Keine Tricks, keine Kniffe, keine Pillen, keine Medizin. Alles was es braucht ist Leidenschaft und Wille.
No tricks, gimmicks, special pills, special potions, special equipment. All it takes is desire and will.
No one is perfect... absolutely no one. Like precious stones, we have a few flaws, but why focus on that? Focus on what you like about yourself, and that will bring you happiness and peace.
I don't know about you, but every time some joker points me out as I walk through an airport wearing extra-small Dolfin shorts, a tank top and leg warmers, I get a little upset.
Number one, like yourself. Number two, you have to eat healthy. And number three, you've got to squeeze your buns. That's my formula.
When I go to bed at night, I ask God to give me another day; I ask him to keep me strong and make me a good teacher and to keep spreading this right word.
Zitate und Sprüche über Richard Simmons
Well, look at his poor, pathetic face. He's so sad he could depress Richard Simmons.
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How long does it take to get from Louisiana to Alabama?
One Mississippi.
One Mississippi.
What's the loneliest place in all of Louisiana?
Bayou Self
Bayou Self
Hurricane Katrina was the storm of the 21st century. It devastated an area the size of Great Britain. More than 1,800 Americans died. Three hundred thousand homes were destroyed. There was $96 billion in property damage. I served on the Louisiana Recovery Authority. I saw Congress write one big check and then skip town.
Black bandana, sweet Louisiana
Robbin' on a bank in the state of Indiana
She's a runner, rebel and a stunner
On her merry way sayin', 'Baby, what you gonna- ?'
Lookin' down the barrel of a hot metal .45
Just another way to survive
Robbin' on a bank in the state of Indiana
She's a runner, rebel and a stunner
On her merry way sayin', 'Baby, what you gonna- ?'
Lookin' down the barrel of a hot metal .45
Just another way to survive
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Dani California, Album: Stadium Arcadium
1Glück kann man nicht kaufen, aber einen Flug nach Louisiana - und das ist quasi das selbe.
They say money can't buy happiness, but it can buy a flight to Louisiana - and that's pretty much the same thing.
Danger's my middle name. Well, actually it's Quincy, but you guys get the picture.
I can't help it, Laura. I'm drawn to you. Like a moth to a flame. A bee to a blossom. A mouse to cheese.
Eddie: "Urkel, why don't you ever knock?"
Steve Urkel: "Well, if I did, nobody would ever let me in."
Steve Urkel: "Well, if I did, nobody would ever let me in."
Laura: "Steve Urkel, you are the most annoying human being that I have ever met!"
Steve Urkel: "You heard her, you're all witnesses. She actually said, 'Human Being'. She's mine!"
Steve Urkel: "You heard her, you're all witnesses. She actually said, 'Human Being'. She's mine!"
Edo, cheating is like wearing your grandmother's underpants. Sure, it may cover your hiney, but if you make a habit of it, you've got a serious problem.
Laura: "How long have we known each other?"
Steve Urkel: "Nine years, three months, two weeks, four days, six hours, eight minutes, and fourteen seconds... fifteen seconds... sixteen seconds."
Steve Urkel: "Nine years, three months, two weeks, four days, six hours, eight minutes, and fourteen seconds... fifteen seconds... sixteen seconds."
Ich weiß ich bin es nicht wert von dir geliebt zu werden. Aber ich kann nichts dafür, ich liebe dich. Es ist als wolle man einen Stern erreichen - du weißt, dass du es nie schaffen wirst, aber du versuchst es immer weiter.
I know I'm not worthy of you. But I just can't help loving you. It's like wanting to touch a star - you know you'll never reach it, but you just gotta keep trying.
Steve Urkel in Alle unter einem Dach - Staffel 2 Episode 3
19Erfahrungen in erster Hilfe habe ich nämlich schon reichlich. Ich hatte Nasenbluten bei meiner Geburt, weil der Arzt aufs falsche Ende geklatscht hat.
Steve Urkel in Alle unter einem Dach - Staffel 2 Episode 3
Edward: "Ich hab noch eine Chance, er entscheidet zwischen mir und zwei Anderen. Die sind zwar besser mit dem Schlauch, aber ich bin der Klügste."
Laura: "Und die finden Morgens allein zur Arbeit?"
Laura: "Und die finden Morgens allein zur Arbeit?"
Edward: "I still got a chance, it's between me and two other guys. They're better with the hose, but I'm the smartest."
