Ich habe nie diesen Übergang von kleinem Mädchen zu junger Frau gemacht... das stört mich.
I never got to make that transition from little girl to young woman... and that really screws you up.
I don't think that my parents even imagined that I would be exposed to drugs. In those days, for some reason, it was not talked about, just like sex was not talked about.
My idols are Janis Joplin and Annie Lennox, who are neither of them from the typical pop culture.
I've had my share of doing things that I really wish I hadn't done.
I think foreign countries really do like it when American artists sing in their language. And when you go over there and say, 'Hi, how are you?' in their language, they love it. It makes them feel like you're doing it just for them. We in America take so much for granted.
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For years the Trio did nothing but play for musicians and other hip people. We practically starved to death.
I am an American citizen and feel I am entitled to the same rights as any other citizen.
I'm a musician at heart, I know I'm not really a singer. I couldn't compete with real singers. But I sing because the public buys it.
Das ist L.A. Die Leute hier beten alles an und würdigen nichts.
That's L.A. They worship everything and they value nothing.
Sebastian Wilder in La La Land
1Willkommen in einer Stadt, in der Menschen versuchen unterzutauchen, aber es nicht wirklich versuchen.
Welcome to a city where people trying to disappear aren't actually trying.
Joe Goldberg in You – Du wirst mich lieben - Staffel 2 Episode 2
1Ich habe für ein paar Monate in L.A. gewohnt. Es wirkt so als hätte niemand dort Eltern. Oder wenn sie welche haben, es nicht zugeben.
I lived in L.A. for a few months. It seemed like no one there had parents. Or if they did have parents, they would deny it.
Ich hatte andere Verpflichtungen. Zweimal täglich Therapie, das ist so L.A. von mir.
Lucifer Morningstar in Lucifer - Staffel 1 Episode 8
1Linda: "Warum Los Angeles?"
Lucifer: "Aus demselben Grund wie jeder andere: das Wetter, P*rnostars, mexikanisches Essen."
Lucifer: "Aus demselben Grund wie jeder andere: das Wetter, P*rnostars, mexikanisches Essen."
Linda: "Why did you decide to come to Los Angeles?"
Lucifer: "The same reason as everyone else: the weather, p*rnstars, Mexican food."
Lucifer: "The same reason as everyone else: the weather, p*rnstars, Mexican food."
Lucifer Morningstar in Lucifer - Staffel 1 Episode 3
1People here in Los Angeles are disgusted now about a sex scandal involving Arnold Schwarzenegger. Apparently for seven years, he carried on a sexual relationship with his own wife.
Los Angeles war die Art von Stadt in der jeder von von woanders kam und niemand wirklich bleiben wollte.
Los Angeles was the kind of place where everybody was from somewhere else and nobody really droppped anchor.
Michael Connelly in The Lincoln Lawyer - The Brass Verdict
Das Wetter in Los Angeles ist dem in Taiwan sehr ähnlich. Es gibt keine vier Jahreszeiten, so dass die Jahre unbemerkt vorüber ziehen können.
The L.A. weather is a lot like Taiwan's, where you don't observe four seasons, so the years can pass and you don't feel a thing.
California has officially announced that jaywalking is now no longer a crime. So congratulations to the Californians who like walking places. This is great news for the six of you.
Trevor Noah in The Daily Show - Oktober 2022
New Mexico. Das ist ein Bundesstaat im Südwesten. So ähnlich wie Kalifornien, aber weniger Verkehr.
New Mexico. It's another state. I mean, it's like California, just less traffic.
Lalo Salamanca in Better Call Saul - Staffel 6 Episode 5
Wir haben alle unsere kleinen Schwächen. Meine ist Kalifornien.
We all have our little faults. Mine's in California.
All creative people should be required to leave California for three months every year.
Helsinki ist vielleicht nicht ganz so kalt wie oft behauptet wird, aber Kalifornien ist deutlich schöner. Ich kann mich nicht daran erinnern, als ich letztes mal keine kurzen Hosen tragen konnte.
Helsinki may not be as cold as you make it out to be, but California is still a lot nicer. I don't remember the last time I couldn't walk around in shorts all day.
Die Einfachheit des Lebens in Kalifornien ist eine Illusion. Wenn Menschen, die hier Leben sie für echt halten, leben sie meist nur für kurze Zeit hier.
The apparent ease of California life is an illusion, and those who believe the illusion real live here in only the most temporary way.
Es scheint nicht immer nur die Sonne, Liebling, der Regen fällt auf den Gerechten genau wie auf den Ungerechten... außer in Kalifornien.
Things are tough all over, cupcake. An' it rains on the just an' the unjust alike... except in California.
Silk Spectre in Watchmen - Die Wächter
1Ich habe die Artikel im Life Magazin über freie Liebe und freies Dope in Kalifornien gelesen. Mit 20 habe ich mich nach Los Angeles aufgemacht.
I read the Life magazine articles about free love and free dope in California. At age 20 I drove to Los Angeles.
Auf der Bühne mache ich Liebe mit 25.000 verschiedenen Menschen, dann gehe ich allein nach Hause.
On stage, I make love to 25,000 different people, then I go home alone.
Texas ist okay wenn man sich zur Ruhe setzen und seine Sache machen will, aber es ist kein Ort für ausgelassene Menschen wie mich - und ich war immer ausgelassen.
Texas is OK if you want to settle down and do your own thing quietly, but it's not for outrageous people, and I was always outrageous.
Freiheit ist nur eine andere Bezeichnung für 'nichts mehr zu verlieren'.
Freedom's just another word for 'nothing left to lose'.
Janis Joplin - Me and Bobby McGee
1Humankind seems to have an enormous capacity for savagery, for brutality, for lack of empathy, for lack of compassion.
Having children, they're not your property. They need to figure out their own views. I think my daughters have a pretty healthy self-awareness, but I can't speak on their behalf.
Over the years, I was never really driven to become a solo artist, but I was curious to find out who I was as an individual creative person. It's taken some time, but now I feel I've truly paid my dues. I guess I'm at a point now where I'm more comfortable in my own skin.
I'm not a saint. I'm not an angel. I'm a human being.
Ask yourself: Have you been kind today? Make kindness your daily modus operandi and change your world.
Ich bin auch nur ein Mädchen, das vor einem Jungen steht und ihn bittet es zu lieben.
After all, I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.
Anna Scott in Notting Hill
22Sie war ein cleveres Mädchen, bis sie sich verliebte.
She was a smart girl, until she fell in love.