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Willow: "And there's no one in the world who has the power to stop me now."
Giles: "I'd like to test that theory."
Rupert Giles in Buffy - Im Bann der Dämonen - Staffel 6 Episode 21
What's the fun of burying someone if they're already dead?
Der Meister in Buffy - Im Bann der Dämonen - Staffel 1 Episode 10
Giles: "Oh, Emily Dickinson."
Buffy: "We're both fans."
Giles: "Yes, she's quite a good poet. I mean for a..."
Buffy: "A girl?"
Giles: "For an American."
I, Anya, want to marry you, Xander, because... I love you, and I'll always love you. And, before I knew you, I was like a completely different person. Not even a person, really. And I'd seen what love could do to people, and it was... hurt, and sadness. Alone was better. And then, suddenly, there was you! And you knew me. You saw me. And it was this... thing. You make me feel safe and warm, so, I... get it now. I finally get love, Xander! I really do.
Anya Jenkins in Buffy - Im Bann der Dämonen - Staffel 6 Episode 16
Xander: "Buffy and Faith are in the library gettin' all sweaty."
Cordelia: "They're training."
Xander: "I stand by my phrase."
Xander in Buffy - Im Bann der Dämonen - Staffel 3 Episode 5
Yeah, I did a couple of Slayers in my time. I don't like to brag. Who am I kidding? I love to brag!
Spike Pratt in Buffy - Im Bann der Dämonen - Staffel 2 Episode 3
Spike is going down. You can attack me, you can send assassins after me, that's fine. But nobody messes with my boyfriend.
Giles: "This computer invasion that Willow's performing on the coroner's office... One assumes it is entirely legal?"
Buffy: "Of course."
Willow: "Entirely."
Giles: "Right. Wasn't here. Didn't see it. Couldn't have stopped you."
The Earth is doomed.
So, who do you kill for fun around here?
Spike Pratt in Buffy - Im Bann der Dämonen - Staffel 2 Episode 3
It must be hard when all your friends here have, like superpowers. Slayer, werewolves, witches, vampires, and you're like this little nothing. You must feel like… Jimmy Olsen.
I, Anya, promise to... love you, to cherish you, to honor you, but not to obey you, of course, because that's anachronistic and misogynistic and who do you think you are, like a sea captain or something?
Anya Jenkins in Buffy - Im Bann der Dämonen - Staffel 6 Episode 16
I want to torture you. I used to love it, and it's been a long time. I mean, the last time I tortured someone, they didn't even have chainsaws.
Angel in Buffy - Im Bann der Dämonen - Staffel 3 Episode 1
Das Bild des unbesiegbaren Imperiums hatte den ersten Riss bekommen. Die kleine Rebellion war mutig geworden. Und mit dem entscheidenden Sieg in der Schlacht von Endor, fand die Schreckensherrschaft des Imperators ihr Ende.
Sabine Wren in Star Wars: Rebels - Staffel 4 Episode 15
Ich habe immer gedacht, Ezra zählte darauf, dass ich Lothal beschütze, den Planeten und das Volk, das ihm so am Herzen lag. Doch eines Tages, wurde mir klar, dass es mehr bedeutete. Es gab noch etwas anderes, das ich zu tun hatte. Ezra ist irgendwo da draußen und es ist Zeit, ihn wieder nach Hause zu bringen.
Sabine Wren in Star Wars: Rebels - Staffel 4 Episode 15
Bei den Jedi gilt meiner Erfahrung nach folgendes: Je schlechter der Plan, desto besser das Ergebnis.
Captain Rex in Star Wars: Rebels - Staffel 4 Episode 15
Es steckt immer ein Fünkchen Wahrheit in Legenden.
Ahsoka Tano in Star Wars: Rebels - Staffel 2 Episode 21
Stand up together, because that's when we're strongest - as one.
Ezra Bridger in Star Wars: Rebels - Staffel 1 Episode 13
Ahsoka: "Er hat im Tempel fast alle Jünglinge unterrichtet, jeden zu seiner Zeit."
Ezra: "Kanan hat ihn mir beschrieben. Klein, grün und faltig mit spitzen Ohren. Aber er wusste nicht, wie er wirklich war."
Ahsoka: "Das wusste wohl keiner so richtig. Er war weise und gütig, aber er wirkte glücklicher, als ich noch jung war. Als die Klonkriege sich hinzogen, trug er eine schwere Last mit sich."
Ahsoka Tano in Star Wars: Rebels - Staffel 2 Episode 18
Eine Herausforderung das lebenlanges ist, Furcht nicht werden zu lassen zu Zorn.
