Sabine, look at the monsters we've become. At least you have flesh to hide your horror.
Valorant - zu Viper
I'm curious, rift walker. When you travel, can you feel the pieces you leave behind?
Valorant - zu Yoru
Phoenix: "Hey Omen I respect a guy who knits. That's pretty cute"
Omen: "It helps me focus! Oh, what do you care..."
Omen: "It helps me focus! Oh, what do you care..."
I will get inside their inventor's head. Even brilliant minds will break to madness.
Valorant - zu Killjoy
They died underneath our boots.
Skye the life weaver. The power to create, to destroy. Which path will you embrace, I wonder?
Valorant - zu Skye
I already feel their hope dying and we haven't even begun. This will not take long.
If I must live in this nightmare, my enemies might as well join me.
Pity the man who dies meaningless.
Their fear blinds them.
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Cypher your homemade gadgets are so cute, remind me of some of my works in kindergarten.
Phoenix: "I should have picked this game."
Cypher: "[playing chess] Winning requires sacrifice. Not really your style."
Cypher: "[playing chess] Winning requires sacrifice. Not really your style."
Na toll, jetzt schießt der tollpatschige Hund Feuerbälle aus seinen Pfoten.
Great, now the clumsy pup shoots fireballs out of his paws.
Skye in PAW Patrol - Der Mighty Kinofilm