Zitate und Songtexte von The Neighbourhood

Zitate und Songtexte von The Neighbourhood

The Neighbourhood (auch The NBHD) ist eine US-amerikanische Alternative-Rock-Band, welche im August 2011 von Sänger Jesse Rutherford, den Gitarristen Jeremy Freedman und Zach Abels und dem Bassisten Mikey Margott gegründet wurde.

I don't know what to believe
All I wanna do is leave
What can I say that would make you see, make you need me?
Maybe I won't ever know, maybe I'll end up alone
Wiped Out!, Album: Wiped Out!
If I told you that I loved you
Tell me, what would you say?
If I told you that I hated you
Would you go away?
Now I need your help with everything that I do
I don't want to lie, I've been relying on you
The Beach, Album: Wiped Out!
I don't think that we should be around each other
When you're in the room, you get my eyes
You open your mouth, I'm hypnotized
I can make you laugh until you cry
You know you got all my attention
You know you got all mine
Single, Album: Wiped Out!
When I wake up, I'm afraid
Somebody else might take my place
When I wake up, I'm afraid
Somebody else might end up being me
Afraid, Album: I Love You.
Something is wrong, I can't explain
Everything changed when the birds came
You'll never know what they might do if they catch you too early
We need to fly ourselves before someone else tells us how
Something is off, I feel like prey, I feel like praying
Prey, Album: Wiped Out!
Wrap me up in Chanel inside my coffin
Might go to hell and there ain't no stopping
Might be a sinner and I might be a saint
I'd like to be proud but somehow I'm ashamed
R.I.P. 2 My Youth, Album: Wiped Out!
How can you feel the way that I'm feeling
If you're not inside of my head?
I got the pressure, it's pushing my buttons
And making me think about death
Wiped Out!, Album: Wiped Out!

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'Cause when we fall, we know how to land
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'Cause we don't need permission to dance
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That come after spring?
I wanna be your summer
I wanna be your wave
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I'll take you to a new phrase
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And I know there's no makin' this right, this right
And I know there's no changing your mind, your mind
But we both found each other tonight, tonight
So if love is nothing more than just a waste of your time

Waste it on me, waste it on me
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So I got up and followed her to the floor
She said, "Baby, let's go"
When I told her, I said
Yeah, yeah
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