Fury... since you've been gone, things have gotten much worse.
Das ist mein Krieg. Meiner. Und ich bin der letzte Mensch, der zwischen ihnen steht, und dem, was sie wirklich wollen.
This is my war alone. And I'm the last person standing between them and what they really want.
Nick Fury - Staffel 1
Vernake: "He loves you."
Spider-Man: "He who?"
Vernake: "God."
Nick Fury: "Oh yeah? Well, my God has a hammer!"
Spider-Man: "He who?"
Vernake: "God."
Nick Fury: "Oh yeah? Well, my God has a hammer!"
Nick Fury - Vol. 6
Nova: "You disguised yourself as a Skrull? That's got to be years worth of therapy."
Kl'rt: "What is 'therapy'?"
Kl'rt: "What is 'therapy'?"
Nova Vol. 4
Dispatch, this is Unit Fourteen. We've got a... what's the code for a gigantic alien spaceship?
The Amazing Spider-Man
The Avengers, the Fantastic Four - they must be crippled by mistrust, knowing anybody could be the enemy. But we have an advantage. We don't trust each other to begin with.
Norman Osborn - Thunderbolts
Skrull Spider-Man: "Well, I do hate myself, but I don't know if I feel like smacking myself around."
Spider-Man: "Ugh! Please tell me I'm not this annoying."
Skrull Spider-Man: "You are."
Spider-Man: "Ugh! Please tell me I'm not this annoying."
Skrull Spider-Man: "You are."
The Amazing Spider-Man
When Captain America died, Americans heard it in an American way: through the media. When Captain Britain died, the British felt it in their chests.
Captain Britain and MI13
John: "I'm experiencing an odd sensation. I think it might be patriotism."
Spitfire: "Steady. Too much of that can damage your health."
Spitfire: "Steady. Too much of that can damage your health."
Captain Britain and MI13
Thunderbolts, make sure non of them weasel away. No loose ends.
Norman Osborn - Thunderbolts
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Been riding a desk for the past six years trying to figure out where our future enemies are coming from. Never occurred to me they would be coming from above.
Ich glaube, dass in diesem Universum, so wie in allen anderen, die Hoffnung niemals stirbt. So lange nur jemand das große Ganze im Auge behält.
I believe that in this universe, as in every other, hope never dies. As long as someone keeps their good eye on the bigger picture.
No matter who wins or loses, trouble still comes around.
Nick Fury in The Avengers - Age of Ultron
This man declined the Nobel Peace Prize. He said peace wasn't an achievement, it was a responsibility.
Nick Fury in Captain America - The Winter Soldier
I recognize the council has made a decision, but given that it's a stupid-ass decision, I've elected to ignore it.
Loki: "Ich habe eine Armee."
Iron Man: "Wir haben einen Hulk!"
Iron Man: "Wir haben einen Hulk!"
Loki: "I have an army."
Iron Man: "We have a Hulk!"
Iron Man: "We have a Hulk!"
Captain America: "Ein großer Mann in einer Rüstung. Lassen sie sie weg, was sind Sie dann?"
Iron Man: "Genie, Milliardär, Playboy, Philanthrop..."
Iron Man: "Genie, Milliardär, Playboy, Philanthrop..."
Captain America: "Big man in a suit-armor. Take that away, what are you?"
Iron Man: "A genius billionaire playboy philanthropist..."
Iron Man: "A genius billionaire playboy philanthropist..."
Kein Geld der Welt vermag eine Sekunde Zeit zu kaufen.
No amount of money ever bought a second of time.
Iron Man in The Avengers - Endgame
9Thor: "Hüte deine Zunge! Loki mag irrsinnig sein aber er ist aus Asgard und er ist mein Bruder."
Black Widow: "Er hat 80 Menschen in 2 Tagen getötet."
Thor: "Er wurde adoptiert..."
Black Widow: "Er hat 80 Menschen in 2 Tagen getötet."
Thor: "Er wurde adoptiert..."
Thor: "Have care how u speak! Loki is beyond reason, but he's from Asgard and he's my brother."
Black Widow: "He killed 80 people in 2 days."
Thor: "He's adopted..."
Black Widow: "He killed 80 people in 2 days."
Thor: "He's adopted..."
Thor in The Avengers
9Iron Man: "Sie sind ja auch noch ziemlich rüstig für ihr Alter. Wie machen sie das, Pilates?"
Captain America: "Was?"
Iron Man: "Ist so 'ne Art Turnübung. Bisschen was verpasst haben sie schon während ihrer Zeit als Captain Igloo."
Captain America: "Was?"
Iron Man: "Ist so 'ne Art Turnübung. Bisschen was verpasst haben sie schon während ihrer Zeit als Captain Igloo."
Iron Man: "Still, you are pretty spry, for an older fellow. What's your thing, Pilates?"
Captain America: "What?"
Iron Man: "It's like calisthenics. You might have missed a couple things, you know, doing time as a Capsicle."
