Zitate und Sprüche von Princess Bubblegum

Zitate und Sprüche von Princess Bubblegum
People get built different. We don't need to figure it out, we just need to respect it.
Responsibility demands sacrifice.

Diese Zitate könnten dir auch gefallen

Suckin' at something is the first step to being sorta good at something.
Everything small is just a smaller version of something big.
You're letting your brain dial turn your fear volume up.
You don’t need a mirror to know you look good. You’re beautiful on the inside.
Girls is like horses - when you fall down, it's important that you get right back on again, on a different horse.
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If you get everything you want the minute you want it, what's the point of living?
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Homies help homies. Always.
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Wenn man alles verliert, ist man endlich frei.
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Uns definiert nicht, was wir verlieren. Sondern was wir überleben.
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1. ausschlafen
2. lange aufbleiben
Es gibt 7 Tage, aber nur einen, an dem beide Qualitäten überlappen: Der Samstag!
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