Bei allem, was ich über letzte Saison gehört habe - wir machen jetzt das Gegenteil.
Everything I heard about last season, we're doing the opposite.
Juli 2023
A lot of people had dirt on their hands. It wasn't just Russell. He didn't just flip. He still has it. He's still got gas in the tank.
Juli 2023
I still have a vision for doing things in football. And I'll be honest with you, that might be coaching again, at some point. I do not think it is this year, I think maybe in the future, but that's not where my heart is right now.
Januar 2022
I don't know what's next. And it kind of feels good. The last thing I did before I went to bed, a Google search, how not to cry during a speech.
Januar 2022
You learn a lot more about all the things that are necessary to be the leader of a team and so there's day-to-day hands-on training that you get and you might not even be asking for it. You try as best you can to be organized, have a plan, know exactly what you want from a schedule standpoint, have an idea of what you would want in a staff.
I think there's a prototype we're all looking for, whether it's Brett Favre or Troy Aikman. And everyone's got that picture in their mind of the prototype at the position.
When everybody else has gone home, Drew stays on the field to see what he could've done better. That's how you become great.
Zitate und Sprüche über Sean Payton
Es schmeichelt mir natürlich, aber ich habe noch nicht genug erreicht, um in einem Satz mit Coach Payton genannt zu werden.
It's certainly flattering words, but I definitely have not done enough to be mentioned in the same sentence as Coach Payton.
"Coach Payton is going to be our new offensive coordinator."
"Our defense sucks too."
"Our defense sucks too."
Diese Zitate könnten dir auch gefallen
In this house we say "please", "thank you", and "Go Saints!"
Frag mich nicht, wieso ich Saints Fan bin. Frag dich selbst, wieso du keiner bist!
Don't ask me why I'm a Saints fan. Ask yourself why you're not!
I was born a Saints fan and I will die a Saints fan.
Welches Football Team ist das beste und warum sind es die New Orleans Saints?
Which Football team is the best and why is it the New Orleans Saints?
Wie nennt man 53 Millionäre, die um den Fernseher sitzen und sich den Super Bowl anschauen?
Die New Orleans Saints!
Die New Orleans Saints!
What do you call 53 millionaires around a TV watching the Super Bowl?
The New Orleans Saints!
The New Orleans Saints!
The Denver Broncos are all child molesters.
It was the team that I found my love for football with. Their jerseys were orange at the time for the most part.
Mike McDaniel - September 2023
Ich glaube dran und alles, was ich will, ist diesem Team zu helfen. Wir werden etwas erreichen und ich freue mich darauf. Es wird die Mühe wert sein.
I believe and all I want to do is help this team. We're going to go somewhere, and I'm excited about it. It's going to be worth it.
Russell Wilson - Januar 2023
Neue Dinge sind immer gut. Man kann Neuanfängen mit Angst begegnen, oder sie für sich nutzen. Und das werden wir tun. Wir hängen da zusammen drin. Wir haben Bock und freuen uns darauf, vielleicht eine neue Championship nach Denver zu bringen.
I think newness is always great. Any time you go into something new, you can look at it with fear, nerves, or you can go own it and take care of it yourself. That's what we are doing. We are all in this thing together. We are pumped and excited to do it and hopefully bring a championship to Denver again.
Russell Wilson - Juli 2022
Ich beende meine Karriere als ein Football Spieler, der an der University of Tennessee, bei den Colts und bei den Broncos gespielt hat und sich dafür sehr glücklich schätzt.
I'm retiring as a football player from the University of Tennessee who played for the Colts and the Broncos and was very lucky to have played for all of them.
California has officially announced that jaywalking is now no longer a crime. So congratulations to the Californians who like walking places. This is great news for the six of you.
Trevor Noah in The Daily Show - Oktober 2022
New Mexico. Das ist ein Bundesstaat im Südwesten. So ähnlich wie Kalifornien, aber weniger Verkehr.
New Mexico. It's another state. I mean, it's like California, just less traffic.
Lalo Salamanca in Better Call Saul - Staffel 6 Episode 5
Wir haben alle unsere kleinen Schwächen. Meine ist Kalifornien.
We all have our little faults. Mine's in California.
All creative people should be required to leave California for three months every year.
"Did Dennis just fall down?"