Meister Yoda in Star Wars: Rebels - Staffel 2 Episode 18
Ezra: "Sei vorsichtig!"
Kanan: "Keine Sorge. Ich würde nichts tun, was du tun würdest."
Kanan Jarrus in Star Wars: Rebels - Staffel 2 Episode 18
Das letzte mal, als ich Anakin sah, bracht er hastig auf, um den Kanzler zu retten. Dann hat sich alles verändert.
Ahsoka Tano in Star Wars: Rebels - Staffel 2 Episode 18
Du hattest Recht. Ich war ein Feigling. Aber es gibt etwas, das stärker als Angst ist, und zwar viel stärker. Die Macht. Ich werd' dir zeigen wie stark sie ist.
Kanan Jarrus in Star Wars: Rebels - Staffel 1 Episode 15
Battles leave scars... some you can't see.
Ich kann Ezra nicht ewig beschützen. Nicht einmal vor sich selbst. Ich kann nur weiter machen, wie bisher... ihn so gut ausbilden, wie es geht.
Kanan Jarrus in Star Wars: Rebels - Staffel 2 Episode 18
If all I do is try, that means I don't truly believe that I can succeed.
Kanan Jarrus in Star Wars: Rebels - Staffel 1 Episode 5
She came back to face her past and her bold initiative has impressed me. She has become a courageous leader. She reminds me of the best of who we were, and could inspire us to become more than we have been of late.
Bo-Katan in Star Wars: Rebels - Staffel 4 Episode 2
That might be the Mandalorian way. But it's not my way. Not anymore.
My friends make the impossible possible.
Kanan: "Das war ein Fehler."
"Wieso? Weil du jetzt keinen mehr hast, der für dich sterben kann?"
Kanan: "Nein. Weil ich nun nichts mehr fürchten muss."
Kanan Jarrus in Star Wars: Rebels - Staffel 1 Episode 15
Schon komisch, wie uns unsere Wahrnehmung täuschen kann. Wenn man zum Beispiel nach einem Platz sucht, wo man hingehört, und dabei gar nicht merkt, dass man ihn schon längst gefunden hat.
J.D. in Scrubs - Staffel 1 Episode 8
Accept that because we were born with nothing, we can become anything!
The natural enemy of the strong is the weak, but the natural enemy of the weak is not the strong - it is the ones that are even weaker.
"Checkmate" doesn't mean you've simply cornered the enemy king. It's a declaration that the enemy king is yours.
In fairy tales, when the protagonists end up in a different world, they do their best to get back home, right? But who would want to go back to a world like that?
Because of our weakness, we trained our eyes, ears and the ability to think. Learning how to survive, that's our trait as humans! The human species can't use magic and can't even perceive it – but because we are weak, we have the wisdom to run away from magic and the intelligence to see through it. We don't have any extraordinary senses. But because we are weak, by learning and gaining experience, we gained the wisdom to achieve the unachievable.
Chess is no different than tic-tac-toe.
In every time, in every world, the strong polish their fangs while the weak polish their wisdom.
An idiot that knows he's an idiot is even harder to deal with than an idiot that thinks he isn't.
Life is not a game of luck. If you wanna win, work hard.
They say people can change, but is that really true? If they decide they want to fly, will they grow wings? I don't think so. You don't change yourself, you change how you do things. You have to make your own way. You have to create a way to fly, even while you stay the same.
There is no such thing as luck in this world. Rules, prerequisites, psychological states... there are any number of invisible factors that combine to produce an unpredictable, but inevitable result. The winner of each game is decided before it even begins. Chance is never a factor.
A temporary defeat is nothing if it leads to ultimate victory!
Stephanie Dola in No Game No Life
Fulfilled people are just an urban legend.
Whats the probability of drawing the ace of spades from a deck with no jokers? Normaly it would be 1/50. But what if its a brand new deck? The position of cards in a new deck are typically identical, so that means if you take out the jokers and draw the card at the very bottom, it's the ace of spades almost 100% of the time. Oh that's right! I didn't say a word about it being a new deck. Rather, you didn't ask. Being in the "know" gives you the power to turn the probability of winning from 1.92% to 100%. The more knowledgable party will be the inevitable victor.
What do you think about your world? Is it fun? Is it easy to live in?
Antonia Hemmer: "Ich glaub, ich werde krank."
Patrick Romer: "Im Kopf vielleicht, ja!"
Der Wendler hat jetzt nicht mehr so viel Geld, jetzt wo er in Scheidung lebt. Junge Frauen sind teuer!
Wenn man das Bein nicht hochkriegt, darf man auch nicht mit den großen Hunden pinkeln.
Auch ein intelligenter Mensch wird zwischen Dummen dümmer.
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