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Die besten Serienzitate (Seite 66)

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All I do is talk a big game, and make myself sound like a big shot, when I can't do anything! I never do anything yet I can complain like a pro. Who do I think I am?! It's amazing that I can live like this and not feel ashamed!
No matter what happens, even when it looks like you're gonna lose, when no one else believes in you, when you don't believe in yourself, I will believe!
I can't imagine this will make things any easier, but this is all I can do.
All those times I got hurt, all the crying I did, all the pain I felt, all the fighting I did with my life at stake… and my reward was her name and a single smile. Jeez… talk about unequal compensation.
I love it when you stroke my hair. I feel as if we can understand each other through the contact between your hand and my hair. I love your voice. Just hearing you say one word makes my heart feel warmer. I love your eyes. Normally, they look stern, but when you're being kind to someone, I love the way they soften. I love your fingers. For a boy, you have such lovely fingers. But when they clutch me, I know they are the strong, slender fingers of a man. I love the way you walk. When we walk together, I love the way you occasionally turn, to make sure I keep up. I love the way you look when you sleep. You look unguarded, like an infant, and your eyelashes are on the long side. When I touch your cheek, you calm down… and when I playfully touch your lips, you don't even notice… and it makes my heart ache terribly. I love you.
It was rough. It was so painful. I was so scared. I was so sad. It hurt so much, I thought I'd die. I tried so hard… I tired so hard! I was so desperate, so desperate to make everything right! It's the truth. I've honestly never tried so hard at anything in my life! Because I loved this place… because it was so important to me! I was so desperate to get back. I was scared… I was so scared! I didn't want those eyes looking at me like that again… and I hated myself so much for feeling that way!
Wenn dein Vater ein Psychopath ist, der mit einem Cobra Gehstock herumläuft, bist du vermutlich auch nicht der netteste Typ.
Sie haben es sich deutlich schwerer gemacht, indem sie uns unseren Spaß ließen, denn das hat uns von den Dingen abgelenkt, die wir eigentlich tun sollten.
In schwierigen Zeiten kann Furcht hilfreich sein.
Fennec: "Soll ich ihn töten?"
Boba: "Er arbeitet für den Bürgermeister."
Fennec: "Heißt das nein?"
Dokk Strassi: "Möget Ihr Mos Espa nie verlassen."
Boba Fett: "Selbst wenn ein Trandoshaner ein Kompliment macht, klingt es noch wie eine Drohung."
Wir töten nicht aus Furcht. Wir töten, um Leben zu retten.
Geralt von Riva in The Witcher - Staffel 2 Episode 2
Glaube ist einfache Medizin für verzweifelte Seelen.
Yennefer von Vengerberg in The Witcher - Staffel 2 Episode 2
Impossible? We did a lot of impossible things on this journey. I'm tired of hearing that things are impossible or useless. Those words mean nothing to us.
Jotaro Kujo in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Part 3: Stardust Crusaders
I'm willing to see our transaction through, are you sir? I'm fighting to protect my family from those that wish it harm, I doubt very much that your resolve is equal to mine.
Jonathan Joestar in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Part 1: Phantom Blood
Jojo, being human means having limits. I've learned something. The more carefully you scheme, the more unexpected events come along.
Dio Brando in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Part 1: Phantom Blood
Shoot me if you want to! But you better be prepared to face the consequences. The moment you try to pull that trigger, I'll snap your fingers in half like matchsticks!
Joseph Joestar in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Part 2: Battle Tendency
Good grief, don't underestimate me just because I'm a kid!
Jotaro Kujo in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Part 3: Stardust Crusaders
Just shut up already. I have nothing more to say to you. You're way too pathetic… I'm done wasting my breath.
Jotaro Kujo in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Part 3: Stardust Crusaders
Father… rest in peace. Let the smoke guide your soul to heaven. But I ask you for a final favor, let the flames burn with your strength.
Jonathan Joestar in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Part 1: Phantom Blood
Go out there and take this useless world for all you can get!
Dio Brando in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Part 1: Phantom Blood
I feel utterly refreshed. Like I put on a new pair of underwear on New Years day.
Josuke Higashikata in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Part 4: Diamond Is Unbreakable
The way I see it, if I make you well again, and then kick your ass, I won't be "bullying the weak" then, now will I?
Josuke Higashikata in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Part 4: Diamond Is Unbreakable
Most men's hearts are restrained by mortal, recoiling in fear from the fabulous fruits of evil. But some do not constrain themselves to the mortality and its tyranny.
Dio Brando in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Part 1: Phantom Blood
So this is the brat I must usurp. He wears his heart on his sleeve and is quick to anger… this pampered fool is nothing for the likes of Dio Brando!
Dio Brando in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Part 1: Phantom Blood
I won't allow your bones to stay on this planet. I will banish your evil soul!
Jonathan Joestar in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Part 1: Phantom Blood
Well, if I'm gonna be sitting around for 30 minutes, I've got nothing better to do. Best place to wait is right in front of Lisa Lisa's door. And if my eye just happens to wander near the keyhole…
Joseph Joestar in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Part 2: Battle Tendency
This ends here! You will not leave this place alive!
