Zitate und Sprüche von Shōyō Hinata

Zitate und Sprüche von Shōyō Hinata
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
There’s no guarantee that the weapon that worked first will continue working until the end. I have to keep moving forward. I have to keep going! My greatest weapon is not getting caught!
Do you need a reason to not want to lose?

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Schwach zu sein bedeutet, dass es Raum zum Wachsen gibt.
Being weak means that there is room to grow.
Then, isn't it best to attack before being attacked? They do say offense is the best defense, right?
Tetsurō Kuroo in Haikyu!! - The Arrival of Haiba Lev
Isn't it more fun having enemies you can't seem to beat?
Tetsurō Kuroo in Haikyu!! - The Arrival of Haiba Lev
Remember. We are blood. Never stop flowing. Keep moving. Keep bringing oxygen. So that our "brain" can operate at his best.
Tetsurō Kuroo in Haikyu!! - Staffel 4 Episode 28
It's not "impossible", it's just "hard".
If there's ever a net between us, I won't show any mercy!
The best way to describe this attack is something born from upsetting the balance of stillness and motion.
You know, four eyes, you're great at reading blocks, but... your blocks are pretty weak. Your arms are so frail that I'm scared I'm gonna break them. You need to stop the ball like you mean it!
It's a matter of whether that moment exists for you or not. If you experience that moment, it'll really get you hooked on volleyball.
Think about what's fun, not what's easy.
You don't win alone. That's just how it is.
He who climbs the ladder must begin at the bottom.
We'll never win if we don't believe we can.
Talent is something you make bloom, instinct is something you polish.
I'm a libero. I'd guard your backs with my life If I had to.
Because people don't have wings, we look for ways to fly.
Life's a bore if you don't challenge yourself.
If they adjust to me, I just have to adjust in turn. Whoever stops adjusting won't be able to continue forward.
Tobio Kageyama in Haikyu!! - Staffel 4 Episode 8
What will happen in the future and whether or not you can win the next match - for once, none of that matters. Crushing the guys in front of you, and the amazing feeling of having shown 120% of your strength, are everything.
Is "defeat" proof that you are weak? Isn't "defeat" more like a trial to overcome? Of whether you can stand up and walk again after falling to you knees? If you remain on your knees like that, then it would be a sign of weakness.
When colors mix, they become muddy and messy. But when they all blend together, the final result is the color that wins against all others... black.
When crows flock, they might even kill a huge white eagle.
If you think too hard when you don't have a brain, you're going to hurt your head.
Being the best decoy ever is as cool as being the ace.
You should know better than anyone that you’ve failed, the moment you lose your cool.
The power of our words, lets us decide our mindset, which decides, our actions, which decides our habits, which later shows our results. I believe that as well. That we need to carefully even be accountable for the thoughts that we think, and that the power of human potential lies in our ability to use the right words to influence ourselves and others.
There's no match that you can't win, and there's no match that you'll win for sure.
There are some flowers you only see when you take detours.
One downside of our big brains is we're the only creatures who are aware that death is inevitable. Although, if you lined ten dogs in a row and shot them one by one, the dog on the end would probably get the gist by about dog four.
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Cells couldn't multiply without this, the IKEA instruction manual for life, DNA. DNA is tiny yet comlex, like Tom Cruise.
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Haikyu!!Kōtarō BokutoIttetsu TakedaTohru OikawaTobio KageyamaTetsurō KurooDaichi SawamuraZitate und Sprüche von Ikkei Ukai (Ukai Sr.)Ikkei UkaiYu NishinoyaSaeko Tanaka