Captain America: "What?"
Iron Man: "It's like calisthenics. You might have missed a couple things, you know, doing time as a Capsicle."
Ich hab' ne Frage. Du musst natürlich nicht antworten. Wenn du nicht antwortest, antwortest du natürlich trotzdem.
Black Widow in Captain America - The Winter Soldier
3Ich würde sagen, die Wahrheit hängt manchmal von den Umständen ab. Sie ist für jeden was anderes.
Black Widow: "I don't know, the truth is a matter of circumstances. It's not all things to all people all the time, and neither am I."
Captain America: "That's a tough way to live."
Black Widow: "It's a good way not to die though."
Captain America: "That's a tough way to live."
Black Widow: "It's a good way not to die though."
Black Widow in Captain America - The Winter Soldier
3Selbst wenn dir alle sagen, dass etwas, das falsch ist, richtig wäre. Selbst wenn die ganze Welt dir sagt, dass du bei Seite gehen sollst, ist es deine Pflicht, wie ein Baum vor ihnen zu stehen, ihnen in die Augen zu schauen und zu sagen, nein, ihr geht bei Seite.
Even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right. Even if the whole world is telling you to move, it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree, look them in the eyes and say no, you move.
Sharon Carter in Captain America - Civil War
3Hi. I'm Captain America. Here to talk to you about one of the most valuable traits a soldier or a student can have – patience. Sometimes patience is the key to victory.
Captain America in Spider-Man - Homecoming
1Tony Stark: "Oh, you're gonna have to take this into the shop!"
Scott Lang: "Who's speaking?"
Tony Stark: "It's... your conscience. We don't talk a lot these days."
Scott Lang: "Who's speaking?"
Tony Stark: "It's... your conscience. We don't talk a lot these days."
Iron Man in Captain America - Civil War
You know, you should always be polite to your neighbors. You never know when you might need to borrow some sugar.
Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown. Stark said you wouldn't get that because it's not a Star Wars reference.
Talos in Spider-Man - Far From Home
Track the pod. Find the girl. She knows more than she knows.
Was wäre, wenn wir entdecken würden, dass Aliens nur kurz an der Erde Halt machen, damit ihre Kinder auf's Klo gehen können?
How would it be if we discovered that aliens only stopped by earth to let their kids take a leak?
Aber nur, weil du ihn verprügeln kannst, gibt dir das noch lange nicht das Recht dazu. Vergiss niemals: Aus großer Kraft folgt große Verantwortung!
Remember, with great power. comes great responsibility!
Onkel Ben in Spider-Man
11"Ist das alles? Billige Tricks und lausige Sprüche?"
"Süße, das wäre ein guter Titel für meine Autobiographie."
"Süße, das wäre ein guter Titel für meine Autobiographie."
"That's all you got? Cheap trick and a cheesy one-liner?"
"Sweetheart, that could be the name of my autobiography."
"Sweetheart, that could be the name of my autobiography."
Tony Stark in Iron Man
4Wir fliegen zusammen. Ein letztes mal. In die Ewigkeit. In diesen wunderschönen Himmel.
We'll all fly away together. One last time. Into the forever. And beautiful sky.
Rocket Raccoon in Guardians of the Galaxy - Volume 3
Weißt du was mir am meisten Angst macht? Wenn ich nicht mehr dagegen ankämpfen kann und total die Kontrolle verliere, dann... genieße ich das.
You know what scares me the most? When it happens, when it comes over me and I totally lose control... I like it.
Bruce Banner in Hulk
2Ihr kleines Cinematic Universe wird sich für immer verändern. Ich bin der Messias. Ich bin Marvel Jesus!
Your little cinematic universe is about to change forever. I'm the Messiah. I am Marvel Jesus!
Nicht alles ergibt Sinn. Nicht alles muss Sinn ergeben.
Dr. Strange: "That doesn’t make any sense."
The Ancient One: "Not everything does. Not everything has to. "
The Ancient One: "Not everything does. Not everything has to. "
Asleep for the danger, awake for the money, as per frickin' usual.
Irgendwann muss man sich entscheiden. Willst du sein, wie die Welt dich sieht, oder wer du wirklich bist?
At some point we all have to choose. Between what the world wants you to be and who you are.
In Zeiten der Krise bauen die Weisen Brücken, während die Narren Mauern errichten.
In times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers.
T’Challa in Black Panther
2Wenn du die Regeln brichst, wirst du der Held. Tue ich es, bin ich der Feind... ist irgendwie unfair.
You break the rules and become a hero. I do it, I become the enemy... that doesn't seem fair.
Wanda Maximoff in Doctor Strange - in the Multiverse of Madness
1One downside of our big brains is we're the only creatures who are aware that death is inevitable. Although, if you lined ten dogs in a row and shot them one by one, the dog on the end would probably get the gist by about dog four.
Philomena Cunk in Cunk On Life - Episode 1