Zitate und Sprüche aus Street Fighter

Zitate und Sprüche aus Street Fighter
Not even traditional Chinese medicine can cure your stupidity!
Chun-Li in Street Fighter - IV
Interpol officer with a strong sense of justice and even stronger roundhouse kick.
Your face wore out my gloves! Buy me some new ones!
Balrog in Street Fighter - II
That's right, fall to your knees... just like every other man who dared challenge me!
Chun-Li in Street Fighter - II
My fists have a very strict diet... they only eat losers!
Balrog in Street Fighter - II
We're gonna need someone to sweep your teeth off the floor!
Balrog in Street Fighter - II
You'd need at least five of you to beat me... No, ten!
Ken Masters in Street Fighter - II
Man, who said you could get your blood on my fists?
Balrog in Street Fighter - II
Wipe that look off your face, already. You only have yourself to blame!
Ken Masters in Street Fighter - II
All right! I've got that burning feeling in my fists again!
Ken Masters in Street Fighter - II
I need a better workout than this... where's Eliza?
Ken Masters in Street Fighter - II
You are not bad, but not good either.
Ken Masters in Street Fighter - II
I really broke a sweat! How about another round?
Ryu in Street Fighter - II
What's the matter? Too many kicks to the head?
Chun-Li in Street Fighter - II
Attack me if you dare, I will crush you!
Ken Masters in Street Fighter - II
I've met punching bags more fun and interesting than you!
Balrog in Street Fighter - II
Don't ask questions if you aren't prepared for the answers!
Don't fight for victory, fight to improve yourself. Victory will come.
To live is to fight, to fight is to live.
I won because I have a reason to fight.
There's nothing like a fair fight. It improves both competitors.
This was a battle of spirits, not fists. Search your soul if you want to beat me!
I am the strongest woman in the world!
Chun-Li in Street Fighter - II
What's wrong? Can't take a punch?
Balrog in Street Fighter - II
Everybody has a plan until they get hit.
Balrog in Street Fighter - II
My fists have your blood on them.
Balrog in Street Fighter - II
That's a lotta cash for a job like this. Coming from Bison, I'd expect something a little more interesting than keeping an eye on some doll. I dunno if he wants a new replacement body or what, but he's definitely up to somethin' evil, that's for sure. Wait a second. He's spent an awful lot of time and money getting those dolls made. And if he's gone to the trouble of having me guard the damn things, I'd say those freaks must be worth some major cash. Heh heh heh! I can almost smell the money now. If I can pull this off, I'll be on easy street forever!
Balrog in Street Fighter - IV
Just think -Me, a dad! It feels like I'm dreaming. I guess it'll all feel pretty real once he's born, though. You and I used to just be plain old fighters, didn't we, Ryu? Then I up and got married and now I'm on the road to fatherhood. I wish I could say I felt the same way now as I did when we trained together, but things will definitely change from here on out. I'm feeling pretty strange here, Ryu. Change is good, but it can be scary too. I wonder what advice you'd have for me... Guess I'll just ask you in person!
Ken Masters in Street Fighter - IV

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Fighting's for grownups, and that's only if you got no other choice.
Der Geist ist ein komplexes und vielschichtiges Etwas, Potter... zumindest gilt das für die meisten.

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