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Marty: "Sag was dir gerade als erstes einfällt, okay?"
George: "Mir fällt aber nun mal nichts ein."
Marty: "Jesus, George, es ist ja ein Wunder, dass es mich gibt."
George: "Was?"
Marty: "Gar nichts."
Letzte Nacht ist mir Darth Vader erschienen, vom Planeten Vulcan, und hat gesagt, falls ich Lorraine nicht einlade, würde er mir das Gehirn raus schmelzen.
So. Zeitleitung einschalten. Flux Kompensator - fluxuriert. Maschine läuft. Es kann los gehen.
"Was habt ihr Säcke an meinem Wagen zu suchen?"
"Hau ab, Dachpappe. Das geht dich nichts an."
"Wen nennst du hier Dachpappe, du Kalkratte?"
Sie sind der Doc, Doc.
Seit der Schule muss ich Biff immer zeigen, wo's lang geht.
Was glotzt du denn so, Milchgesicht? Grüß deine Mutter von mir.
Tut mir leid, Mr. McFly. Ich wollte sagen, ich fang' jetzt mit dem zweiten Durchgang an.
17 year old Marty McFly got home early last night. 30 years early.
Marty McFly's having the time of his life. The only question is - what time is it?
He's the only kid ever to get into trouble before he was born.
The story of a young man with a great future behind him.
Bumping into your parents is no big deal unless you bump into them before you were born.
He was never in time for his classes... He wasn't in time for his dinner... Then one day... he wasn't in his time at all.
Cut it out with the introspection! The mind is a den of scorpions better left running from, not towards.
Peacemaker - Staffel 1
You can't house-train an eagle, dude. Not without stealing its soul.
Peacemaker - Staffel 1
Bäume sollten da bleiben, wo es ihnen am besten geht. Im Wald, in der Erde. Sie sollten leben.
Elfen - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Kasper: "Das war 'ne fette Katze. Du wirst dich von ihm fernhalten, okay?"
Josefine: "Nein, das war er nicht."
Kasper: "Glaubst du, sie hat sich selbst gefressen?"
Elfen - Staffel 1 Episode 3
Hi, I'm Bela. Like in Twilight, but Indian.
No one in the history of the world has gotten laid wearing an anorak.
Mm! Young Stalin could get it. Right? Dude could've been on Riverdale.
Leighton Murray: "Are you just now getting home? Wait, is this a walk of shame?"
Kimberly Finkle: "I mean, is it a walk of shame if I stayed up all night in the library hooking up with my textbook?"
We don't have power over when guys treat us like shit. But what we can control is how much we let it affect us. So, I say the four of us go out, get tanked, and, who knows, maybe we'll end up meeting a guy who doesn't treat us like garbage. Or not. It doesn't matter. At least we'll be having fun.
I'm the LeBron James of being attracted to women.
The Sex Lives of College Girls - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Kimberly: "What classes are you taking?"
Bela: "I literally don't even know. I just signed up for anything that started with 'Intro'."
Whitney: "Why is there a tan ass print on our couch?"
Bela: "What you should be asking is, why aren't there four?"
Kimberly: "Max and I are waiting. Not for any weird reason. He's just not ready."
Whitney: "He's not ready?"
Kimberly: "What's wrong with that?"
Leighton: "Boys are born ready, so something's up."
I didn't come to college to be tethered to some dude I dated in high school. Also, I never really dated anyone in high school.
Kimberly: "If you're saying that because you like Nico, you should definitely go for it."
Whitney: "Nah, that's all right. I like men, not boys."
Chloe: "God, you're so much hotter than your profile. It's like a reverse catfish."
The Sex Lives of College Girls - Staffel 1 Episode 2
I still think sex is better when it's with someone you love, and it's an expression of your commitment.
Let's krunk out with our junk out!
Are you ready to black out with your rack out?
Carol: "Our Kimmy has never touched drugs of alcohol. She doesn't go out much."
Evette: "I believe it."
Bela: "And you don't have to worry about me, Senator Chase. I'm a commited student eager to study the sciences."
Evette: "Okay, that felt forced."
I mean, Vermont? Why's it even a state? Bunch of potheads making maple sirup.
Ugh, I f*cking love college!
Canaan? Is your mom religious or just super into towns of Connecticut?
We're your roommates. I'm Bela, that's Whitney, that's Leighton. Just kidding, they're my Indian parents.
Four months ago, I was an Indian loser with cystic acne, sweaty armpits, and glasses. But with Lasik procedure, an Accutane prescription, and medical-grade Botox injected into my armpits, I'm normal.
I came here because it's diverse. We're from the whitest town in the world. Dad won't even eat tacos!
Tonight, we're gonna rage our brains out at the anything-but-clothes party. I will be making a mini-dress made out of caution tape and caution - I will be showing some ass meat!
Actually, I believe you keep on living in the final thought you have the moment before you die.
Nairobi in Haus des Geldes - Staffel 5 Episode 5
"What do you think you'll find in here?"
"The answer."
The Silent Sea - Staffel 1
There's less than ten percent possibility our whole crew will survive.
The Silent Sea - Staffel 1
We're heading to Balhae Lunar Research Station. It's like any other mission. We just have to do as we're told.
The Silent Sea - Staffel 1
Als ich noch glaubte, ich könnte vor dem Schmerz fliehen wie vor der Polizei. Weg rennen, die Augen verschließen und ausharren. Aber irgendwann bricht es aus und der Schmerz überflutet dich. Du spürst, dass du nichts mehr tun kannst, um ihm zu entkommen.
Tokio in Haus des Geldes - Staffel 5 Episode 5
Ich gratuliere. Ein Baby ist immer ein großes Glück und Glück können wir gut gebrauchen in letzter Zeit.
Kings demand you kneel before their heirlooms and unearned titles. Noxus wants you to stand so you can be reforged in a glory shared by all.
You no longer have subjects. Today they become citizens of Noxus. Rejoice at the end of kings. Noxus offers freedom and fortune for any strong enough to take it.
Ich denke Dad will, dass wir dort weiter machen, wo er aufgehört hat. Menschen retten, das Böse jagen. Unser Familienauftrag.
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