Mein Kopf ist ständig aktiv und immer am Arbeiten. Es ist ein Fluch und eine Gabe.
My mind is always racing, and always going and always working, and it's a gift and a curse.
Wenn du träumst und daran glaubst, kannst du es schaffen.
If you dream and you believe, you can do it.
Bad Boy Entertainment hat niemanden erschossen. Ich habe niemanden erschossen.
Bad Boy Entertainment did not shoot anybody. I didn't shoot anybody.
I feel safe in white because deep down inside, I'm an angel.
It feels like I could go outside with a bikini thong on right now.
Tell the World I'm coming home
Let the rain wash away
All the pain of yesterday
I know my kingdom awaits
And they've forgiven my mistakes
Let the rain wash away
All the pain of yesterday
I know my kingdom awaits
And they've forgiven my mistakes
Coming Home
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Spread love; it's the Brooklyn way.
The Notorious B.I.G. - Juicy
When it comes to sex, I'm similar to the thriller in Manila
Honeys call me Bigga the condom filler
Whether it's stiff tongue or stiff dick
Biggie squeeze it to make shit fit, now check this shit
Honeys call me Bigga the condom filler
Whether it's stiff tongue or stiff dick
Biggie squeeze it to make shit fit, now check this shit
The Notorious B.I.G. - Want That Old Thing Back
We used to fuss when the landlord dissed us
No heat, wonder why Christmas missed us
Birthdays was the worst days
Now we sip champagne when we thirst-ay
Uh, damn right I like the life I live
'Cause I went from negative to positive
No heat, wonder why Christmas missed us
Birthdays was the worst days
Now we sip champagne when we thirst-ay
Uh, damn right I like the life I live
'Cause I went from negative to positive
The Notorious B.I.G. - Juicy
1My first album is playful.
Thank you so much for supporting me from the day I stepped foot into the music industry. It really means something to me to have Maya Angelou speak on my behalf. It also means a lot to have Oprah on my speed dial!
Music makes us want to live. You don't know how many times people have told me that they'd been down and depressed and just wanted to die. But then a special song caught their ear and that helped give them renewed strength. That's the power music has.
I listen to gospel music.
Believe in yourself when nobody else does.
She was sayin', "Come get me"
So I got up and followed her to the floor
She said, "Baby, let's go"
When I told her, I said
Yeah, yeah
So I got up and followed her to the floor
She said, "Baby, let's go"
When I told her, I said
Yeah, yeah
Usher - Yeah!, Album: Confessions
Deep down, you know it's best for yourself, but you
Hate the thought of her bein' with someone else
But you know that it's over, we knew it was through
Let it burn, let it burn, gotta let it burn
Hate the thought of her bein' with someone else
But you know that it's over, we knew it was through
Let it burn, let it burn, gotta let it burn
Usher - Burn, Album: Confessions
Es gibt immer diesen einen Menschen, dem für immer dein Herz gehört. Für mich bist du diese Person.
There's always that one person, that will always have your heart. That one person for me is you.
Um erfolgreich zu sein, muss man das Selbstbewusstsein haben, nach etwas zu streben, auch wenn es unmöglich erscheint.
Success is all about having the confidence to shoot for something even if it seems impossible.
Success is about dedication. You may not be where you want to be or do what you want to do when you're on the journey. But you've got to be willing to have vision and foresight that leads you to an incredible end.
For a woman to be able to dominate and also be feminine and soft, that's a talent. And its not all about appearance. A woman who has a brain, who is street-smart and book-smart, that woman is very, very sexy to me.
Kindern eine gute Bildung zu geben ist die beste Investition, die es gibt.
Giving a child an education is by far one of the most important investments we can make.
Das beste Geschenk, das ein Mann einer Frau machen kann, ist seine ungeteilte Aufmerksamkeit.
The best present a man can give a woman is his undivided attention.
You are who you are, and in the end, If you don't believe it then no one will.
Der Verstand ist wie ein Fallschirm. Er funktioniert nur, wenn er offen ist.
A mind is like a parachute. It doesn't work if it is not open.
Das Herz lässt sich nicht so leicht beeinflussen, aber der Kopf dagegen lässt sich leicht überzeugen.
