I soared above the song birds
And never heard them sing
I lived my life in winter
And then you brought the spring
And never heard them sing
I lived my life in winter
And then you brought the spring
War is a farmer's son from Kansas trying to kill a factory worker's son from Berlin, with neither of them knowing why.
I believe that God is carrying us whether we know it or not and is always present. I love what C.S. Lewis said - "You don't have a soul, you are a soul. You have a body."
I love writing. I've always been drawn to that and felt a particular joy in it - like the phrase in Chariots of Fire: "God made me fast and when I run I feel his pleasure." God gave me a love of writing and to do it I would feel God's pleasure.
I grew up a Baptist and went to seminary at Methodist school, Duke University, but I also don't worry too much about denominations. I love what John Wesley said - "If our hearts are together, let's not worry about whether our heads are together. If our hearts are together, then let's joins hands." So, I try to do that regardless of denominations.
I think that television lately has been extremely dark and, in some ways, cynical but I also think that people who are writing those shows probably feel exactly as I do - that sometimes the darkness of a story can highlight the light in a story. There's a lot of cynical stuff but I think it may be even more in movies now where you see so many movies about cynical and corrupted characters. That's the state of many movies right now but movies, television, all of culture, there's always going to be a battle between the stories that are cynical and stories that are hopeful.
I majored in religion for my entire undergraduate career at Duke University and then I went to seminary for a year unsure whether or not I really had the call to be a minister. I spoke with a pastor of my home church and told him I was going to seminary. He said "Do you feel the call to be a minister?" and I said "Honestly, I don't. I know it's the greatest call you could have but I'm not feeling that call myself. He said "Well, you know, you're wrong. It's not the greatest call. The greatest call is whatever calling God has for you."
Maybe the gift of any great person is the power to converse with our own hearts.
Storytelling is the greatest activity of any culture. Storytelling is how you build a family, how you pass along identity.
If I'm making a film and I'm not loving everything about it, then I know I've got to change something until I do.
Before I wrote the film I had never heard of William Wallace and his story seemed so romantic to me. I think he is an ancestor, I feel his blood in my veins. I can't prove it but then no one can disprove it.
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You think the people of this country exist to provide you with position. I think your position exists to provide those people with freedom.
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Und wenn Ihr dann in vielen Jahren sterbend in eurem Bett liegt, wärt Ihr dann nicht bereit, jede Stunde einzutauschen von heute bis auf jenen Tag, um ein Mal nur, ein einziges Mal nur, wieder hier stehen zu dürfen und unseren Feinden zuzurufen: Ja, sie mögen uns das Leben nehmen, aber niemals nehmen sie uns... UNSERE FREIHEIT!
William Wallace in Braveheart
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1Lt. Col. Hal Moore: "Besser Sie legen sich doch ne M-16 zu."
Sgt. Maj. Basil Plumley: "Wenn es soweit ist, dass ich eine brauche, werden genug davon am Boden liegen."
Sgt. Maj. Basil Plumley: "Wenn es soweit ist, dass ich eine brauche, werden genug davon am Boden liegen."
Sgt. Maj. Basil Plumley in Wir waren Helden
1Lt. Col. Hal Moore: "I'll never forgive myself."
Joe Galloway: "For what, sir?"
Lt. Col. Hal Moore: "That my men died and I didn't."
Joe Galloway: "For what, sir?"
Lt. Col. Hal Moore: "That my men died and I didn't."
Lt. Col. Hal Moore in Wir waren Helden
1Wenn sie nahe genug sind uns zu töten, sind wir auch nahe genug um sie zu töten.
Sgt. Maj. Basil Plumley in Wir waren Helden
1Manche hatten Angehörige, die auf sie warteten. Für andere waren die einzigen Angehörigen die, die neben ihnen geblutet hatten. Es gab keine Musik, keine Fahnen, keine Ehrengarde, die sie daheim begrüßten. Sie zogen in den Krieg, weil ihr Land es ihnen befohlen hatte. Aber am Ende kämpften sie weder für ihr Land, noch für ihre Fahne, sie kämpften füreinander.
Joe Galloway in Wir waren Helden
1Bringt alle um, die kommen und sie werden aufhören zu kommen.
Lt. Col. Nguyen Huu An in Wir waren Helden
I know that God has a plan for me, I just hope it's to help protect orphans, not make any.
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I can't promise you that I will bring you all home alive. But this I swear, before you and before Almighty God, that when we go into battle, I will be the first to set foot on the field, and I will be the last to step off, and I will leave no one behind. Dead or alive, we will all come home together. So help me, God.
Lt. Col. Hal Moore in Wir waren Helden
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"We wouldn't be there if they hadn't already beaten the French Army."
Maj. Gen. Henry Kinnard: "French Army? What's that?"
"We wouldn't be there if they hadn't already beaten the French Army."
Maj. Gen. Henry Kinnard: "French Army? What's that?"
Maj. Gen. Henry Kinnard in Wir waren Helden
Ich beende meine Karriere als ein Football Spieler, der an der University of Tennessee, bei den Colts und bei den Broncos gespielt hat und sich dafür sehr glücklich schätzt.
Hey baby, are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only ten I see.
Glück kann man nicht kaufen, aber einen Flug nach Tennessee - und das ist quasi das selbe.
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Evelyn: "It's your nose that hurts."
Rafe: "I think it's my heart."
Evelyn: "It's your nose that hurts."
Rafe: "I think it's my heart."
Rafe McCawley in Pearl Harbor
1That's what I want to come home to, that's what I want to have to think about and dream about. I wanna know that the best part of my life is still ahead of me.
Rafe McCawley in Pearl Harbor
1"Admiral, Sie sind ein Genie."
"Nein, ein Genie wüsste einen Weg, den Krieg zu vermeiden!"
"Nein, ein Genie wüsste einen Weg, den Krieg zu vermeiden!"
Admiral Yamamoto in Pearl Harbor
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"Nichts ist wahrscheinlicher", antwortete der Professor. Er nahm seine Brille von der Nase und putzte sie sorgfältig. Dabei murmelte er: "Ich frage mich wirklich, was sie ihnen eigentlich auf den Schulen beibringen."
"Nichts ist wahrscheinlicher", antwortete der Professor. Er nahm seine Brille von der Nase und putzte sie sorgfältig. Dabei murmelte er: "Ich frage mich wirklich, was sie ihnen eigentlich auf den Schulen beibringen."
C.S. Lewis in Die Chroniken von Narnia - Der König von Narnia
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Einen großen Krieger du suchst? Groß machen Kriege niemanden!
Eines Tages wirst du wieder alt genug sein, um Märchen zu lesen.
Friendship... is born at the moment when one man says to another 'What! You too? I thought that no one but myself...'
Wenn Sie deutsche Soldaten sehen, bekommen Sie keine Panik. Die sind hier, um zu helfen.
Donald Tusk (über deutsche Soldaten, die bei Polens Flutkatastrophe helfen) - September 2024