Zitate und Sprüche aus School of Rock

Zitate und Sprüche aus School of Rock

School of Rock ist eine Filmkomödie mit Jack Black aus dem Jahr 2003. Das auf Black zugeschnittene Drehbuch stammt von seinem Freund Mike White, der auch als Schauspieler beteiligt ist. Der Regisseur war Richard Linklater.

Ich diene der Gesellschaft indem ich rocke, okay? Ich Arbeite an vorderster Front und befreie die Menschen mit meiner Musik.
Dewey Finn
Ned Schneebly: "Vielleicht verkaufst du eine deiner Gitarren oder sowas?"
Dewey Finn: "Was?! Würdest du Picasso sagen, er soll eine seiner Gitarren verkaufen?"
Dewey Finn
I'm a teacher. All I need are minds for molding.
Dewey Finn
Rock isn't about getting an A. Sex Pistols never won anything.
Freddy Jones
Lehrer die nicht lehren können, die lehren Sport.
Dewey Finn
Dewey Finn: "If a kid gets outta line, I got no problem, smackin' 'em in the head."
Rosalie Mullins: "No, we don't use corporal punishment here."
Dewey Finn: "Okay, so just... verbal abuse?"
Dewey Finn
Dewey Finn: "8:15 bis 10:00 Rockgeschichte. 10:00 bis 11:00 Rockverständnis und Theorie. Und dann probt die Band bis Unterrichtsende."
Frankie: "Was ist mit Mathe?"
Dewey Finn: "Nein, ist unwichtig."
Dewey Finn
Gott des Rocks, danke für die Chance, es allen zu zeigen. Wir sind deine ergebenen Diener. Bitte gib uns die Power, das Publikum mit unserem Hochspannungs-Rock umzuhauen. Dein Name sei gepriesen. Amen.
Dewey Finn

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As a parent, you have to figure out how to shape your kid's character. You want to have human beings who learn about good character. You have to be able to see your child with clarity, see the good side and the bad side of them, and work on the bad side and make them better so they fulfill their potential.
I take parenting incredibly seriously. I want to be there for my kids and help them navigate the world, and develop skills, emotional intelligence, to enjoy life, and I'm lucky to be able to do that and have two healthy, normal boys.
I play- it's kind of like a slice-of-life, LA women in their forties, playing forty kind of what's their friendship like, and what's their life like and so I just play one of the four friends.
I think there's nothing better than laughing in life, so that's nice, to be thought of as someone who can make someone laugh. It's 'cause I think life is hard. You know, my dad was a really silly man. A great Irish silly man. And that's fine.
I think just because life is hard, it does seem fun to have a break and laugh about things, so I think in the end, my instincts go there.
Sie haben tolle Eltern. Ich versuche nur der lustige Onkel zu sein.
I mean, I love being with friends and I love kissing and loving someone to pieces. But it's hard to find someone who doesn't ultimately start judging you and your choices.
I looked up and saw the shape of a heart made by the silhouette of Ben Affleck and Matt Damon kissing.
I have very vivid dreams - almost always action-adventure. I'm often on the run. I've always had dreams. When I was little, I'd go to sleep with my head on my hands, which were in fists like I was looking through a camera. I felt like sleep was the movies - just drifting off to the movies.
It shows the truth - that the real meaning of a word is only as powerful or harmless as the emotion behind it.
I make a mean peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
It's a tough transition really for theater actors to adjust to television or film, and all of these years later, I still have a tendency to play it too big.
I don't get hung up on weight.
Meiner Kinder sind magische Wesen und ich liebe sie bis in den Tod.
You must never underestimate the power of the eyebrow.
If it's illegal to rock and roll, throw my ass in jail!
Das Gute an Rock and Roll ist, dass an der Spitze genug Platz für mehrere Bands ist.
Ich erwürge dich, ich bring dich um, ich verscharr dich, ich buddel dich aus, ich klone dich und ich bringe alle deine Klone um!

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Joan CusackSarah SilvermanJack BlackRock 'n' RollDie schönsten FilmzitateFilmzitate
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