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Die besten Serienzitate (Seite 78)

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Ist meine zweite Woche und schon meine dritte Dose Axe Body Spray.
Brett Gelman in Inside Job - Staffel 1 Episode 2
Those who hate themselves, cannot love or trust others.
Humans constantly feel pain in their hearts. Because the heart is so sensitive to pain, humans also feel that to live is to suffer.
Part of growing up means finding a way to interact with others while distancing pain.
Sometimes you need a little wishful thinking just to keep on living.
Ich verschließe mein Herz einfach noch mehr. Dann brauche ich weder Schmerz und Kummer, noch sonst etwas zu fühlen.
The reason he seems so withdrawn is because he's afraid of being hurt.
Whether I live or die makes no great difference. In truth, death may be the only absolute freedom there is.
The thread of human hope is spun with the flax of sorrow.
Even though a hedgehog may want to become close with another hedgehog. The closer they get the more they injure each other with their spines.
Never underestimate the ability of the human animal to adapt to its environment.
No one can justify life by linking happy moments into a rosary.
I thought this was supposed to be a world without pain and without uncertainty.
I still don't know where to find happiness. But I'll continue to think about whether it's good to be here - whether it was good to have been born. But in the end, it's just realizing the obvious over and over again. Because I am myself.
Pain is something man must carry in his heart, and since the heart feels pain so easily, some believe that life is pain.
The fact that you have a place where you can return home, will lead you to happiness. That is a good fact.
Humans cannot create anything out of nothingness. Humans cannot accomplish anything without holding onto something. After all, humans are not gods.
It is simply the duty of the elite to protect the ignorant masses.
Jabba herrschte durch Furcht. Ich habe vor, durch Respekt zu herrschen.
Pyke Anführer: "Hast du vor, uns zu töten?"
Boba: "Das hängt davon ab, wie du die Fragen beantwortest, die ich dir stelle."
Was zwischen Mann und Frau vorgeht ist nur schwer zu verstehen. Es folgt nicht den Gesetzen der Logik.
Man fears the darkness, and so he scrapes away at the edges of it with fire. He creates life by diminishing the Darkness.
The one who deserves to survive is the one who has the will to make it happen. He wished for death. He ignored his will to survive and chose to die for a false hope. Your survival is not a mistake, Shinji.
You don't want to be by yourself, correct? We are many but you are alone. You hate it don't you?
This is man's ultimate fighting machine the synthetic life form know as Evangelion, Unit 1. Built here in secret, it is mankind's last hope.
That doesn't mean it's okay for you to give up! If you do, I'll never forgive you as long as I live. God knows I'm not perfect either. I've made tons of stupid mistakes and later I regretted them. And I've done it over and over again, thousands of times. A cycle of hollow joy and vicious self-hatred. But even so, every time I learned something about myself.
I'm the one who deserved to be hit. Not you! I'm a coward. I'm dishonest. I'm sneaky. And a wimp.
Ich bin gerne alleine. Es spielt keine Rolle wo.
Are you afraid of other people? I know that by keeping others at a distance you avoid a betrayal of your trust, but you must endure the loneliness. Man can never completely erase this sadness, because all men are fundamentally alone. Pain is something man must carry in his heart, and since the heart feels pain so easily, some believe that life is pain.
My mind is being eaten away… Kaji-san, it's unravelling my mind! What do I do? It's defiling my mind.
Alien: "Was hindert uns daran, dich zu töten und uns zu nehmen, was wir wollen?"
Fennec: "Hättest du mit Jabba so unverfroren gesprochen, hätte er dich an seine Menagerie verfüttert."
Halb tot in den Dünen von Tatooine zurück gelassen. Ich bin Boba Fett.
Ich werd's mal zählen. Ich vertrau' dir, ich will nur nicht, dass du mir zu viel gibst.
Just as water can overfill a container. Madness is all the same.
Wir klammern uns an Erinnerungen als würden sie uns ausmachen, dabei ist es das, was wir tun, das macht uns aus.
Menschen lieben es, wenn Schwächere ihnen folgen - dann geht es ihnen gut.
Saori Shibuki in Alice in Borderland - Staffel 1 Episode 2
Unser Lächeln ist das Licht der Hoffnung.
Chōta Segawa in Alice in Borderland - Staffel 1 Episode 2
Träume ergeben erst einen Sinn, wenn man in der Realität für sie kämpft; wer sich aber nur an fremden Träumen bewegt, statt sein eigenes Leben zu leben, ist so gut wie tot.
Chōta Segawa: "Das ist irgendwie cool. Ich brauche nicht arbeiten zu gehen."
Daikichi Karube: "Habt ihr sie noch alle?"
Chōta Segawa: "Und niemand da, der wütend auf einen ist. Und wir können essen und trinken was wir wollen."
Daikichi Karube: "Du bleibst ewig Jungfrau."
Chōta Segawa: "Daran habe ich nicht gedacht."
Chōta Segawa in Alice in Borderland - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Es fasziniert mich, was ich alles bereit bin zu tun, um mein Leben zu retten. Wir alle versuchen, zu überleben.
Yuzuha Usagi in Alice in Borderland - Staffel 1 Episode 3
If a technological feat is possible, man will do it. Almost as if it's wired into the core of our being.
Sämtliche Informationen, die ein Mensch in seinem Leben sammelt, sind wie ein Tropfen im Ozean.
I guess once you start doubting, there's no end to it.
Wir weinen, wenn ein Vogel singt, aber nicht wenn ein Fisch blutet. Gesegnet sind die, die eine Stimme haben. Wenn die Puppen sprechen könnten, würden sie mit Sicherheit schreien, "ich will aber kein Mensch sein".
Just as water runs downhill, the human heart also tends to revert to its basest instincts.
Kazundo Gouda in Ghost in the Shell - S.A.C. 2nd GIG
Leben und Tod kommen und gehen, wie Marionetten, die auf dem Tisch tanzen. Schneidet man ihnen die Fäden durch, fallen sie in sich zusammen.
Ghost in the Shell - 2: Innocence
Man is an individual only because of his intangible memory. But memory cannot be defined, yet it defines mankind.
I'm human. I'm flawed. But I embrace change, and enhancement. Now there's nothing I can't do, nothing I can't know, nothing I can't be.
It can also be argued that DNA is nothing more than a program designed to preserve itself.
Can you offer me proof of your existence? How can you, when neither modern science nor philosophy can explain what life is?
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