Zitate und Sprüche aus Pose

Zitate und Sprüche aus Pose

Tauche ein in die glamouröse Welt der Serie Pose und entdecke inspirierende Zitate und Sprüche aus der LGBTQ+-Community. Lass dich verzaubern!

You got a lot to hate yourself for, but needing help ain't one of them.
Blanca Rodriguez - Staffel 1 Episode 8
I am not gay, and I am certainly not sinful. What I am is a woman, Mother. Not your son, but your daughter.
Blanca Rodriguez - Staffel 1 Episode 1
We need to focus on bringing our best, not worrying about what anyone else is bringing.
Blanca Rodriguez - Staffel 1 Episode 8
Just because you have an idea does not mean you know how to properly execute it. Ideas are ingredients.
Elektra Abundance - Staffel 1 Episode 1
What is that on your lips? Oh, it's just your favorite lip gloss. Sperm.
Blanca Rodriguez - Staffel 1 Episode 5
Life comes for all of us. And it comes hardest for the ones who think they're above it all.
Blanca Rodriguez - Staffel 1 Episode 5
Trust gives people power over you.
Elektra Abundance - Staffel 1 Episode 8
A house is much more than a home. It's family. And every family needs a mother who is affirming, caring, loyal, and inspiring.
Pray Tell - Staffel 1 Episode 8
You may be a terrible mother, but that don't mean I can't be the loving daughter I want to be.
Blanca Rodriguez - Staffel 1 Episode 5
If you were to ever part from me, I would destroy you.
Elektra Abundance - Staffel 1 Episode 7
You're lucky I believe in second chances.
Elektra Abundance - Staffel 1 Episode 7
All we have left is right now.
Pray Tell - Staffel 1 Episode 6
They'll never know that feeling what it's like to love without worrying that you're gonna die, or worse yet, that you're gonna kill somebody. I don't know what's shittier having that freedom taken away or never having had it to begin with.
Pray Tell - Staffel 1 Episode 6
I've buried more friends in the last year than any of you can count! And when it's all over who knows how many of us will be left? So I don't need a bunch of immature 20-somethings, who just figured out how to wipe their own asses telling me how to act or feel! When y'all have walked a mile in my shoes, y'all come find me.
Pray Tell - Staffel 1 Episode 6

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Hier geht es nicht um Gut oder Böse, es geht um Macht - und wem es erlaubt ist, sie zu nutzen.

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