Jonathan Joestar in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Part 1: Phantom Blood
I will not forgive anyone who insults my hair, no matter who he is!
Josuke Higashikata in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Part 4: Diamond Is Unbreakable
At long last, the Joestar fortune will be mine. And Devil take anyone who tries to stop me.
Dio Brando in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Part 1: Phantom Blood
And that's why I turned one of your pistols into a banana. It's your last meal. Take your time… enjoy it.
Jotaro Kujo in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Part 3: Stardust Crusaders
I shall give you a chance. Go down two steps and I'll let you join my side again. But if you'd rather die, than climb those stairs.
Dio Brando in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Part 1: Phantom Blood
Know this. I may be your guest in your home but I'm not one to be trifled with. In all things, I am number one! Look down upon me and you will regret it!
Dio Brando in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Part 1: Phantom Blood
I covered you with gasoline so I can track your smell. I feel bad, kicking a guy when he's down, but… nah, I don"t feel bad about this at all. My friends and a lot of bystanders are dead because of you.
Jotaro Kujo in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Part 3: Stardust Crusaders
Hold it! I still have the right to raise… I raise you my mother's soul.
Jotaro Kujo in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Part 3: Stardust Crusaders
Wanda: "I knew sooner or later you would show up. I made mistakes and people were hurt."
Strange: "I'm not here to talk about Westview."
Wanda Maximoff in Doctor Strange - in the Multiverse of Madness
Meine Schwester hat Kinder im Alter von 10 bis 12 und ich sagte, "Marth, ich weiß nicht, ob ich Voldemort spielen sollte."
"Was? Dir wurde angeboten, Voldemort zu spielen? Das musst du machen!"
Wenn man schwere Zeiten durchlebt, dann gibt es etwas an Harry Potter, das das Leben wieder bereichert.
Was mir am meisten Angst bereitet hat, war der Gedanke, dass das bedeutendste Ereignis unseres Lebens vorbei war und es war so schön, alle wieder zu sehen und sich klar zu machen, dass das nicht stimmt.
Es fühlt sich an, als wäre es gestern gewesen und gleichzeitig ewig lang her.
Ich wäre nicht der, der ich bin, ohne die meisten hier. Es ist überwältigend, dass wir alle zusammen aufgewachsen sind und jede Phase unserer Leben mitbekommen haben. Diese Verbindung zwischen uns werden wir immer teilen. Wir sind eine Familie.
Cheyenne: "Bo ist der Mann, den ich liebe und ich werd nicht zusehen, wie er sich selbst verleugnet, auch wenn es bedeutet, Millionen von Dollar zu verlieren."
Journalistin: "Millionen von Dollar?"
Cheyenne: "Ja. Sie können Ihr blödes Geld behalten."
Journalistin: "Um das klar zu stellen, der Preis ist ein Cloud Nine Gutschein für zehn Dollar."
Superstore - Staffel 1 Episode 2
Sie sind Journalistin und Vergewaltigerin, die zwei schlimmsten Sachen, die man nur sein kann. Jetzt pass auf, Karla Kolumna. Wenn du jemals wieder hier bei uns auftauchst, dann mach' ich dein Leben zur Hölle.
Dina Fox in Superstore - Staffel 1 Episode 2
Stratus ist nur ein bescheuertes Firmenblatt. Niemand liest sowas. Höchstens wenn der Fernseher kaputt ist und ich mich bei Candy Crush nicht einloggen kann.
Amy Sosa in Superstore - Staffel 1 Episode 2
Ein Wettbewerb für einen Werbejingle! Bo könnte was einsenden. Wenn er gewinnt, kann er aufhören, für die Freundinnen seiner Mutter zu tanzen.
Cheyenne Lee in Superstore - Staffel 1 Episode 2
Arik: "Sieh dich an. Du hast dich kein bisschen verändert."
Alex: "Du schon."
Arik: "Ganz direkt. So bist du schon immer gewesen."
The Girl from Oslo - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Thanks to the good grace of Allah this brave group of Islamic State fighters have captured the three of us. One Norwegian and two Israelis.
The Girl from Oslo - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Geh' mit deinem feierwütigen Uterus woanders hin!
Hugo Lombardi in Betty in New York - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Betty: "Entschuldigen Sie, bitte."
Hugo: "Ich entschuldige nichts. Entschuldige dich besser dafür, geboren worden zu sein."
Hugo Lombardi in Betty in New York - Staffel 1 Episode 1
Marcela: "Sieh mal, du hast ein sehr teures Auto. Das brauchst du in New York doch gar nicht. Und die Wohnung, die dir dein Ex überlassen hat, kannst du nicht unterhalten. Fang damit an!"
Patricia: "Wieso verlangst du nicht gleich, dass ich meine Nieren auf dem Schwarzmarkt verkaufe?"
Patricia Fernández in Betty in New York - Staffel 1 Episode 1
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