The heart can be tough to change, but the mind can be tough to persuade.
Grand Pabbie in Frozen - Die Eiskönigin - Völlig Unverfroren
49Alles ist möglich, wenn du nur genug Mut dazu hast.
Anything is possible if you got enough nerve.
Aber er war zu Hause. Hogwarts war das erste und beste Heim, das er gekannt hatte. Er und Voldemort und Snape, die verlassenen Jungen, sie alle hatten dort ein Heim gefunden.
But he was home. Hogwarts was the first and best home he had known. He and Voldemort and Snape, the abandoned boys, had all found home here.
Yeah, this life I'm livin'
All the advice been tipped in
Gave me that grip, no slippin'
Out of my mind, went trippin'
All the advice been tipped in
Gave me that grip, no slippin'
Out of my mind, went trippin'
Travis Scott - Praise God, Album: Donda
If life's a game of inches, then my dick has been the biggest
$uicideboy$ - Kill Yourself (Part III), Album: My Liver Will Handle What My Heart Can’t
1She told me put my heart in the bag
And nobody gets hurt
Now I'm running from her love, I'm not fast
So I'm making it worse
Now I'm digging up a grave, from my past
I'm a whole different person
It's a gift and a curse
But I cannot reverse it
And nobody gets hurt
Now I'm running from her love, I'm not fast
So I'm making it worse
Now I'm digging up a grave, from my past
I'm a whole different person
It's a gift and a curse
But I cannot reverse it
Juice WRLD - Robbery, Album: A Deathrace for Love
3And if you ever need a friend then you got me
And in the end, when I die, would you watch me?
And if I try suicide, would you stop me?
Would you help me get a grip or would you drop me?
And in the end, when I die, would you watch me?
And if I try suicide, would you stop me?
Would you help me get a grip or would you drop me?
Lil Peep - Das Leben ist schön, Album: A Night at the Opera
4Sie haben Geld um Krieg zu führen, aber nicht um die Armen zu ernähren.
They got money for the war, but can't feed the poor.
It's a rodeo, go on and touch your toes
I'ma hit you from the back and that's as far as it goes
I done knocked 'em all down like some dominoes
I'ma hit you from the back and that's as far as it goes
I done knocked 'em all down like some dominoes
Don Toliver - Had Enough, Album: Heaven Or Hell
Bury all your secrets in my skin
Come away with innocence
And leave me with my sins
Air around me feels just like a cage
Love is just a camouflage for what resembles rage
Come away with innocence
And leave me with my sins
Air around me feels just like a cage
Love is just a camouflage for what resembles rage
XXXTentacion - I’m Not Human
Mir ist es egal, ob du schwarz, weiß, hetero, bisexuell, schwul, lesbisch, klein, groß, dick, dünn, reich oder arm bist. Wenn du nett zu mir bist, bin ich nett zu dir. So einfach ist das.
I don't care if you're black, white, straight, bisexual, gay, lesbian, short, tall, fat, skinny, rich or poor. If you're nice to me, I'll be nice to you. Simple as that.
She told me that I'm not enough
And she left me with a broken heart
She fooled me twice and it's all my fault
She cut too deep, now she left me scarred
And she left me with a broken heart
She fooled me twice and it's all my fault
She cut too deep, now she left me scarred
Post Malone - I Fall Apart, Album: Stoney
2All these punk motherf*ckers hitting my phone
You think we boys, I never seen you at one of my shows
You think we boys, I never seen you at one of my shows
Ghostemane - Venom, Album: Blackmage
The Wu is too slammin' for these Cold Killin' labels
Some ain't had hits since I seen Aunt Mabel
Be doin' artists in like Cain did Abel
Now they money's gettin' stuck to the gum under the table
That's what you get when you misuse what I invent
Your empire falls and you lose every cent
Some ain't had hits since I seen Aunt Mabel
Be doin' artists in like Cain did Abel
Now they money's gettin' stuck to the gum under the table
That's what you get when you misuse what I invent
Your empire falls and you lose every cent
GZA - Protect Ya Neck, Album: Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)
Schach ist ein ständiger Kampf zwischen meinem Verlangen, nicht zu verlieren und meinem Verlangen, nicht zu denken.