"Yeah. He doesn't like contact."
"He know he's playin' football?"
"Yeah. He doesn't like contact."
"He know he's playin' football?"
"You're ordering a pizza right now?"
"Hell yeah, I want stuffed crust. What kind of question is that?"
"Hell yeah, I want stuffed crust. What kind of question is that?"
Ich hatte das Glück, zehn unglaubliche Jahre in Seattle zu spielen. Meine Hoffnung ist es, dort weiter zu gewinnen. Das ist das Ziel. Das war es immer und wird es immer bleiben.
I've been fortunate to be able to play 10 amazing years in Seattle. My hope and goal is to be back there and keep winning there. That's the vision; that's the goal. That's always been it, never been anything different.
Ich sage nicht, dass es einfach wird; ich sage nur, dass es es Wert sein wird.
I'm not telling you it's going to be easy, I'm telling you it's going to be worth it.
Die einzige Person, die ich verändern kann, ist die im Spiegel.
The only person I can change is the one in the mirror.
Ich war immer ein Packer und werde immer ein Packer bleiben.
I've always been a Packer, always will be a Packer.
Hey, you got any left-handed footballs?
Either my head is getting bigger or these hats are getting smaller... shut up!
Losing doesn't eat at me the way it used to. I just get ready for the next play, the next game, the next season.
Just remember that nothing is as bad as it seems and nothing is as good as it sometimes appears.
We go in with eyes wide open and recognize there will be a lot of hard work involved. But we anticipate having success. We feel like we have assembled a great group of people. If we were going to do it any other way, we would have made an announcement a long time ago. We were very diligent.
Ich werde kein Spiel verpassen. Mein Sohn weiß es besser, als dass er während eines Spiels zur Welt käme.
I'm not going to miss a game. My son knows better than to come during a game.
Sean McVay (als Coach der Los Angeles Rams) - Oktober 2023
I could go on and on about my support for Kirk Cousins, and I feel fortunate to have been able to work with a guy like that.
Scott Hanson: "If it comes down to it, Brock. It's late in the fourth quarter, are you prepared to disappoint Taylor Swift?"
Brock Purdy: "Yes."
Brock Purdy: "Yes."
Brock Purdy - Februar 2024, Super Bowl LVIII Opening Night
We're not done, dawg, I want three!
Patrick Mahomes - Februar 2024, zum Super Bowl Sieg der Chiefs
Offensiv läuft da nur die Nase, sonst gar nix.
Es war ein langes Jahr bis hierhin und wir haben es heute geschafft. Wir können es nicht abwarten, nach Vegas zu kommen!
It's been a long year to get to this point and we got it done today. We can't wait to get to Vegas!
Kyle Shanahan - Januar 2024, nach Sieg gegen die Lions
Ich bin der beste Reciever im Game. Da gibt es keine Frage.
I'm the top receiver in the game. There's no question about it.
CeeDee Lamb (als Spieler bei den Dallas Cowboys) - November 2023
Es gibt nichts, was ich mehr liebe als Football. Aber ich habe kleine Kinder, die bei genug Spielen ihres Vaters zugesehen haben und es wird Zeit, dass ich bei ihren Spielen zusehe.
Tom Brady - März 2023
Congrats to the Kansas City Chiefs, MVP Patrick Mahomes, Coach Reid, Travis Kelce, Chris Jones, Mecole Hardman, and the rest of the champs for another Lombardi Trophy. Grace under pressure.
Barack Obama - Februar 2024, zum Super Bowl Sieg der Chiefs
Ich mag Football. Es ist ein aufregendes, strategisches Spiel. Und eine tolle Möglichkeit, Gesprächen mit der Familie an Thanksgiving aus dem Weg zu gehen.
I like football. I find its an exciting strategic game. Its a great way to avoid conversation with your family at Thanksgiving.
Wir müssen nicht sagen, dass wir die Besten sind. Unsere 5 Ringe sagen das für uns.
We don't have to say we're great. Our 5 rings say it for us.
It's definitely a blessing, but you don't think about it a ton, because once you win the AFC Championship game - now you're in the Super Bowl and you're focused on that game.
Harrison Butker - Februar 2024
Schach ist ein ständiger Kampf zwischen meinem Verlangen, nicht zu verlieren und meinem Verlangen, nicht zu denken.