Zitate und Sprüche von Orm

Zitate und Sprüche von Orm

I think my assicle has fallen asleep.
The sea giveth and the sea taketh away. And this time the sea... tooketh... my sword.

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We've come so far technologically that we no longer know how anything works. Everyone sends ravens, but no one knows how it really works. If all the technology suddenly disappeared, we'd be pretty much left high and dry.
It's not about the size of the boat, but the motion of the ocean.
All we can do is just follow the sun. Since the sun always points south, we just have to trust it.
Nine out of ten concerns are completely unfounded.
You're just in time to be too late.
Keep your friends close and your enemies a little bit further away.
They say the first thing to go when you lose your hands is your fine motor skills.
There's no better feeling than doing backbreaking work for someone else without pay.
Where's that miserable slave who's responsible for my fireplace? It's freezing in here. I like it more temperate.
Look at me, I'm actually 18 years old but I look 40!
Wenn man alles verliert, ist man endlich frei.
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Uns definiert nicht, was wir verlieren. Sondern was wir überleben.
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Es gibt zwei Dinge, die einen Tag gut machen können:
1. ausschlafen
2. lange aufbleiben
Es gibt 7 Tage, aber nur einen, an dem beide Qualitäten überlappen: Der Samstag!
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