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I am Him. not born of man and woman. I was created to be invincible. And those who made me... made me well!
If you can't take the heat, then stay out of the kitchen!
Blossom in Powerpuff Girls - Staffel 4 Episode 5
You should do what you want to do.
We're not afraid of anything as long as we have each other.
Blossom in Powerpuff Girls - Staffel 4 Episode 12
Whose dumb idea was it to walk, anyway? Anyone can see these feet aren't made for walking!
Careful, Bubbles! Your ego is showing.
Being a Powerpuff Girl isn't about getting your way. It's about using your own unique abilities to help people and the world we all live in!
Blossom in Powerpuff Girls - Staffel 2 Episode 1
I guess we shouldn't judge people by what they look like.
As sisters, we have an intrinsic duty: to uphold peace.
Who you calling cute?
I want to wreak vengeance on those who have forsaken me.
There's nothing wrong with talking to yourself.
Selbst der Royal TS von McDonald's erfüllt den Titel mit mehr Würde als die Windsors.
Selbst Prince Andrew war komplett geschockt. Rassismus, Sexismus, Mobbing... man fragt sich, ist das noch Windsor oder schon das Axel-Springer Gebäude.
Man kann sich nicht verlieben, wenn man ständig auf der Hut ist.
Ginny Miller in Ginny & Georgia - Staffel 1 Episode 4
Männer sind visuelle Wesen, also gib ihnen was zum hingucken!
Georgia Miller in Ginny & Georgia - Staffel 1 Episode 4
Alexander: "You know what I think? I think you're crazy!"
MacGyver: "Give me a few hours, you'll know for sure."
MacGyver in MacGyver - Staffel 5 Episode 1
Pete: "Und was machst du mit deinem Anteil?"
MacGyver: "Ich denke ich werde mir ein neues Klebeband kaufen."
MacGyver in MacGyver - Staffel 2 Episode 22
"Hey, Mann! Das ist 'ne Uzi!"
"Nein, jetzt ist es 'n Schraubenschlüssel!"
MacGyver in MacGyver - Staffel 6 Episode 1
If you let yourself be afraid of dying, you're just going to end up being afraid of living.
"Sind Sie verrückt?"
MacGyver: "Das wird gelegentlich behauptet."
Look. If this works, it'll keep us from getting caught. If it doesn't, it'll keep us from getting old.
MacGyver in MacGyver - Staffel 2 Episode 2
There are some places in this world that are a lot easier to get into then out of. Like East Berlin, for instance.
MacGyver in MacGyver - Staffel 1 Episode 12
What a beautiful part of the world. It has everything but people.
MacGyver in MacGyver - Staffel 1 Episode 10
This road would definitely be an E ride at Disneyland.
MacGyver in MacGyver - Staffel 1 Episode 8
You don't go to people with your problems. You come to your friends.
MacGyver in MacGyver - Staffel 2 Episode 3
There always seems to be a way to fix things.
I'm about 20 seconds from becoming part of the landscape.
MacGyver in MacGyver - Staffel 1 Episode 17
When I was about ten I got my first chemistry set. I've been a beaker and test-tube nut ever since. My mom said I was gonna come up with a formula that would either improve the world... or blow up the house.
MacGyver in MacGyver - Staffel 2 Episode 11
When I was a kid, I use to build model airplanes with rubber band motors. Then I discovered batteries - it sure did increase the mileage.
MacGyver in MacGyver - Staffel 1 Episode 12
Früher waren Brathähnchen meine Lieblingsspeise. So langsam entwickle ich aber ein Mitgefühl für sie.
MacGyver in MacGyver - Staffel 1 Episode 2
MacGyver: "Pick a number between one and ten, quick!"
Charlie: "Seven."
MacGyver: "Close, but wrong; I go first."
MacGyver in MacGyver - Staffel 1 Episode 14
Das Leben ist wie eine Schale ungarisches Gulasch: heiß und keiner weiß, was drin ist.
MacGyver in MacGyver - Staffel 1 Episode 3
Auf ein paar Ski zu steigen und einen Berg auf kürzestem Weg hinab zu fahren ist fast so schön wie fliegen.
Yanna: "Why do they hate us?"
MacGyver: "Some people are scared of anyone who runs free."
MacGyver in MacGyver - Staffel 1 Episode 3
Herpetologists will tell you everyone has an inner fear of snakes - including herpetologists.
MacGyver in MacGyver - Staffel 1 Episode 2
The first time I got to ride on a merry-go-round, I was about six or seven. I'd never seen anything like it. It was a kind of magic. Go to a merry-go-round anywhere in the world and you can see the same look in the kids eyes. It's magic. It's a shame we have to grow up... and lose it.
MacGyver in MacGyver - Staffel 1 Episode 16
Pete: "Wird hier auch mal Staub gewischt?"
Mac: "Zwei mal jährlich, pünktlich auf die Minute."
When you think about it, I take on a lot of jobs nobody else would want. The question is, why do I want 'em. I find myself asking these questions more and more and rationalizing answers with stuff like flexible hours, nice scenery, all expense paid vacations in colorful Eastern European luxury resorts. But, the bottom line is, I like it. I actually like getting into stuff that makes the old adrenaline pump. And, I get to meet some interesting people who have made some interesting career choices themselves.
MacGyver in MacGyver - Staffel 1 Episode 15
It's a known fact that 80 decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On the other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody.
MacGyver in MacGyver - Staffel 1 Episode 11
Was ist, wenn alle deine Träume wahr werden, aber es fehlt dir trotzdem was?
Ginny Miller in Ginny & Georgia - Staffel 1 Episode 3
Liebe ist so einiges, Maxine. Sicher ist dabei nichts.
Georgia Miller in Ginny & Georgia - Staffel 1 Episode 3
This thing is amazing! I mean the magnetic-propulsion alone would advance Earth science by decades.
Jane Foster in Thor - 2: The Dark Kingdom
The walls between worlds will be almost non-existent. Physics is going to go ballistics. Increases and decreases in gravity, spatial extrusions. The very fabric of reality is going to be torn apart.
Jane Foster in Thor - 2: The Dark Kingdom
Für eine Frau ist das Leben ein Kampf. Und Schönheit ist eine verdammt wirksame Waffe.
Georgia Miller in Ginny & Georgia - Staffel 1 Episode 2
Ich würde dich häuten, wenn ich dein frisches, pubertäres Gesicht tragen könnte.
Georgia Miller in Ginny & Georgia - Staffel 1 Episode 2
Alt werden ist ein gruseliges Todesurteil, wobei dich dein Körper schleichend im Stich lässt, bis du dran stirbst.
Georgia Miller in Ginny & Georgia - Staffel 1 Episode 2
Halloween ist echt der geilste Feiertag, da kann man nicht drinnen hocken und Filme glotzen wie'n Loser.
Maxine Baker in Ginny & Georgia - Staffel 1 Episode 5
Ginny: "Flirte nicht mit den Schülern oder mit deren Eltern. Und bitte, Drogen in der Klasse sind verboten."
Georgia: "Das war doch nur ein mal."
Georgia Miller in Ginny & Georgia - Staffel 1 Episode 3
Max: "Halloween ist mein liebster Feiertag, noch vor meinem Geburtstag."
Ginny: "Du müsstest Jesus heißen, wenn dein Geburtstag ein Feiertag sein soll."
Ginny Miller in Ginny & Georgia - Staffel 1 Episode 5
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