Zitate und Sprüche von Rhiannon Matthias

Zitate und Sprüche von Rhiannon Matthias

Rhiannon Matthias ist eine der wenigen Freundinnen, die Violet gleich zu Beginn kennenlernt. Sie hat eine Zwillingsschwester namen Raegan und wurde gemeinsam mit Violet in Dains Reiterstaffel aufgenommen.

He's hot. He has that whole boy-next-door-who-can-still-kick-your-ass vibe going for him.

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I can't lose you, Violet. I just... can't.
Und während ich möglicherweise nicht überleben werde, wenn ich hier bleibe, weiß ich nicht, ob ich mit mir selbst leben kann, wenn ich weggehe.
Violet Sorrengail: "Thank you for being my friend."
Liam Mairi: "It's been. My honor."
Während andere es eilig haben, sich vor mich zu stellen, steht er an meiner Seite, in dem Vertrauen, dass ich mich behaupten kann.
Killing you wouldn't be any trouble, Violence. It's leaving you alive that seems to cause the majority of my trouble.
Fascinating. You look all frail and breakable but you're really a violent little thing, aren't you?
Es existiert kein Ort, an dem ich dich nicht finden würde, Violence.
Hope is a fickle, dangerous thing. It steals your focus and aims it toward the possibilities instead of keeping it where it belongs - on the probabilities.
Lust and logic never seem to go hand in hand.
I love you. I'm in love with you. I have been since the night the snow fell in your hair and you kissed me for the first time. I'm grateful my life is tied to yours because it means I won't have to face a day without you in it. My heart only beats as long as yours does, and when you die, I'll meet Malek at your side.
Coming in last is better than coming in dead.
Ein Drache ohne seinen Reiter ist tragisch.
Ein Reiter ohne seinen Drachen ist tot.
Es braucht nur eine einzige verzweifelte Generation, um die Geschichte zu verändern.
I would rather lose this entire war than live without you, and if that means I have to prove myself over and over, then I'll do it. You gave me your heart, and I'm keeping it.
There is nothing more sacred than the Archives. Even temples can be rebuilt, but books cannot be rewritten.
Lügen sind tröstlich. Die Wahrheit ist schmerzhaft.
And strength of courage is more important than physical strength.
I am the sky and the power of every storm that has ever been. I am infinite.
There is no me without you.
You can't make me fall for you and then die.
I'm so wildly in love with you that I can't imagine what my life would even look like without you in it. And I probably shouldn't have said that, but if we're doing this, then we're starting from a place of complete honesty.

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