it had been love.
Jenny Han in Summer Series - We'll Always Have Summer
1Victory is a thousand times sweeter when you're the underdog.
Jenny Han in Summer Series - The Summer I Turned Pretty
1"Little Sisters' Survival Guide, rule number thirty-seven," Skylar said.
"Scream before they hit you."
"Scream before they hit you."
Jennifer Lynn Barnes in Every Other Day
Aber er war zu Hause. Hogwarts war das erste und beste Heim, das er gekannt hatte. Er und Voldemort und Snape, die verlassenen Jungen, sie alle hatten dort ein Heim gefunden.
But he was home. Hogwarts was the first and best home he had known. He and Voldemort and Snape, the abandoned boys, had all found home here.
Warum sollte jemand Pirat werden wollen? Weil es nichts Besseres gibt. Du spürst den Wind im Rücken. Die salzige Seeluft. Eine treue Crew an deiner Seite.
Why would anyone want to be a pirate? It's the best thing there is. Wind in your back. The salty sea air. Loyal crew by your side.
Monkey D. Ruffy in One Piece - Netflix Live Action
Wir sind nicht frei in dem, was wir tun, weil wir nicht frei sind in dem, was wir wollen.
Du brauchst sehr viel mehr Mut für die Liebe, als für den Krieg.
It takes much more courage to be in love than it does for war.
Helsinki in Haus des Geldes - Staffel 4 Episode 5
8Stürze dich nie auf einen Vorteil, sobald er offenbar wird. Warte ab, bis du den maximalen Effekt erzielen kannst.
Don't exploit an advantage just because it emerges; wait until the optimal moment, then strike.
Ciri in The Witcher - III - Wild Hunt