Laura: "And they find their way to work every morning?"
Laura: "And they find their way to work every morning?"
Laura Winslow in Alle unter einem Dach - Staffel 1 Episode 15
1Laura: "Lass mich in Ruhe, ich hab nicht mal Zeit um gemein zu dir zu sein!"
Steve Urkel: "Na klasse, vielleicht bleib ich ein Weilchen."
Steve Urkel: "Na klasse, vielleicht bleib ich ein Weilchen."
Laura: Forget it, Steve, I don't even have time to be mean!"
Steve Urkel: "Great, maybe I'll stay a while."
Steve Urkel: "Great, maybe I'll stay a while."
Steve Urkel in Alle unter einem Dach - Staffel 1 Episode 14
1Carl, du kochst doch nicht, du verbrennst. Bei dir verkohlt nicht nur der Toast, du lässt auch das Kaffeewasser anbrennen.
Carl, you don't cook, you burn. You burn eggs, you burn toast, you're the only man I know who burns Jell-O.
Harriette Winslow in Alle unter einem Dach - Staffel 1 Episode 14
1Laura: "Wir spielen nämlich Verstecken."
Steve Urkel: "Na toll, das spielen ja meine Eltern auch immer so gern mit mir. Einmal habe ich sie sogar in Milwaukee wieder gefunden, aber da wohnten sie unter falschem Namen."
Steve Urkel: "Na toll, das spielen ja meine Eltern auch immer so gern mit mir. Einmal habe ich sie sogar in Milwaukee wieder gefunden, aber da wohnten sie unter falschem Namen."
Laura: "Hide-and-seek, that's it."
Steve Urkel: "Oh, great, my parents play this with me all the time. Once, I found them in Milwaukee living under an assumed name."
Steve Urkel: "Oh, great, my parents play this with me all the time. Once, I found them in Milwaukee living under an assumed name."
Steve Urkel in Alle unter einem Dach - Staffel 1 Episode 14
2Edward: "Mir reichts jetzt mit dem Hund."
Harriette: "Was ist passiert?"
Edward: "Das hat der Köter mit meiner Mathearbeit gemacht!"
Harriette: "Dann sag das doch deinem Lehrer."
Edward: "Das kann ich nicht, die Ausrede hab ich benutzt bevor wir 'nen Hund hatten."
Harriette: "Was ist passiert?"
Edward: "Das hat der Köter mit meiner Mathearbeit gemacht!"
Harriette: "Dann sag das doch deinem Lehrer."
Edward: "Das kann ich nicht, die Ausrede hab ich benutzt bevor wir 'nen Hund hatten."
Edward: "That's it. I've had it with that dog."
Harriette: "What happened?"
Edward: "Look what he did to my algebra homework!"
Harriette: "Tell your teacher your dog ate it."
Edward: "I can't, I used that excuse before we got the dog."
Harriette: "What happened?"
Edward: "Look what he did to my algebra homework!"
Harriette: "Tell your teacher your dog ate it."
Edward: "I can't, I used that excuse before we got the dog."
Edward Winslow in Alle unter einem Dach - Staffel 1 Episode 13
1Steve Urkel: "Hi Laura, my little sweet potata! Did you think of me while you guys were camping?"
Laura Winslow: "Yeah, every time I used the bug spray."
Laura Winslow: "Yeah, every time I used the bug spray."
Alles ist möglich, wenn du nur genug Mut dazu hast.
Anything is possible if you got enough nerve.
Das Leben geht weiter, auch wenn es humpelt
To me, the very definition of the word "broken" suggests that something can be fixed.
Elijah Mikaelson in The Originals - Staffel 1 Episode 8
15Judy Winslow: "Mom, when's dinner? We're starved."
Harriette: "Soon, baby. Your dad's runnin' late."
Laura: "Let's eat everything and see if he can take a joke!"
Harriette: "Soon, baby. Your dad's runnin' late."
Laura: "Let's eat everything and see if he can take a joke!"
Lt. Murtaugh: "They're sending in that Urkel kid."
Carl Winslow: "What? We've got cheerleaders taller than him."
Carl Winslow: "What? We've got cheerleaders taller than him."
Los Angeles finde ich faszinierend. Besonders mag ich die Autos.
L.A. is amazing for me. I especially like the amazing cars.
Bis du der Beste in "etwas" bist, musst du an "allem" arbeiten.
Until you're the best at something, you've always got to work on everything.