Zitate und Sprüche von Pariston Hill

Zitate und Sprüche von Pariston Hill

Entdecke die cleversten und intrigantesten Zitate von Pariston Hill aus Hunter × Hunter! Finde hier die besten Sprüche des manipulativen Charakters!

Normally, as people love and are loved, they feel happiness. When I am hated by people, that is when I feel happiness. And then I want to tear apart and inflict unimaginable harm to the things I love. But is that really all that strange, I wonder?

Diese Zitate könnten dir auch gefallen

Wenn ich einem Freund nicht helfe, dem ich eigentlich helfen könnte, ist es dann nicht das selbe wie Verrat?
Du solltest die kleinen Umwege genießen bis zum Ende. Weil du dort Sachen finden wirst, die wichtiger sind als das, was du willst.
In my next life, I want to be me, and meet you again.
The only principle is that there are no principles.
There are liars who only lie when there's a reason to, and there are liars who also lie without a reason.
I do not fear death. I fear only that my rage will fade over time.
I was trying to take the easy way out by running away from everything. No matter the pain, I will keep living. So when I die, I'll feel I did the best I could.
When I say it doesn't hurt me, that means I can bear it.
If you want to get to know someone, find out what makes them angry.
Love and hate are two sides of the same coin.
If you're willing to do whatever it takes, I won't hold back.
If you are lying it will be easy on my mind. I won't have to show you any mercy. I can defeat you without hesitation.
Qualification isn't something we have to talk about. The ones who are not okay with their success can go through training until they are.
There are two things that collectors always want. The first is an item of extreme rarity. The second is colleagues to whom they can brag about their collection.
A beast in human's clothing understands better than anyone how people want to be treated.
People only find me interesting because they can't tell whether I'm serious or not.
My greatest pleasure comes when such people buckle to their knees and I look down upon their disbelieving faces as their plan fail.
Right now, I'm letting you live. And I'll continue to keep you alive until you've grown enough to become worth killing.
You believe I cannot pray with a single arm? A prayer comes from the heart. If the heart achieves the correct form, it becomes emotions and can be manifested.
Human potential for evolution is limitless.
We are not desperate for help, we only seek the strong.
Hier geht es nicht um Gut oder Böse, es geht um Macht - und wem es erlaubt ist, sie zu nutzen.
Lip: "Hey, whoa. You really think they deserve your hard-earned money for that service?"
Frank: "Dine and dash?"
Lip: "Bite and bolt."
Frank: "Eat it and beat it?"
Shameless - Staffel 3 Episode 12
What can I say, once you go white, you always stay tight. Hey, I think I just insulted myself.
Kevin Ball in Shameless - Staffel 3 Episode 12

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