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Weiter geht's. Wenn man fällt, bleibt man ja nicht liegen - bestenfalls.
Auf jeden Fall möchte ich diese Frau näher kennenlernen - koste es, was es wolle.
A real man takes responsibility for his actions. A real man knows when to let go of his pride and make the most out of his second chance.
Philip Banks in Bel-Air - Staffel 1
This town will try to make you forget who you are and where you came from. Don't let it do that!
Bel-Air - Staffel 1
Why are we working so hard to save a boy who doesn't want to be saved?
Philip Banks in Bel-Air - Staffel 1
We have a different set of rules here, okay? If you want to do well, just keep your head down and follow my lead.
Carlton Banks in Bel-Air - Staffel 1
Man, you know I'm gonna rep West Philly wherever I go.
Will Smith in Bel-Air - Staffel 1
Television! Teacher, mother, secret lover.
America's health care system is second only to Japan, Canada, Sweden, Great Britain, well… all of Europe. But you can thank your lucky stars we don't live in Paraguay!
Ooh, the Patriot Act is so terrible! The government might find out what library books I take out! What's next, finding out what operas I go to?
Homer: "Do you want the job done right or do you want it done fast?"
Marge: "Well, like all Americans… fast!"
Jeder vierte Zug der Deutschen Bahn kam 2021 zu spät.
Am pünktlichsten waren die Preiserhöhungen zum Jahresende.
heute-show - Januar 2022
Whatever happens, don't give up. Never.
All of Us Are Dead - Staffel 1
"This is Hyosan High School. Everyone turned into zombies."
"You know there's a fine for making false reports?"
"I am not joking!"
All of Us Are Dead - Staffel 1
The scariest and the most painful thing is to be hated by someone you truly love.
For there to be pain, there has to be kindness. For darkness to stand out, there has to be the sun.
Sometimes living can be hard! But it's only because we're alive that we can make each other laugh, cry, and be happy!
A conscience grows, just like the body. It's bred within your heart. That's why the shape of people's kindness is so different.
My happiness comes from the kindness of those around me.
If you love someone, they could make you sad. They could even make you feel lonely sometimes. But, that someone can also make you happier than you'll ever be.
It's not always easy to see the good in people. In some people, you might even doubt that it's there at all. But if you can somehow, find a way to believe… sometimes that's all it takes to help someone, to give them the strength to find the good in themselves.
Maybe I'm not perfect. Maybe I have a long way to go. But someday I'll be able to stand and walk on my own. Without hurting anyone and without being a burden.
I don't think anyone is born with a reason to live. It's something you have to find for yourself.
Being away from everyone else may be lonely, but being away from you will be even lonelier.
As long as you live things will keep happening! As long as you're alive wishes will keep being made!
Tohru, I can't stand not being with you... because I love you.
Ah, I'm sorry, I guess this is farewell. Let Tohru find happiness. Please by many people let her be loved. If you become perplexed or make errors, in the end have the kind of life that you can have pride in living. The kind where you can say, "I persevered". Repeating delightful things and sad things. And in that way keep getting older. I persevered.
We're searching for a reason of existence. With our own strength, because maybe the truth is that there's no reason for life from the very beginning. Everyone hopes and tries so hard to find a reason of existence. The reason of birth, of staying with someone, of existence, believing we have to find them all with our own hands. Like finding a place for ourselves in dreams, in jobs, in people. The reasons we conclude may be indefinite and fragile. We may lose it too, but even so, we want a reason. As long as I'm alive, I want it too. If possible, I want to find a reason of existence within a person, within someone.
My mom told me, it's better to trust people than to doubt them. She said that people aren't born with kind hearts. When we're born, all we have are desires for food and material things. Selfish instincts, I guess. But she said that kindness is something that grows inside of each person's body, but it's up to us to nurture that kindness in our hearts. That's why kindness is different for every person.
Tohru, you must always be yourself and do things at your own pace. Someday, you'll catch up.
I'm gonna take my place as a true member of this family.
If you don't protect that child, I will never forgive you!
Emily: "Ich komm' nun in Stufe 2, damit ich noch besser Französisch kann."
Mindy: "Das kannst du offensichtlich schon gut. Du verwechselst nur die Worte... kopulieren und konjugieren."
Mindy Chen in Emily in Paris - Staffel 2 Episode 4
Camille: "Du bekommst einen Mann nur auf eine Art aus dem Gedanken."
Mindy: "Durch Sex mit einem anderen."
Mindy Chen in Emily in Paris - Staffel 2 Episode 2
Man fährt nach Saint-Tropez um zu feiern und arbeitet dann nicht. Oder machst du auch auf Ibiza deine Steuererklärung?
Luc in Emily in Paris - Staffel 2 Episode 2
Neither of us have any sort of luck, do we? You keep the world at bay… but I keep you at bay.
Thank you for letting me become a mother. And Minato a father. Thank you so much... for having been born to us!
Naruto. Du wirst sehr viel Leid und Schmerz erfahren. Aber erinnere dich daran, wer du bist! Finde ein Ziel... einen Traum und höre nicht auf zu versuchen bis er wahr wird.
I was born impatient. I talk so fast that sometimes things get mixed up and people don't know what I'm going on about. I get excited and just say whatever I'm thinking... I hope you came out okay? Without any weird quirks like me.
Anybody who called me tomato... well, I just turned them into smashed tomatoes. That's how I got my other nickname: The Red-Hot Habanero!
Simon: "Das Gehirn ist die größte erogene Zone."
Etienne: "Kommt auf's Gehirn an."
Etienne Gardé in Rocket Beans TV - #MoinMoin vom 06.01.2022
Wir ziehen in einen Vorort. Genau genommen, weiter weg. Nach Colorado.
Michael Scott in The Office - Staffel 7 Episode 20
Sylvie: "Ihr Sexleben diktiert Ihnen Ihre Geschäftsentscheidungen?"
Emily: "Wir hatten nie Sex!"
Sylvie: "Dann mal ran, sie wirken so angespannt."
Sylvie Grateux in Emily in Paris - Staffel 1 Episode 8
Luc: "Ah, Emilys Freund, non?"
Julian: "Nein, sie ist nur in ihn verknallt."
Emily: "Hatte ich das gesagt?"
Julian: "War nicht nötig."
Emily in Paris - Staffel 1 Episode 8
Emily: "Es liegt doch wohl auf der Hand, dass wir nicht nur Freunde sein können."
Gabriel: "Ich lebe unter dir."
Emily: "So lange es dabei bleibt."
Emily Cooper in Emily in Paris - Staffel 1 Episode 8
Mathieu: "Bitte vermeiden Sie Klischees. Mein Onkel ist sehr wählerisch."
Emily: "Oh, ich weiß. Er hat mich ausgewählt."
Emily Cooper in Emily in Paris - Staffel 1 Episode 7
Es geht bei Mode nicht um Konzepte. Es geht darum, wunderschön auszusehen.
Pierre Cadault in Emily in Paris - Staffel 1 Episode 9
Verurteile dich nicht für deine Gedanken. Ich komm' aus China, da versuchen sie's.
Mindy Chen in Emily in Paris - Staffel 1 Episode 8
Mathieu: "Wissen Sie, was Franzosen tun, wenn es am dunkelsten ist? Als die Bomben im zweiten Weltkrieg fielen, wissen Sie, was sie taten?"
Emily: "Weg rennen?"
Emily Cooper in Emily in Paris - Staffel 1 Episode 9
Stelle bloß niemals Gefühle über Prinzipien. Denn selbst wenn du dann gewinnst, hast du verloren.
Daniel LaRusso in Cobra Kai - Staffel 4 Episode 9
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