Well, my mom works for Riot, and she's gonna ban you.
Mom says I'm not supposed to eat you, but I'm too fast for her to stop me.
I-I swear it was like that when I found it!
League of Legends - on destroying a turret
One time, I sneezed and burned down a whole forest. No, for real.
Skies? Land? Flame? Haha. I was born to rule 'em all.
My wings flap, my sneezes are flame-nados, and my super fire beam breaths are only getting stronger! No more getting treated like a hatchling!
One day, I'll be so big that, if we played hide and seek, you could hide in my mouth.
I dreamed that I was chasing bugs and rolled down a hill, but then the bugs were a city, and, well, I squished it.
What do Elder Dragons do, anyway? Is your power being old?
League of Legends - to Elder Dragon
Humans are so weird. It's like one minute they're all small and round, and the next, they're all thin and wrinkly.
My name's Ignacarious Gigantareno Rex Le Spes Offerentis, but my human friend named me Smolder.
Who's the best dragon? I'm the best dragon!
League of Legends - to Elder Dragon
Gotta stay on my claws. Like Mom always says, "Rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr rawr!"
I'm gonna teach my new friends all my favorite games, like finders-not-keepers. They run around and collect a bunch of shiny stuff, and I get to keep it.
Marinos' family is HUGE compared to just me and my mom. I know Mom's mentioned some grandmother Viper lady, but I've never met her.
Wow! How'd you get so good at pretending to be people, Shyvana?
Why are you wearing a crown, Mr. Airyline Sol?
Woah, he must be the king of the ghost kingdom! I've gotta tell Marinos.
Huh. Why's that armored guy smell like dragon?
I don't take orders from anyone. But, actually, I was just gonna explore around here anyway.
I heard that the royal family of Cameroar used to offer rings to my ancestors. Ha, those things must've been humongous.
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It's a Golden Nut. It's shiny and its price is totally justified. Don't overthink it, you need one! Purchase a Golden Nut today! (Warning: Ingestion is not recommended).
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