Zitate und Sprüche von und über Raygun

Zitate und Sprüche von und über Raygun

Rachael Louise Gunn (* 2. September 1987) ist eine australische Kulturanthropologin und Breakdancerin. Als solche tritt sie unter dem Künstlernamen Raygun an. Sie trat für Australien bei den Olympischen Sommerspielen 2024 in der Disziplin Breaking an, wo sie nicht über die erste Runde hinauskam. Teile ihrer Performance verbreiteten sich als Meme im Internet.

I really appreciate the positivity and I'm glad I was able to bring some joy into your lives. That's what I hoped. I didn't realise that would also open the door to so much hate which has, frankly, been pretty devastating.
August 2024
Don't be afraid to be different, go out there and represent yourself, you never know where that's gonna take you.
August 2024

Zitate und Sprüche über Rachael Gunn

I am sorry on behalf of most, if not close to all, of Australia at this point. I'm sorry about Raygun and that we broke dancing.
Ozzy Man Reviews - August 2024

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The fellas point to someone in the man-cave... oi! It's 50 Cent, or as we say down-under... half a buck. Why is he upside down? That looks uncomfortable as f*ck! He's a dedicated bloke, I don't think I could comment videos upside down.
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I do hope his pleasure pump is not like his stinger. If it falls off and he dies after this, that would be tragic.
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It's important to remember, you only live once. I don't say this to encourage risky fun behavior. I say this to discourage risky fun behavior.
Ozzy Man Reviews - Destination F Compilation (Volume 9)
The first time I tried that when I was a teenager, I broke me wrist. Yeah, nah, having a broken wrist when you're a horny teenager is f*cking devastating.
Ozzy Man Reviews - WTF Happened in February 2019
If not today, then when? If not tomorrow, then when? Just quit your job if you want to and fly away! This motivational video is not guaranteed to work, results vary from individual to individual.
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Every creature on earth is built like a supercar, we just don't know it, until we find the keys. Have you found your keys?
Ozzy Man Reviews - Inspiring Bugs
In order to get cheap accommodation in Australia, we like foreign people to do manual labour for us. Helping feed the cows is very important, they are the future of McDonald's.
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You're genetically designed to take down zebras, yet you're picking on a f*cking mongoose, mate. [..] The whole animal kingdom thinks you're a p*ssy!
Ozzy Man Reviews - Mongoose vs Lions
He's okay, it's beer o'clock at the pub for him aswell.
Ozzy Man Reviews - People F-cked Up By Bulls #2
I kinda wish I did that to the old sheilas who used to drink too much goon and get handsy at the footy club fundraisers. Those were demoralizing fundraisers.
Ozzy Man Reviews - Slimy Bloke
These f*cken legends don’t even bat an eyelid at the inconvenient timing. They are all about business, and the football is put aside. There could well be lives to save. There could well be a cat up a tree. There could well be a steamy calendar to shoot. No matter, they are in that truck and they are f*cken out of there!
Ozzy Man Reviews - Croatian Firefighter’s response to emergency alarm during world cup penalty shootout
He's f*cken done it. Destination Safe. No worries. That other truck was right up close hoping he would go over the cliff. He had a f*cken font-row seat.
Ozzy Man Reviews - Gutsy U-Turn
The fence is like, 'you think I'm intimidated by a f*ckin' bear?! I used to be a tree, I'm not scared of shit. I was part of the crew that took down Saruman.'
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If you're concious, you exist. Philosophy Science 101 motherf*ckers.
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Welcome to the Burning Man Festival 2015 in the middle of buttf*ck nowhere, a Mekka, a melting pot of STDs.
Ozzy Man Reviews - MEGA COMPILATION #4
Sure, Elon Musk is working on Tesla and SpaceX and going to Mars, but this is the f*cking shit we have really been waiting for.
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Shit, even our Prime Minister is calling our Cricket team cheats. F*ck's sake, Malcolm, f*ck's sake... oh, whatever - only thing he's good for is getting yelled at by Donald Trump.
Ozzy Man Reviews - Cricket Ball Tampering
I'm just gonna take a quick time-out to get a haircut. What have we got here? Oh, hello, this is my style. What a fair dinkum beautiful mullet. Imagine that flowing freely in the Montana wind. Yeah, nah, business at the front, party at the back.
Ozzy Man Reviews - Plays Far Cry 5
What's he doing now? He wants to blow up a Brush Turkey, classic American friend.
Ozzy Man Reviews - Plays Far Cry 5
You know life is rough, when a little girl in a pink dress calls you a shit c*nt.
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Look at that f*cking strength! Could The Rock do that? Can Vin Diesel do this? Na, no way, bunch of soft-cocks, I tell ya.
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Here we have Peter, he enjoys motor sports, drinking beer and playing with his pole in the evening. It's a typical fair dinkum bloke.
Ozzy Man Reviews - Manly Pole Dance
He's happy to sing you a lullaby and then break your f*cking face.
Ozzy Man Reviews - MEGA COMPILATION #3
You haven't experienced sheer terror until you've seen sheilas arm-wrestling.
Ozzy Man Reviews - MEGA COMPILATION #3
This position looks pretty comfy to be honest, less effort than doggy. I reckon we should all go out and try and give camel-style a crack tonight.
Ozzy Man Reviews - MEGA COMPILATION #3
The loud and obvious crack of your opponent's eye-socket should never get in the way of a comical celebration.
Ozzy Man Reviews - MEGA COMPILATION #3
Why can't he go home? Why can't he grab a kebab, down a glass of water and pass out on the couch with one shoe on, like a normal person?
Ozzy Man Reviews - Man vs. Truck
Schach ist ein ständiger Kampf zwischen meinem Verlangen, nicht zu verlieren und meinem Verlangen, nicht zu denken.
Ich würd an Hans Stelle jetzt den Fame nutzen und einen riesigen Outdoor-Schachklub aufmachen, wo jeder willkommen ist so wie er ist und spielen kann so wie er will. Das Niemannsland.
Jan Gustafsson - September 2022
Nach zwei Zügen aufzugeben kenn ich sonst nur vom Kiffen.
Jan Gustafsson - September 2022
Ich such ein Geburtstagsgeschenk für meine Tochter, vielleicht könnt ihr helfen:
Wie heißt dieses Barbie-Spielset, bei dem im Garten gegrillt wird? Kann es leider nirgends finden. Barbie Q?
Jan Gustafsson - Juni 2022
Achtung, wichtige Regeländerung!
"Springer am Rand bringt Kummer und Schand" heißt jetzt
"Am Rand steht ein Pferd, das ist gar nichts wert".
Jan Gustafsson - Mai 2022
Hab grad Dunkirk geguckt. War ok, aber hatte gedacht das ist ein Basketballfilm mit William Shatner.
Jan Gustafsson - Mai 2021
Wenn ihr mich fragt, ob ich 2021 neue Serien mit Superschurken sehen will, sag ich jo, gerne.
Wenn ihr mich fragt, ob ich nicht noch lieber einen alten Superschurken wiedersehen will, sag ich Jo Gerner.
Jan Gustafsson - Januar 2021
Weil ich es ständig gefragt werd:
- Ja, ich hab mir ein Lastenrad gekauft.
- Nein, es ist nicht geleast.
In english:
Last, but not least.
Jan Gustafsson - Dezember 2020
Ich steig jetzt schon auf G-Star um, keinen Bock nur noch schwarze Jeans zu tragen wenn bei Diesel die Farbverbote kommen.
Jan Gustafsson - Dezember 2020

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