Spread love; it's the Brooklyn way.
When it comes to sex, I'm similar to the thriller in Manila
Honeys call me Bigga the condom filler
Whether it's stiff tongue or stiff dick
Biggie squeeze it to make shit fit, now check this shit
Honeys call me Bigga the condom filler
Whether it's stiff tongue or stiff dick
Biggie squeeze it to make shit fit, now check this shit
Want That Old Thing Back
We used to fuss when the landlord dissed us
No heat, wonder why Christmas missed us
Birthdays was the worst days
Now we sip champagne when we thirst-ay
Uh, damn right I like the life I live
'Cause I went from negative to positive
No heat, wonder why Christmas missed us
Birthdays was the worst days
Now we sip champagne when we thirst-ay
Uh, damn right I like the life I live
'Cause I went from negative to positive
1Zitate und Sprüche über The Notorious B.I.G.
With Biggie, I thought his flow and his swag was better than Tupac's, but I thought Tupac's passion and ability to relate to the average person was better than Biggie, and I thought Nas was kind of like both, with a lot substance going but a lot of swag.
I'm from the Compton slums, and that's how the West ride
I'm from the city where two of the best died
I'm from the city where two of the best died
The Game - The City, Album: The R.E.D. Album
Diese Zitate könnten dir auch gefallen
Mein Kopf ist ständig aktiv und immer am Arbeiten. Es ist ein Fluch und eine Gabe.
My mind is always racing, and always going and always working, and it's a gift and a curse.
Wenn du träumst und daran glaubst, kannst du es schaffen.
If you dream and you believe, you can do it.
Bad Boy Entertainment hat niemanden erschossen. Ich habe niemanden erschossen.
Bad Boy Entertainment did not shoot anybody. I didn't shoot anybody.
I feel safe in white because deep down inside, I'm an angel.
It feels like I could go outside with a bikini thong on right now.
Tell the World I'm coming home
Let the rain wash away
All the pain of yesterday
I know my kingdom awaits
And they've forgiven my mistakes
Let the rain wash away
All the pain of yesterday
I know my kingdom awaits
And they've forgiven my mistakes
Sean Combs - Coming Home
5Das ist L.A. Die Leute hier beten alles an und würdigen nichts.
That's L.A. They worship everything and they value nothing.
Sebastian Wilder in La La Land
1Willkommen in einer Stadt, in der Menschen versuchen unterzutauchen, aber es nicht wirklich versuchen.
Welcome to a city where people trying to disappear aren't actually trying.
Joe Goldberg in You – Du wirst mich lieben - Staffel 2 Episode 2
1Ich habe für ein paar Monate in L.A. gewohnt. Es wirkt so als hätte niemand dort Eltern. Oder wenn sie welche haben, es nicht zugeben.
I lived in L.A. for a few months. It seemed like no one there had parents. Or if they did have parents, they would deny it.
Ich hatte andere Verpflichtungen. Zweimal täglich Therapie, das ist so L.A. von mir.
Lucifer Morningstar in Lucifer - Staffel 1 Episode 8
1Linda: "Warum Los Angeles?"
Lucifer: "Aus demselben Grund wie jeder andere: das Wetter, P*rnostars, mexikanisches Essen."
Lucifer: "Aus demselben Grund wie jeder andere: das Wetter, P*rnostars, mexikanisches Essen."
Linda: "Why did you decide to come to Los Angeles?"
Lucifer: "The same reason as everyone else: the weather, p*rnstars, Mexican food."
Lucifer: "The same reason as everyone else: the weather, p*rnstars, Mexican food."
Lucifer Morningstar in Lucifer - Staffel 1 Episode 3
1People here in Los Angeles are disgusted now about a sex scandal involving Arnold Schwarzenegger. Apparently for seven years, he carried on a sexual relationship with his own wife.
Arzt: "Natürliche Todesursache?"
Niko: "Klar. Eine Kugel im Kopf ist in dieser Stadt wohl die natürlichste aller Todesursachen."
Niko: "Klar. Eine Kugel im Kopf ist in dieser Stadt wohl die natürlichste aller Todesursachen."
Niko Bellic in GTA - Grand Theft Auto - IV
9Diese Stadt kann gar nicht schlafen, sie ist viel zu sehr damit beschäftigt, sich flachlegen zu lassen.
No wonder the city never sleeps, it's too busy trying to get laid.
Carrie Bradshaw in Sex And The City - Staffel 1 Episode 11
5Der Herbst in New York ist einzigartig. Aber es sind nicht nur die Blätter, die ihr Aussehen verändern. Es liegt irgendetwas in der Luft, das uns dazu bringt, Farbe zu bekennen.
Es gibt acht Millionen Menschen in dieser Stadt und diese wimmelnden Massen existieren nur zu dem Zweck, die wenigen außergewöhnlichen Menschen über sich zu erheben.
There are eight million people in this city. And those teeming masses exist for the sole purpose of lifting the few exceptional people onto their shoulders.
Grüner Kobold in Spider-Man
2If I can make it there
I'll make it anywhere
It's up to you
New York, New York
I'll make it anywhere
It's up to you
New York, New York
Frank Sinatra - New York, New York
2California has officially announced that jaywalking is now no longer a crime. So congratulations to the Californians who like walking places. This is great news for the six of you.
Trevor Noah in The Daily Show - Oktober 2022
New Mexico. Das ist ein Bundesstaat im Südwesten. So ähnlich wie Kalifornien, aber weniger Verkehr.
New Mexico. It's another state. I mean, it's like California, just less traffic.
Lalo Salamanca in Better Call Saul - Staffel 6 Episode 5
Wir haben alle unsere kleinen Schwächen. Meine ist Kalifornien.
