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Ich liebe Joe total, aber ich will mehr sein als der Mann von Joe Exotic. Ich bin Dillon Passage.
Dillon Passage in Tiger King - Staffel 2 Episode 1
Tiger King hat über Nacht unser Leben auf den Kopf gestellt. Überall werden wir erkannt. Daraus muss ich Kapital schlagen.
Jeff Lowe in Tiger King - Staffel 2 Episode 1
Es wäre schön, wenn ich da draußen meinen Ruhm genießen könnte. Aber seit eineinhalb Jahren starre ich auf die gleichen vier Wände.
Joe Exotic in Tiger King - Staffel 2 Episode 1
Scharfe Sinne, Athletik und wilde Entschlossenheit haben Hunden geholfen, die Welt zu erobern. Doch das tatsächliche Geheimnis hinter ihrem Erfolg ist auf den ersten Blick überraschend: Ihre sanftmütige Seite. Ganz egal, ob Schoßhündchen oder Wolf, dies macht sie alle zu einer Familie.
Das Tier - Hunde
Rudel können bis zu 40 Exemplare umfassen. Das macht es schwierig, Beziehungen zu pflegen. Ein kompliziertes soziales Gefüge hat Löwen zu den intelligentesten Raubkatzen gemacht.
Das Tier - Raubkatzen
Von rivalisierenden Rudeln umzingelt, können ihre Jungen nur von Papa ausreichend beschützt werden. Bisher haben sie nur mit Mama gefressen. Doch heute dinieren sie mit dem König persönlich.
Das Tier - Raubkatzen
Die kleinen Fellknäuel haben noch einen langen und gefährlichen Weg vor sich, bevor sie zu tödlichen Jagdmaschinen werden.
Das Tier - Raubkatzen
In der Welt der Raubkatzen ist kein Frieden von langer Dauer.
Das Tier - Raubkatzen
Anmutig, kräftig, tödlich. Doch wenn wir diesen scheuen Tieren näher kommen, entdecken wir eine ganz andere Seite an ihnen. Eine fürsorglichere, kooperativere und widerstandsfähigere als wir es uns je vorstellen konnten. Raubkatzen sind bedeutend vielschichtiger als wir ahnen.
Das Tier - Raubkatzen
Ich weiß, es ist soweit schon bald
Dass in der Winternacht, so kalt
Kinderlachen laut erschallt
Weihnachtsmann, ich hab' dir einen langen Brief geschrieben
Dass dich alle Kinder lieben
Und ich hoff', du liebst auch mich
Es ist traurige Gewissheit, dass die, die am hellsten strahlen, oft am schnellsten verglühen.
Die wahre Geschichte wird von den Überlebenden geschrieben.
Silco in Arcane - Staffel 1 Episode 5
As long as we have memories of them, our loved ones are always with us.
Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha - Staffel 1 Episode 16
All pretty things have thorns.
Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha - Staffel 1 Episode 10
Life isn't so fair for all of us. Some spend their whole lives on unpaved roads, while some run at full speed only to reach the edge of a cliff.
Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha - Staffel 1 Episode 2
There's no manual for dating. Just follow your heart!
Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha - Staffel 1 Episode 13
Who cares if the wind blows a bit when we're in the same boat?
Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha - Staffel 1 Episode 16
They say when you lose a loved one, you should mourn plenty. If not, or else, the grief travels all through your body, and it bursts later.
Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha - Staffel 1 Episode 16
When parents pass away, children who regret the most cry the most.
Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha - Staffel 1 Episode 16
You learn the most by putting yourself in other people's shoes.
Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha - Staffel 1 Episode 11
Doing what you love and being happy is the definition of a successful life. Don't let others dictate your life!
The King's Affection - Staffel 1 Episode 7
Money and success aren't the only valuable things in life. It's happiness, self-contentment, world peace, and love.
Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha - Staffel 1 Episode 5
Look around yourself closely, and you'll realize that you're surrounded by many precious things.
Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha - Staffel 1 Episode 15
There are too many variables in this world, and they're beyond our control.
Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha - Staffel 1 Episode 10
Wealth brings prosperity to families while virtue enriches a soul.
My parents gave their all to have me in this world, so I must do my best to find happiness.
Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha - Staffel 1 Episode 13
Labor is a good thing. It makes a person nice and simple.
Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha - Staffel 1 Episode 7
Be it hatred or resentment. I do not care what it is. Learn to live with it. As long as it gives you the will to live, it is enough.
They must know their place. Make them fear you. Don't let them get close to you. Only then will you survive.
Live even if your heart is burdened.
Owning what you studied is of more importance than reading the words.
The benevolent shall not worry,
the wise will not be cajoled,
and the brave will not be afraid.
Don't distance yourself too much. It'll only make you lonelier. Human emotions are the hardest to trust.
One can only rule a nation if all is well within his family. All goes well when one's home is harmonious.
It is only fair that I apologize to whoever deserves my apology when I'm at fault. No matter what my title may be.
Du-sik, you should eat.
No matter how hard life gets, one should still eat.
Ever since you were a child, you've been living with a broken heart,
and the only thing I could do for you was cook you food.
You ate the food I made and grew so tall.
You have no idea how proud I was of you.
Du-sik, do you remember what you said to me?
You said that the best thing a parent can do for their child
is staying healthy.
It's the same with parents.
It tears our hearts out when our children are in pain.
Du-sik, you are my son and also my grandson.
Don't you ever forget that.
Du-sik, people should live among other people.
Life may seem like a burden to you at times,
but if you choose to be among others,
just like you did for me,
someone will carry you on their back.
So Du-sik, stop locking yourself up in your house,
eat the food I made, and come out to see us.
Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha - Staffel 1 Episode 16
"Eat even if rice tastes like sand in your mouth. And drink water even if it tastes like bitter medicine."
"I don't want to. I hate everything."
"If you give up now, it will mean death for everyone around you. Including you and me. Everyone."
Good is not a thing you are. It is a thing you do.
Ms. Marvel in Marvel Comic Bücher - Ms. Marvel Vol 1
Es sind nie die pakistanischen Mädchen aus Jersey, die die Welt retten.
Ms. Marvel - Staffel 1
I'm Jennifer Walters. I'm a normal lawyer... well, not that normal.
She-Hulk - Staffel 1
I can't tell the difference between my waking life and dreams.
Moon Knight - Staffel 1
The people you fight to protect sometimes fear and hate you. And it's the hardest part because sometimes to protect what you love, you have to walk away from it.
She-Hulk in Marvel Comic Bücher - She-Hulk Vol 1
From now on, whatever Jennifer Walters can't handle-- the She-Hulk will do!
She-Hulk in Marvel Comic Bücher - She-Hulk Vol 1
Vielleicht geht es gar nicht darum, sie einzusperren. Vielleicht tun sie's um sich zu schützen.
Elfen - Staffel 1
Kasper: "Gott, ist das hässlich."
Josefine: "Du bist hässlich!"
Elfen - Staffel 1 Episode 2
After all, there were other clues that our lives had been built on rather shaky foundations. So we moved slowly because we thought that as long as you tore along the dotted line, life would take the right shape.
"Did you get laid?"
"You're a black belt at dodging life. Fifth dan."
"You should have played online poker."
"I don't know how to play. I would have ended up losing my grandma's house."
Il Principe Degli Sgambetti - The Prince Trip-You-Up
It was about this boy who was terrified of walking down the street, because there was a bully, who was known as the "Prince Trip-You-Up". But in the end, his mom reassured him by saying, that when they grow up, bullies stay idiots and he, on the other hand, will become a great scientist. The boy did grow up to become a great scientist. But the bully also grew up and become known as the "Blade King", because he stabbed people. And so the scientist continued to live in fear of him. The end.
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