We all have our little faults. Mine's in California.
All creative people should be required to leave California for three months every year.
Helsinki ist vielleicht nicht ganz so kalt wie oft behauptet wird, aber Kalifornien ist deutlich schöner. Ich kann mich nicht daran erinnern, als ich letztes mal keine kurzen Hosen tragen konnte.
Helsinki may not be as cold as you make it out to be, but California is still a lot nicer. I don't remember the last time I couldn't walk around in shorts all day.
Sie haben Geld um Krieg zu führen, aber nicht um die Armen zu ernähren.
They got money for the war, but can't feed the poor.
Der Tod ist nicht der schlimmste Verlust im Leben. Der schlimmste Verlust ist was in dir stirbt, während du am Leben bist. Gib niemals auf!
Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside, while still alive. Never surrender!
Jeder führt seinen eigenen Krieg, ich führe Krieg mit meinem Herz.
Everybody is at war with something, I'm at war with my heart
If your dreams don't match your actions, you can either change your dreams or change your actions.
If you want to look good in front of thousands, you have to out work thousands in front of nobody.
It's Game, sick in the brain
Sick as the day that I came
Hennessy runnin' through my veins, I load up the clip and aim
Sick of you n-gas talkin' like you won't get wet in the rain
Sick as the day that I came
Hennessy runnin' through my veins, I load up the clip and aim
Sick of you n-gas talkin' like you won't get wet in the rain
The Game - The Black Slim Shady, Album: DRILLMATIC - Heart vs. Mind
You mad 'cause your daughter f*ck with me on spring break
Well, I'ma f*ck her till the springs break
Well, I'ma f*ck her till the springs break
The Game - Ali Bomaye, Album: Jesus Piece
I just enjoy life now. I just enjoy every morning I get to wake up.
When these streets keep callin', heard it when I was sleep
That this Gay-Z and Cock-a-Fella Records wanted beef
That this Gay-Z and Cock-a-Fella Records wanted beef
Nas - Ether, Album: Stillmatic
'Cause the boys in the hood are always hard
You come talkin' the trash, we'll pull your card
Knowin' nothin' in life, but to be legit
Don't quote me, boy, 'cause I ain't said shit
You come talkin' the trash, we'll pull your card
Knowin' nothin' in life, but to be legit
Don't quote me, boy, 'cause I ain't said shit
Eazy-E - Boyz-n-the Hood, Album: N.W.A. and the Posse
I'm rollin' hard, now I'm under control
Then wrapped my 6-4 around a telephone pole
I looked at my car and I said "Oh, brother."
I throw it in the gutter, and go buy another
Then wrapped my 6-4 around a telephone pole
I looked at my car and I said "Oh, brother."
I throw it in the gutter, and go buy another
Eazy-E - Boyz-n-the Hood, Album: N.W.A. and the Posse
Und jetzt ein paar witzige Fakten über Long Island... Nummer 1: Da wehen alle Fürze aus Brooklyn hin.
Here are a few fun facts about Long Island... Number 1: It's Brooklyn's fart-trail.
Robin Scherbatsky in How I Met Your Mother - Staffel 7 Episode 11
3Ich bin mir mittlerweile absolut sicher, dass ich hier in Manila noch überfahren werde.
Benni Zander - September 2023
Yeah, this life I'm livin'
All the advice been tipped in
Gave me that grip, no slippin'
Out of my mind, went trippin'
All the advice been tipped in
Gave me that grip, no slippin'
Out of my mind, went trippin'
Travis Scott - Praise God, Album: Donda
If life's a game of inches, then my dick has been the biggest
$uicideboy$ - Kill Yourself (Part III), Album: My Liver Will Handle What My Heart Can’t
1She told me put my heart in the bag
And nobody gets hurt
Now I'm running from her love, I'm not fast
So I'm making it worse
Now I'm digging up a grave, from my past
I'm a whole different person
It's a gift and a curse
But I cannot reverse it
And nobody gets hurt
Now I'm running from her love, I'm not fast
So I'm making it worse
Now I'm digging up a grave, from my past
I'm a whole different person
It's a gift and a curse
But I cannot reverse it
Juice WRLD - Robbery, Album: A Deathrace for Love
3And if you ever need a friend then you got me
And in the end, when I die, would you watch me?
And if I try suicide, would you stop me?
Would you help me get a grip or would you drop me?
And in the end, when I die, would you watch me?
And if I try suicide, would you stop me?
Would you help me get a grip or would you drop me?
Lil Peep - Das Leben ist schön, Album: A Night at the Opera
4It's a rodeo, go on and touch your toes
I'ma hit you from the back and that's as far as it goes
I done knocked 'em all down like some dominoes
I'ma hit you from the back and that's as far as it goes
I done knocked 'em all down like some dominoes
Don Toliver - Had Enough, Album: Heaven Or Hell
Bury all your secrets in my skin
Come away with innocence
And leave me with my sins
Air around me feels just like a cage
Love is just a camouflage for what resembles rage
Come away with innocence
And leave me with my sins
Air around me feels just like a cage
Love is just a camouflage for what resembles rage
XXXTentacion - I’m Not Human
The Wu is too slammin' for these Cold Killin' labels
Some ain't had hits since I seen Aunt Mabel
Be doin' artists in like Cain did Abel
Now they money's gettin' stuck to the gum under the table
That's what you get when you misuse what I invent
Your empire falls and you lose every cent
Some ain't had hits since I seen Aunt Mabel
Be doin' artists in like Cain did Abel
Now they money's gettin' stuck to the gum under the table
That's what you get when you misuse what I invent
Your empire falls and you lose every cent
GZA - Protect Ya Neck, Album: Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)